Fearsome Four x Single Mom Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

Recently, there's been a hurricane in the city of St. Canard and only partly Duckburg. You live in St. Canard. Half the city was flooded for a few days and you were all struggling to stay alive and protect your family and friends and each other. Duckburg got a bit of a storm and only a couple of small houses were destroyed, so they didn't get hit nearly  as bad as St. Canard did. 

Even super villains there in St. Canard are struggling to make it. That's how nearly devastating the storm is. And one of the villains there is made entirely out of water. Liquidator. But he had nothing to do with the storm. 

It wouldn't have been a problem for him, but he had to save a friend of his. Another fellow villain who's part plant. Bushroot. He found him lying on the ground near his now destroyed greenhouse with a big piece of glass from the greenhouse window piercing his side and he rushed him to the hospital. Luckily, Bushroot survived with a few stitches where he was pierced. Luckily, the majority of you survived the storm. Sadly, forty people were killed.

You're a survivor as well. You're a twenty seven year old (favorite animal) woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You're also a single mom of a two year old daughter named Amanda. You can't recall who her dad was. His real name, to be precise. But the little girl is a rodent like he is.

You're staying at a friend's house at the moment. Scratch that... You and Amanada are actually living with her. You lost your house to the storm. The entire first floor got ruined by the water. You were prepared though. 

You were prepared though. The only things you managed to save before the storm would happen were your daughter's stuff. Her clothes, a couple of stuffed toys, her socks, a pair of shoes, some snacks for her, beverages, pull-up training pants, etc. All in your bag. Only her stuff and not yours. You put her before anything else.

Bright side is, the power to St. Canard is back. You, Amanda and your friend Wanda Beakley are in the living room right now watching the news from her Roku channel. You've got Amanda sitting right by you with a sippy cup in her hand full of juice.

The mayor Mayor Zan Owlson is speaking live. She says, "After this devastating hurricane, I hope to all the citizens here in St. Canard the best. All we can do now is stay strong. Rest the souls of the forty we've lost recently. My heart goes to the families of our lost ones."

You say, "Poor Ms. Grogg." Wanda says, "Yeah. I know." Mayor Owlson says, "The good news is, the power in the city is back on and the community center is giving out free meals for everyone tonight. Whether or not we are heroes or villains, we all need to stick together. Things are tough right now, but we're doing all we can to help clean up our city once again after this devastating storm..." And so on.

Wanda looks at you and says, "What do you say, girl? Wanna go later?" You say, "Yeah. May as well. You may still have your house, but even grocery shopping for you is hard at the moment." Wanda says, "Yeah. Bright side is girl, you've got your baby. You stayed strong for her." 

You say, "I took the time I had to get HER stuff in my bag. Not mine. I wanted her to have what she needed." She says, "Maternal instincts. At least you did it for her. Who's her daddy by the way?" 

You sigh and you say, "Let's just say he's a major super villain in this city. I haven't bumped into him since that one night we ahem... 'got together' at the bar. It was in my car. Haven't met up with him since. But I got pregnant with Amanda and gave her my last name. It's because I'm not sure of HIS real name." 

She says, "Who knows? You might meet up with him again at the community center." You hear Amanda says, "Mommy. Cartoon." You say, "You wanna watch cartoons, baby?" She nods. You say, "Okay." Wanda says, "I'll put it on some cartoons for you, sweetie." She gets it on YouTube and finds Pinky and the Brain. Amanda sits there watching it and is fixated. 

You say, "I won't lie. I really want him to know he has a daughter. She's a rodent like he is." Wanda says, "Yeah. I know what you mean." Amanda laughs as she watches it. You smile and you say, "It's good to see her smiling and laughing after the things we've all been through, recently." Amanda looks at you and says, "Mommy. Our house?" 

You say, "I'm sorry baby. Our house is no longer livable." She puts her head down. You pick her up and you hug her saying, "Bright side is honey, I have you. We have each other. And Wanda let us live with her." She smiles and hugs you. Wanda smiles and says, "You're a good mom, (Y/N)." You say, "I try to be. She's all I have, family wise." You all watch Pinky and the Brain the rest of the time.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, you're all out. You and all the other citizens of St. Canard are at the community center. You're all being given out free meals and since most or all of you are in need of it after the devastating storm in St. Canard. Even villains are struggling. You see the Fearsome Four there and you recognize one of the ones you were with that one night a few years back.

You get your food and you, Wanda and Amanda try to find a place to sit. It's almost packed. But then you hear this, "You need a place to sit?" Sounded deeper. You look over to see four familiar super villains. Quackerjack, Liquidator, Megavolt and Bushroot. Bushroot's got the gauze around his stomach since he was injured and survived in the storm.

You say, "Yeah. Actually, we do." Megavolt looks at you and you look familiar to him. He says, "Good thing we have a few more empty seats here. Come over here." You, Amanda and Wanda walk over. You all sit down. Wanda says, "Thanks guys." Liquidator says, "Ten out of ten customers will agree that these are hard times right now. We do what we gotta do to make it."

Quackerjack downs his food as if he hadn't eaten for days. He says, "Man. That storm really did a number on all of us." Bushroot says, "Hey. If it wasn't for Liquidator, I could've possibly died." Liquidator says, "Reginald. You're my best friend. I wasn't gonna leave you to suffer."

Megavolt looks at you and says, "You look familiar." You say, "Yeah. You were with me that one night at the Old Haunt." He says, "Yeah. You're (Y/N) (L/N)." You nod. He says, "I see you're a mama, now." You say, "Yeah. My daughter. Amanda." 

The others see her and Bushroot says, "Awe. She's adorable." You say, "Thanks." Quackerjack says, "You know, Megavolt? That little girl has the same nose you do." Liquidator says, "Agreed. I see it, too." Bushroot says, "And you say you were with this woman one night?" 

Megavolt looks at you. You sigh and you look away. He says, "What?" You look at Amanda and you say, "Sit here and eat your food, baby. Mommy will be right back." She says, "Okay, mommy." Megavolt raises a brow. You look at him and you say, "You. Come with me real quick." He says, "Um. Okay." 

You and Megavolt get up. The others exchange looks and they look back at you guys. You and Megavolt walk off. You find an empty darkened hallway and you face him. He says, "What did you need to talk to me about?" You say, "About Amanda." He says, "Who? Your kid?" 

You say, "Yes." He says, "What about her?" You say, "That night with you a few years back... I got pregnant." He looks back and looks at you saying, "W-wait. You mean to tell me that your kid is also..." You say, "Yes. She's yours too, Megavolt. You're her daddy."

(To be continued...)

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