Creep Bushroot x Reader pt. 3

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Later on, you're asleep. It's dark in your room as you lay there in just your underwear and a t shirt with a picture of a llama on it. As you lay there on your bed, you're unaware of someone prying their way into your window. It's Bushroot.

He's prying his way in with a chisel that he found. He manages to get the window pried and he grins. He whispers, "Alright. Going in." He carefully and quietly pulls the window up and he crawls over the sill and into your room. He chuckles quietly and he whispers, "Here I am, my sweet.~" 

He walks over to see you in your sleeping form. He whispers, "Ooh. She's the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen some hot supermodels online. But this girl... Ooh. If only. Whether or not she has my consent... I'm going for it.~" He grins and crawls on the bed.

But as he crawls over you, he suddenly feels a hand around his neck and he gasps. He looks down and you open your eyes. He gasps again. You say, "Mind telling me what the fuck you're doing in my room? And how the fuck did you get inside?" He backs away and says, "I... Um..."

You sit up and you say, "You know what? That doesn't matter. I know who you are, anyhow. You're about to get yours coming. Better get the fuck out right now before I get my cousin Rhoda." He says, "I-I'm going. I... Wait. Rhoda? Rhoda Dendron?" 

You say, "Uh huh. She's mentioned you. But that doesn't matter at this moment. You better do yourself a favor and get the fuck out right now. I know you had to come in through my damn window."

He backs off the bed. He's shocked that a woman is finally trying to fight back. He says, "Y-yeah. I'm out. See ya." He leaves out of your window. You say, "Noob." You pull the covers over yourself and you fall back asleep.

As Bushroot walks off from yours and Rhoda's house, he looks back and he smirks saying, "Then again, I love feisty ones who fight back. Something tells me she's as perverted as I am. Ooh, she's the prettiest thing in the world.~" He walks off into the darkness.

(Time skip.)

The next morning, you're up. It's 10:22am. You're talking to Rhoda as she gets ready for work. Once again, you're sitting on her bed as she brushes her hair. You say, "Hey Rhoda. Guess what."

She says, "What?" You say, "I saw him." She looks back at you and says, "Who?" You say, "You know... the botanist dude you used to work with who was bullied and turned into a perverted plant villain."

She gasps and says, "When?!" You say, "Last night. He came in through my window." She says, "Oh my god! Did he do anything to you?" You say, "Nope. I got up and had my hand around his throat. Told him to get the fuck out. He left and I went back to bed."

She sighs with relief and says, "Good. You're so tough when it comes to that." You say, "I know I'm gonna be stumbling upon him again. As soon as he comes into my room, he's gonna fucking get it. I'm not as weak as he thought before I grabbed him by the neck. He backed away and left. I know he was about to do something with me."

Rhoda says, "I'm just glad you're okay. Just be careful and come to me whenever you feel like it." You say, "Yeah, okay. I'm just saying." She says, "I'll drive you to Jan's house if it'll make you feel more comfortable." You say, "Yeah. Okay." Rhoda gets done getting ready and you get up. You both grab your things and you head out. She drops you off at Jan's and she goes to work.

(Time skip.)

Later on at night, you're back at home. You're in your room and you're laying on your bed. Your lights are out. You're about to sleep and you know that Bushroot may come back into your room anytime. So you were prepared this time. You had something under your pillow.

You sit up and you turn around. You reach under the pillow and you have a wooden baseball bat under there. You say, "I'll club his ass when he gets in here. He won't expect it." You smirk and you put the pillow down. You lay down and you cover up. You close your eyes, pretending to sleep.

And sure enough, you can hear your window being pried open. You open one eye and you peek back. You smirk and you turn your head back to close your eyes. You whisper, "That's right, Bushroot. Just waltz right on in. I won't suspect a damn thing." You smirk. You wipe the smirk off your face and you do your fake sleep.

Right over at your window, Bushroot gets in and he sees you sleeping. He chuckles and quietly says, "Asleep again. This time... I've got an idea to stop her from trying to choke me again." You think to yourself, "Oh yeah? Just try, you perverted plant." You reach your hand under the pillow, acting like you're snuggling when you're gripping the bat under it.

Bushroot grins and he approaches your bed, slowly. He gets further enough distance to where you won't reach out and strangle him. He whispers, "Hello my dear.~" He touches your bed and you feel movement. You grip the bat tighter. He whispers, "Here I c..."

Suddenly, you get up and he gasps. You have the bat and you suddenly swing it and land a hit on him. He yelps and falls to the floor, unconscious. You get up and you turn your light on. You yell, "Rhoda!! I got him!!"

You hear footsteps running up and your door opens. There stands Rhoda. She says, "I heard you. Is something wr..." She gasps as she sees a familiar former colleague on the ground, unconscious. And a red mark on his forehead where you hit him.

You say, "I got him, Rhoda. I fucking got him." She says, "Call the police." You say, "Okay. I... Wait. I remember you telling me one time that this man went through hell before he became all of this." She says, "What about it?" You say, "Instead of getting him arrested, I'm confronting him. Somebody has to."

She sighs and says, "Well... okay. Keep him from getting away and ask him why he had turned to a life of a perverted man. He wasn't like this, before. I knew him before he became a criminal. And worse... before he became THIS. A creep who lives to stalk women. And now it's you he's after. Put him in the spare room and lock the windows. When he wakes up, go in there and confront him." You say, "Okay. I will."

(Still not over.)

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