Negaduck x Sweet Turned Evil Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

You're a twenty eight year old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You're an employee in a diner and you do your job just fine. But let's just say that nobody at work treats you with any respect. They start rumors about you, laugh at you behind your back when they agree with you on something, call you names and then tell you it was just a joke, etc.

You unfortunately work in a toxic environment. The boss doesn't do anything to stop it, either. Much to your dismay. You thought she'd be different because she was nice to you for a while. But no. She's just as bad and only pities you.

Little do they realize though, you've gotten to the point where you've had enough. You started off as a nice lady. You would help anyone in need. You cared about others. But your co-workers have pushed you to the limit. Now all you want... is vengeance. Unbeknown to them, of course. They're in for a surprise.

You're at work in fact right now. You're cleaning off the tables and it's 8pm. The diner's closed. You suddenly hear someone hocking up a loogie and you see that spat on the table you're cleaning. You look to see your co-worker that hates you the most. Michelle Beaker. She's a duck girl with light brown hair pinned back. Glasses. Etc.

She grins and says, "Wipe THAT up while you're at it." You sigh and you walk off. She says, "Hey! I said clean that up, bitch! You wanna make people sick?!" You say, "Clean it up, yourself. It's your spit." She gasps. She growls and she marches over to you. She says, "You ungrateful bitch! This is why everyone hates you! You're the most pathetic, stupid, ugly piece of shit."

You say, "Fuck off, Michelle." She grabs you by the arm. You suddenly turn around and you land a punch to her face. She yelps and steps back, putting her hand up to her face. You hear this, "My god, (Y/N)! Why did you do that?!" You knew that voice from anywhere.

You turn to see another coworker of yours. Stacy. She says, "What the hell is wrong with you, bitch? Michelle never did anything to you." You say, "Oh fuck you, too. As a matter of fact, fuck all of you! You've pushed me far enough! I'm sorry I can't be as cool or as hot as the rest of you desperate attention seeking little bimbos! Tell the boss I quit... or don't. She'll figure it out herself. I'm out of here. Fuck all of you. End of story." You walk out of there. They're in shock.

The boss comes out and says, "What's all the commotion." Stacy sighs and says, "(Y/N) quit." The boss who is Ruth says, "Oh shit. Get back to work. I'll have a talk with all of you, tomorrow." She walks off.

The other girls get back to cleaning. Michelle says, "Psh. You think I give a shit about what (Y/N) thinks? She's still pathetic." Stacy says, "Um, Michelle. I'd think twice, now that I think about it. (Y/N) hasn't been acting the same, recently."

Michelle smirks and says, "Why? Did she eat some boogers? Ha ha!" Stacy says, "My god. You know what? I will agree with (Y/N) on something. You're a remorseless bitch with an ugly heart. You've turned (Y/N) into a villainous creep. YOU made her into a careless monster!"

She sighs and says, "Now I regret bullying her. You see what happens when you torment the nicest people, Michelle?! Do you?!!" Michelle jumps. Stacy says, "You create a monster!" Stacy couldn't be more right about you. You went from sweet, kind and caring... to evil, careless bitch.

(Time skip.)

You're walking down the street in the middle of St. Canard. You say, "Stupid coworkers. Stupid Michelle. Fuck the lot of them! I'll find a new fucking job!" You sigh and you say, "Fuck people. Nothing but a bunch of jerk offs."

In the alley lurks someone. He's a duck and he's got a red hat on, a yellow jacket, black mask, black and red cape, red scarf, etc. He chuckles and he says, "I feel like that girl's becoming bad. I saw her chewing out her coworkers through the window of Barky's Diner. I'm impressed. Girl's got some evil in her. I've been following her for sometime."

Darkwing Duck One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora