Horrible Co-Worker Elmo x Reader pt. 4

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The next day, you're back at work. You're still acting like your new confident self, but kind of what nobody expected. They were happy that you got confident, but now they're concerned by your behavior. You act more ornery than you do sweet like you were just two in a half weeks back.

Also, you haven't seen Elmo at work all day. You wondered why that was. But why should you care, anyways? He's done nothing but hurt you for over a whole year and you were getting back at him for it. Besides, it's because of him that you're a major bitch towards him. But you're in for a surprise once you leave work.

You're in the lounge with Lisa and Diana as you all talk and eat some snacks. You're all on break. You say, "Strange. I'm always seeing Elmo at work. All the better to mess with him." You smirk. You say, "I know. I'm horrible. I admit it. But that's what he gets for verbally abusing me for a whole goddamn year."

Diana says, "Right? Girl, you got it goin' now. Look at ya. Great body and all. Your ass lookin' fine. Supermodel type. You look like someone who would torment him, anyways." You say, "I used to not." Lisa says, "I just don't get why he bullied you in the first place. He himself was tormented really badly in high school. Mallard told me. They went to school together."

You hear this, "Hey guys." You look to see Drake Mallard. You smile and you say, "Hey, Drake. How's it going?" He says, "Pretty good. After I get off, I'm getting Gosalyn from school. I promised I'd take her to an arcade to play video games." You smile and you say, "Awe. That's sweet."

He says, "Strange. I haven't seen Sputterspark all day. He's usually at work more than I am and I'm practically here everyday I need to work." He shrugs. You say, "Honestly Drake. I could care less. You know he's pushed me."

He says, "Yeah. I know. I'm sorry he did that to you. But hey. You got back at him, right?" You say, "Yeah." Diana says, "You want some Cheez Its?" He says, "No thanks. Thanks anyway, Diana. I've eaten enough snack crackers for today." Lisa says, "Right?" He makes a cup of coffee and he says, "I'll just get a coffee." He sits down and he sips his java. You and your co-worker friends talk.

(Time skip.)

You get off work. It's 4pm. You're driving home and you park right outside your apartment complex. You get out of your car and you're about to walk to the building when you suddenly hear this, "Excuse me. Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" You look to see a duck man with a big beak, a suit on, etc. You're unaware of who he really is.

You say, "Yeah. I am. Hi." You smile. He says, "Um hey. Listen. There's something you need to know." You say, "Oh? What's that?" He says, "Do you happen to work with a man by the name Elmo Sputterspark?" You say, "Yeah. What about him? Make it quick. Not to sound rude to you."

He sighs and says, "Oh boy. How do I put this?" You raise a brow. He gives you a sad look and he says, "Miss. (L/N). Sputterspark is in the hospital." You turn away and you say, "Ha. That's a la..." But then you stop and you face the man. You say, "Wait... what?" You look at him.

He looks at you and says, "Apparently, Elmo had felt depressed lately. He's a friend of mine. He says work was horrible for him, recently. That a certain woman he's in love with had bullied him to depression." You don't like where this is going. You say, "W-what exactly are you getting to, sir?"

He says, "Oh, poor poor Elmo. He had overdosed on Prozac and downed it with beer." You're in shock. You're not saying anything. He says, "You heard me right. He's not gonna make it. He got himself pretty hard with the medication and booze. I'm sorry you had to hear this, Miss. (L/N)." You look away and you sigh.

He puts his head down and he says, "I better get going. I thought I'd inform you. Elmo's about to die." You turn away and you walk to your apartment. The man gets the suit off and he turns out to be... Quackerjack.

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