Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader pt. 3

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Later on after work, Elmo is walking in the interior parking lot, getting to his car. It has not been a good day for him. At all. Now, he's become the laughing stock of Quackerworks Inc. Since you came back from your two week vacation, you've been bitter towards him like he was towards you. It was like he was getting a taste of his own medicine. He was feeling like shit, now.

He suddenly hears stifled laughter and he looks over to see you, Lisa and Diana. Diana says, "Ooh girl. There he is. Numb nuts is in the damn parking lot." Lisa says, "He's getting what he deserves, to be honest."

Elmo says, "Ah, fuck you two." He looks away. You smirk and you say, "They don't want to, sweetie. Not with you." You smirk and they laugh. You say, "You guys wanna go to the mall with me?" Diana says, "Hell yeah, girl. I'm gettin' me some of them new pair of pants I've been wantin'."

Lisa says, "And get some Korean food while we're at it." You say, "Let's go." You get in your car and Lisa and Diana get in with you. You start it and you pull out of the parking spot. You look out at Elmo and you yell, "Later, asshole!" You drive off.

Elmo says, "God, it's like being in high school allover again. Only I'm being called asshole instead of freak. Well, she did call me one, earlier today. But that's beside the point." He gets in his car and he shuts the door. He says, "I'm going to a bar for some drinks. Fuck today." He starts his car and he gets out of his parking spot. He drives off.

(Time skip.)

The next day, it's 6pm. Elmo's getting off work for the day. He's driving to a bar again for a few drinks. He had yet again, another terrible day. More insults and abuse from you. His problem. Your amusement. You enjoy putting down the guy who's bullied you for over a year.

It was like you felt that power. Elmo on the other hand thinks the power is consuming you. Now he's blaming himself for the monster you have become. And truth be told, he himself is the super villain, Megavolt. Unbeknown to you.

But even he now thinks he went too far with making you the tyrant you're becoming. Like you're becoming a female Negaduck. Though you're nice to everyone else. Just not as your old self. Your sweet, soft sided self. As a more corrupt and sarcastic type. And in just two weeks.

Lisa and Diana were thrilled by your sudden insults towards Elmo. But now even those two seemed concerned for you. Like you're harboring a lot of crap. And you're hiding it by showing a sinister and seductive side. From sweet and warm hearted to corrupt and cold.

He gets to a bar. A pub actually. The Old Haunt is what it's called and it's in a bad neighborhood. He's in for a surprise when he gets in there. He parks right outside and he gets out of the car. He says, "Good. I'm here. I need to get my mind off of today."

He gets inside and there are a lot of criminals, hoodlums, etc. in that pub. They're all sitting down drinking, talking, etc. He hears giggling from women and he looks over. His eyes widen as he sees you, Diana and Lisa. He looks away and whispers, "Fuck." He hides his face.

A bigger bulldog guy looks at him and says, "Somethin' wrong, bub?" Elmo says, "I-it's fine. I just... Someone who hates me with a passion is here right now." The big guy looks over and says "Is it one of them girls over by the internet jukebox?" Elmo says, "Yes. The cute one. Don't be fooled. She works where I work and she's a major bitch. But it's my fault."

The big guy says, "Ey, bub. What did you do to her?" Elmo says, "I bullied her for over a year. Since she started at Quackerworks Inc where we work. She didn't look the way she does now. And she was a helluva lot nicer. I regret it, now. I'm a bad guy myself, but she's become a fucking evil woman."

The big guy says, "That's rough, bub. Get yourself a drink or more." Elmo says, "Trust me. I am. What's your name, by the way?" The guy says, "Dan. Hang in there, bub. Just don't look over at her." Elmo says, "I'll try not to." He walks up to the bar counter and he sits on a stool. He orders a drink and he drinks it.

You look over at the bar and you say, "Uh oh." You smirk and you say, "Hey guys. Look who's had a rough day." You grin. Lisa looks over and says, "Huh. He actually doesn't look too well." You say, "You think I give a fuck? Come on. He's mistreated me for over a year because I was deemed hideous to him. Unattractive. Now the guy wants me. But..." You stifle a laugh and you say, "He's not gonna have me." You and Diana laugh.

You look at Lisa and you say, "Come on, Lisa. Lighten up. You're not the one he insulted badly for over a year." She says, "No, but he stopped tormenting you." You sigh and you say, "He only did so because he thinks I'm hot as fuck now. To hell with this. I'm getting a drink."

You walk up to the bar and you see the bartender. Diana's smile fades and she says, "Girl's gettin' evil as shit." Lisa says, "I'm just worried about her is all." Diana says, "Yeah. Me too." The bartender says, "Hey, missy. Anything else?" You smirk and you say, "Just the same thing will do. Oh, and a shot of Rum Chata as well. Please?"

He stares at your breasts and he says, "S-sure thing, missy. Tell ya what. The shot is on the house." You say, "Awe. How kind of you." Elmo notices this and he growls and whispers, "Get your eyes off her, pal. Wait..." He looks away and says, "Why do I care? I shouldn't. She's horrible. Then again, so was I. Wow... I deserve to be pushed around."

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, Elmo is out. But he's dressed as his villainous self, Megavolt. He's with three more super villains. Quackerjack, Bushroot and Liquidator. Bushroot unlike the others doesn't speak. He just communicates through screeches or sign language. He's been that way since he became a half plant duck.

Quackerjack says, "So, you're working with a tyrant now, huh? Same woman you've been insulting at work?" Megavolt says, "I can't take it, guys. I may be a villain, but she's fucking evil. I made her that way... and I have to do something about it."

Liquidator smirks and says, "Feeling stressed at work? Have a female co-worker who's biting back and not stopping whatsoever? Try faking an accident or a suicide attempt. Guaranteed to make her feel remorse for you." Megavolt says, "So you mean to tell me that I should fake being hospitalized in order to get her to feel sorry for me?"

Bushroot nods and he signs, (It's probably the only way, Megavolt. If she was once sweet... she still has it in her.) Quackerjack says, "I say go for it. It's obvious you love her." Megavolt says, "You know what guys?" They look at him. Megavolt says, "Let's do it. I know where she lives, too." They all go over their plan for you to change your mind about how you are.

(Still not over.)

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