The Fearsome Four x Reader pt. 2

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The same plant man that was stalking you is walking off. He gets to a building and he goes inside. He's in there and he sees three more guys. One's a rodent with a red plug in helmet on his head, goggles, a yellow jumpsuit, outlet on his chest, battery on his back, etc.

Another is a jester like clown duck with a stuffed banana person in his hand. Another is a buff dog man made entirely out of water. They see him and the plant man sighs and leans against the wall. He smiles.

The electric rodent man who is Megavolt says, "Bushroot. Where the hell have you been?" Bushroot looks at them. The watery one who is Liquidator says, "See anything interesting, my friend? It's no doubt you have." Bushroot signs, (I've just seen the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.) The clown who is Quackerjack says, "What is it?" Bushroot signs, (Not what... Who.)

Megavolt says, "Is it a chick?" Bushroot nods. Liquidator says, "Who is she?" Bushroot shrugs. Quackerjack says, "Don't know her name yet, huh?" Bushroot shakes his head. He signs, (But I'm going back there. The trailer park two blocks away from here. There's this lovely (favorite animal) woman.)

Liquidator walks over to him and says, "Are you lonely? Are you in need of companionship, my friend?" Bushroot sighs and nods. Liquidator says, "Look no further. There is a single woman in that trailer park waiting for you. I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you're talking about. She works at Ductoria's Secret at the St. Canard mall."

Bushroot looks at him. Liquidator says, "Does she have (hair color) hair?" Bushroot nods. Liquidator grins and says, "Ah. I know who she is. She lives with four sisters in a trailer." Bushroot signs, (What's her name? Tell me.) Liquidator says, "(Y/N) (L/N)." 

Megavolt says, "Wait. So there are three more women living there?" Quackerjack chuckles and says, "Four of them and four of us." Bushroot looks at them and signs, (That (Y/N) is mine.) Megavolt says, "Alright, alright. Take the one you want, Bushroot."

Liquidator chuckles and says, "Gentlemen. New change in plan." They all look at him. Liquidator says, "We can rob the bank like we've planned. But when we leave, we'll lure the sisters out of their trailer home and we'll snatch them up. Guaranteed to make you happier or your money back. Then, Bushroot... You can have that (Y/N) all to yourself." Bushroot grins and nods. They all go over their plan.

(Time skip.)

You and Lanette get back home and you get out of the car. You've got the cheesecake in your hands and you say, "Alright. Let's get this inside." Lanette says, "Pss. (Y/N). Give me a piece." You say, "Wait until we get inside." She says, "Aw, come on. You're no fun." You say, "Yeah yeah. I know."

You and Lanette get inside and you see Jennifer and Terri walking over. Terri says, "Lanette paid for the shit, right? She's the one who ate my last damn piece of cheesecake." You say, "Yeah. She did." She says, "Good. (Y/N), you get the first piece." Lanette says, "Oh come on. I'm sorry, okay? It's a fucking cheesecake. Not a severed head of your family member."

You set the cheesecake down on the table and Jennifer walks to you saying, "See anyone come up to your ass?" You say, "No. Not this time." You sit down. She says, "Alright. That's cool." She sighs and she says, "We need some dick, yo. Just get some guys up in here and just fuck. You know? We need it." You blush and you say, "I don't know about that, Jen."

Jennifer says, "Oh come on, (Y/N). Your ass be dressin' like you want the D. Yet, you're actin' like you scared to even look at one. Alright, alright. Look. I get it. I know you were almost raped that one time and Terri saved your ass from it." She says that pointing to Terri. She looks at you and says, "I'm just sayin' yo. You need some motherfucker with you. Of all three of us, you're the prettiest one. You'd be gettin' the most."

You all sit down and you eat cheesecake. You say, "Hey, after you get off work Terri, you guys wanna go out? You know, for some drinks?" Jennifer says, "Hell to the fuck yeah I do." Lanette says, "Alright."

Terri says, "Alright. Will 10pm work?" You say, "Yeah. The Old Haunt." She says, "We'll be around you, (Y/N). If it's the Old Haunt we're planning on going to, the three of us are sticking with you. A lot of creepy guys are in that tavern."

Jennifer says, "Yo, Terri. I get it you're protectin' her and shit. But she a grown ass woman. You be keepin' her from wantin' to get the D. I say get the D, girl." She looks at you as she says that last part. You blush. Jennifer smirks and says, "Ooh. You thinkin' about it, girl. I know you are.~" You say, "C-cut it out, Jen."

Lanette and Jennifer both smirk and they do a little sign with their fingers where it looks dirty. You blush and you say, "S-stop that." Terri says, "Cut it the fuck out. Both of you." They smirk and they stop. Terri says, "I'm leaving for work before 1pm. I get off at 9pm. We'll all head for the Old Haunt, then."


Meanwhile, at an apartment building right upstairs in apartment 3A, Bushroot and Liquidator are up there. Bushroot could live on his own, but due to him being unable to speak, he has Liquidator living with him. The only sounds Bushroot can get out are screeches.

Liquidator is in the living room watching TV. Bushroot's in his room, on his laptop. His door is opened, but he's not too worried about it. It's not like he's looking up porn. He's typing in your name right now. He types in (Y/N) (L/N) and search. It shows about thirty different results. He types St. Canard in the search bar. One result. He smirks and he clicks the name.

There you are. He grins and he signs, (Ooh, you're so beautiful. Soon, baby... you'll be mine.) He runs a leafy finger down on your picture and he leans in. He has half lidded eyes and he kisses the screen. He looks right at your picture and he sighs and grins.

He hears this, "Aha." He lets out a screech and he backs away. His eyes widen as he looks over to see Liquidator standing there. The watery villain smirks and says, "You'll get her, my friend. Remember that we're going with our plan. You'll be introduced to that woman. Guaranteed to make you a happy man. Or your money back."

Bushroot sighs and signs, (I'll do anything to have her, Bud. Anything at all.) He looks at your picture. Liquidator says, "I know you will, Reginald. She is a keeper, isn't she?~" Bushroot looks at your picture as Liquidator says, "Once we snatch the girls... she's yours." Bushroot grins.

(Not over yet.)

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