Yandere Megavolt x Reader

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(Yes. Our villainous electric friend as a yandere. Enjoy.)

(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. 

You're a twenty six year old woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You're a (favorite animal) woman living in the city of St. Canard in a two bedroom apartment. You live alone, but you have the spare room for any guests or your friends to stay in whenever they needed a place to stay.

You live in the middle of the city, but your parents and younger two siblings live in the suburbs. You'll visit them once in a while when you get the chance or when you're off work. You work at a nursing home as the caterer. There are at least five nursing homes there and the one you work at is St. Canard's Senior Housing.

You're at home at the moment. You've just got off work and you're sitting on the couch in your living room. You turn your TV on and you get it on the News part. You get a recent clip from the mayor of St. Canard. The mayor who's an owl woman in her early forties named Zan Owlson. 

She says, "St. Canard. How do I put this? Four of the major super villains known as the Fearsome Four are on the loose from the St. Canard Penitentiary and are now roaming free to wreak havoc in this city. I suggest all of you to remain in your homes by 6pm until further notice. I repeat. The Fearsome Four are on the loose." 

You say, "Oh shit. I gotta call my family." You turn the TV off and you get your phone out of your purse. You swipe the screen on and you get to the contact part. You dial your mom's number and you sit and wait. 

You get this, "Hello? (Y/N)?" You say, "Mom. Did you guys get the news?" "Tyler turned the TV on and got on the news to see for himself, so yes." "I did the same thing. Mayor Owlson suggests we all remain indoors by 6pm. I'm coming to see you guys."

You stand up. Your mom says, "Be careful honey. The Fearsome Four could be out at any time." "Yeah. I know. I just wanna see how Tyler and Amara are, too." "I'll have your dad come and get you. I don't want you driving here by yourself." "Mom. I'll be fine. I'm a grown woman." "I don't care if you're sixty. You're still my baby. I'm sending your dad." 

You sigh and you say, "Alright." "Good. Think about this for one second, (Y/N). You're a young beautiful woman. The Fearsome Four are four grown men. Who knows what they could do to you?" "Oh come on. You can't assume they'd try THAT." "Just take precaution, honey. You never know of someone's intentions." "Good point. Alright. I'll see dad in just a bit and I'll see you guys when he drives me there." After talking to your mom, you hang up. You sit there and you watch some more TV. 

About ten minutes later, you hear a knock on the front door and you get up. You walk to the door and you open it. Sure enough, there's your dad. Leon is his name. You smile and you say, "Hi, dad." He says, "Hey, sweetheart. Let's get ready to go." You grab your purse and your phone and you head out with your dad.

(Time skip.)

Moments later, you're at your parents' house. You're in the living room. Sitting with you is your sixteen year old sister Amara and your thirteen year old brother Tyler. Tyler's one of those skater types. He wears band shirts, baggy pants, has spiky black hair, etc. Amara's a cheerleader in her school so she's the prissy, popular type. She can be mean, but not to you. She respects you.

You say, "I'm glad I could come see you guys. I guess you all saw the news too, huh? About the Fearsome Four." Amara says, "Ugh. This is so not cool. I was gonna see Billy this evening. Stupid villains gotta ruin things for me." 

You say, "I'm sure Billy's doing what the rest of us should do later on. Stay inside. You can at least skype him, right?" She says, "But we've had to social distance for over a year, already with the virus and wear masks everywhere we went. Why again?" You say, "Super villains with powers. Well, some of them. They may take over the entire city." 

She says, "True. Yet, Skype is about to be outdated in a couple of years, it's of good use still. I just need to talk to Billy Flood." Your dad says, "I appreciate you coming to see us, (Y/N). You know how your mom and I worry with you on your own." You say, "Yeah. I know." 

Tyler says, "I wanna see what the villains do, though. See what they're capable of." You say, "Possibly murder if you're not careful." Tyler says, "Cool. I'll stay here." You smile and you say, "Good." 

Amara's on her phone and she says, "Oh... my god. Julia says that a fight happened between one of the losers at school and my dear friend Katherine. And I wasn't there to see it." Tyler says, "Julia Thompson? The queen bee?" 

Amara says, "Yes. Her, Tyler. I hope Katherine won. I'm sure the loser was Patricia Doggett. I cannot stand her. Such ugly sweaters she wears, too." You say, "Be nice, Amara." She says, "Ugh. Fine. For your sake." You say, "Shit. I left my purse in dad's car." Your mom says, "Be careful, honey." You get up and you say, "I will, mom." 

You head outside and you walk to the car. You're unaware of a super villain dressed in yellow, has a red plugin helmet on his head, purple goggles, an outlet on his chest, battery on his back, etc. He's stealing Christmas lights from your neighbor's roof.

He says, "Don't you worry, my children. I'll save you from the yearly long servitude of this rooftop. I'm sure people like this keep you up all year round. It's only mid September." He hears a car door slamming and he looks over to the house next door and sees a woman by a car.

He gasps and he says, "Wh... who is she?" He gets down from the ladder and he tiptoes over. He ducks behind a bush and he peeks up. He watches as you walk to the front door. He whispers, "Oh, sweet Edison. That's the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my life. I wanna know who she is. I must find out. That woman has already struck my villainous heart." He watches as you head inside the house. 

He sighs and he smiles. He says, "We'll cross paths at some point. I'll find out who you are. What your name is. What you like." He takes off. He says, "New plan. When I see that girl, I'll be my civilian self. As Elmo Sputterspark. I'll find her and introduce myself to her. And when the time's right... make it to where she'll be just mine to have." He grins.

(To be continued...)

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