Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 4

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The next morning, Bushroot starts to wake up and he sits up. He groans and he puts his hand up to his head saying, "Ugh. God, my head hurts. What happened?... Oh, I remember now. Cutie knocked me out with a baseball bat." He rubs his head and he hisses a bit. He says, "That explains the little knot on my forehead." He looks around and finds himself in a room. He's on a bed.

The door opens and he hears this, "So, you're awake." He looks over and he sees you. He smirks saying, "Hey. You're the hot little thing who knocked me out.~" You say, "Quiet. I brought you some water." He chuckles and says, "Giving me water when I've been stalking you, recently?"

You say, "Shut up and take it." You hand it out to him and he takes it. You say, "Besides, you're part plant and need water, right? I have more humanity than that. Even if you are a perverted villainous creep who's been stalking and chasing women." He says, "Yeah... Thank you." He takes a drink of the water. You see the knot on his head from where you hit him.

You say, "You know you deserved that hit, right?" He puts the glass down from his beak and he looks at you. He says, "Hey come on. I can't help myself. You're a hot young woman. I stalk hot young women like you and Rhoda."

You sit in the chair next to the bed and you say, "Be lucky I didn't turn you over to the police. I kept you held here for a reason and a damn good reason." He smirks and says, "Yeah, baby? Admitting you want a plant god like me? That's what I practically am, baby. The god of all plant life. And I long for a companion like you.~" You say, "Don't press your luck. I need to talk to you." He looks at you.

You face him and you say, "Bushroot... Why are you such a perverted creep now, other than a super villain?" He says, "Why?" You nod and you say, "Yes. Why? Is there any real reason you got this way? Rhoda told me you weren't always like this."

He says, "Hey. Come on. I just decided to take that route in my life, recently. How many women does a mutated plant monster like myself get, anyways? What else should I do?" You say, "O... kay. Look. I know you have to be harboring something... Reginald." He looks at you.

You say, "You didn't choose the life of a thirsty, sick minded man just for the hell of it... You felt you had to. You were giving me some hints when you said what else should I do." He sighs and looks away. You say, "Bushroot?" 

He grins and he looks at you saying, "You knocked me out yourself, baby girl. Come on. Get on the bed." You yell, "Tell me why, Bushroot!" This startles him. You say, "Don't be stupid and just tell me why! Someone has to know the goddamn truth, Reggie!"

He suddenly gives in and yells, "Because I can't get anyone to love me for who I am!!" You look at him. He's got the angry and sad look on his face. He gets up and he stands up, facing you. But he's standing six feet away from you.

You say, "Reggie. Just say what you need to say. Rhoda told me herself you weren't always a bad guy. Let alone a perverted fiend." He sighs shakily and you raise a brow. He looks at you and he says, "All I ever wanted (Y/N)... was for someone to love me. That's all I want. And every goddamn person turned me down! Your cousin turned me down and outed me as a plant! Said it would never work out! Even before I was a mutant plant duck, I was struggling! My whole life, I had to put up with this crap!"

You say, "Go on. Vent, Reggie. Vent. Just fucking vent!" He says, "I can't even make myself a new plant wife or girlfriend without it failing. Everything I did resulted in a catastrophe, (Y/N). Girls told me they couldn't go out with me because I'm this plant freak. A shrub. So I resorted to chasing women. Even if they would be repulsed by the sight of me... I just couldn't stop myself. I started sneaking up behind women, grabbing their butts. Looking at their breasts. I'd watch porn once in a while. The only action I get is from doing just that. Watching stuff from P-Hub. You know how hard it is for me to get with someone, normally? Me! An abomination of a man! Nobody wants to date the freak of St. Canard!"

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