Adult to Baby Megavolt x Nanny Reader pt. 3

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Weeks go by. You and Elmo have been playing along with what you've got planned. Soon, you were going to let out your true colors to the Parkers. Then you would go and find this Youthinator so you can change Elmo back into an adult and he can be Megavolt once again.

You're at their mansion right now. They're out and you're putting clean sheets on the toddler bed Elmo's been sleeping on since he's been living there in his toddler body. He's with you. You say, "Really soon, sweetie... we'll have that money." He grins and says, "And I'll have YOU." You smile.

You get the bed made and you face Elmo. You say, "If I don't get the fortune, Elmo... at least I'll have you. My goal is to have the fortune AND the child. I'll have at least one of you. So correction, you'll be mine. And when you're an adult again... you'll really be mine.~" You smirk. He grins and says, "That's what I like to hear, baby. You're one in a million.~" You grin and you say, "So is this place."

You pick him up and you say, "What do you say about some lunch, huh big guy?~" He sighs and smiles saying, "I'd like that. I feel like I have a wife, already... or a mom since I'm a toddler right now." You say, "Don't worry. You'll have me as a wife really soon. We're both criminals, baby."

He says, "Once I'm myself, we can do some crimes together. Rob places, terrorize the citizens of St. Canard. The guys will like you. You know, Quackerjack. Bushroot. Liquidator." You say, "Yeah?" He says, "Yeah. Trust me, these three have been wanting a female criminal on our team lately."

You say, "You want me with you guys?" He says, "Sure baby. I know I sure do. Here's a catch for them though." You say, "Name it." He looks at you and says, "They can look all they want. Check you out... but they can't touch you or I'll electrocute them." He holds a finger up, making a little spark.

He says, "I've already got dibs on you, baby. You're my nanny, after all. Soon... my girl.~" You smile and you say, "Awe, Elmo.~" You kiss him on the cheek. He sighs and smiles saying, "That feels nice. Much better than that old bag kissing me. Nice to feel a smooth (lip/beak) on my cheek." You say, "Trust me. They've been good to me so far... all the better for me to fool them." He says, "I love you."

(Time skip.)

Two days later, you have finally let out your true colors. You've got a gun out at the Parkers right now. They've got their hands up. You've got Elmo in your arms. You say, "Alright, you two. I'm through playing around. You, Mr. Parker. Get downstairs and give me the money. Now." He says, "A-alright. You know what? It's a good thing we're retiring soon."

Turns out Elmo had shown his true side too. He says, "Just get it, bub!" He runs off. Leona says, "Please. Miss. (L/N). W-whatever happened to you in your past time dear, I'm sure it lead to this..."

You say, "Shut up. Tell you what, Leona. As an added bonus, why don't you go to your room and snag up some of your finest jewelry? After all... you won't be needing it anymore, right? I hardly see you wearing them, anyways." She says, "A-alright. Just... calm down and I'll get that." She runs off.

Elmo grins and says, "Ooh, I've waited for this day. Finally, you can get me the fuck out of here. I want back at my apartment with all of my electronic devices. My light bulbs. All of that. I miss them."

You kiss him on the cheek and you say, "Don't you worry, baby. You're gonna get that back. We'll find a bigger place of our own and you can afford all the electric appliances and stuff you want." He smiles and hugs you. You hold him close.

You get the money and the jewelry... and Elmo with success and you say, "Be lucky I won't be back. Besides, Elmo wasn't a child for quite sometime. He was turned into a toddler. Truth is... it's Megavolt. One of the most notorious super villains in all of St. Canard. Want proof? Show them, Elmo."

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