Liquidator x Classmate to Wife Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

It's the year 2002. You're a seventeen year old (favorite animal) girl named (Y/N) (L/N). You're not a very noticed girl in school. Not everyone really remembers you even being there. Like you don't exist or something. You're not very popular.

There is however this popular guy in your grade. He's a buff dog guy named Bud Flood. They call him Buddy. What nobody knows is that you hide something. You actually have a huge crush on Buddy. 

Everything about the guy made you smile. But did he notice you? Nah. Nobody really did except for your friend Tracy Wilfred. She's a duck girl with black hair, wears black clothes, etc. She's an artist. Loves to draw, paint, etc. But she's also got sort of an attitude towards her. But she likes you.

You're both in P.E. class, sitting at the top of the bleachers. Tracy is laying down and playing her Gameboy Advance. The game Yoshi's Island. You look down at the others playing sports and you say, "I just can't do it. I don't have what it takes to be as good as them."

Tracy says, "Meh. I don't want to play, anyways. Some of those girls are too stuck up. Like Violet Henderson. Talk about fake." You look down and you suddenly see Buddy getting up from the bleachers across from you and walking to the center floor. They throw the basketball to him and he catches it. He makes a signal to his friends and they grin.

You sigh and you say, "Buddy Flood." Tracy says, "Forget it, (Y/N). Flood's way out of your league. We're the only outcasts in school besides the D&D players." You say, "I like D&D, though." She says, "Yeah. Me too. I played as a dwarf one time." You say, "I remember that."

Buddy shoots a hoop and makes it. Guys and girls cheer for him. He hears giggling and he looks towards the bleachers the side he was sitting on. There are four popular girls and they say, "Hi, Buddy.~"

He smirks and he winks at them. One girl sighs and lays back, putting her hand on her heart. One of the girls is queen been Violet Henderson. She says, "Oh my god. He is so dreamy." One of her friends says, "I know, right?"

They look on the other side and they see you and Tracy. Their smiles fade and the girl who is Christie says, "Eww. Germs." Violet says, "Especially (Y/N). Poor thing doesn't have a chance with anyone. Plus, she's got that retarded sister living with her. And those clothes."

She shouts over, "Hey (Y/N)! The thrift store called and said they want their rags back!" She and Christie laugh. You growl and you look away. You're unaware of Buddy looking up at you. His friends are laughing, but he's not. There's something he's noticing about you. He sighs and he looks ahead. He continues playing basketball with his friends.

Tracy says, "Huh. He was actually looking up here." You say, "Huh?" You look down and you say, "He was?" She says, "Yeah. You looked away though after Violet's ridicule." You sigh and you say, "That's probably the only time he'll notice me. After hearing Violet's teasing towards me." You and Tracy talk the rest of the time.

(Time skip.)

Later on, you're by your locker. You're getting your books in there. It's almost time for you to go home, anyhow. Tracy's mom already came and got her. They had to go somewhere. Visit her grandma in the nursing home or something.

You close your locker and you hear this, "Hi, (Y/N)." You gasp and you look over. It's Buddy Flood. You feel your heart skipping a beat as you see him. You say, "H-hi, Buddy." He smirks and says, "Hey. Heading home?"

You say, "Kind of. I'm not in a huge hurry, though." He says, "Want me to walk you?" You blush and you say, "Um... S-sure, Buddy. You can." He grins and says, "Cool. I couldn't help but notice you in P.E. by the way. Didn't feel like playing basketball, huh?" You say, "I was never great with sports." He says, "Ah, you're good at something. Everyone is. Come on."

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