Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 2

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A day passes. Elmo is at home. He lives in a two bedroom apartment above an electronic store. He's got an ankle bracelet on his left foot. He's bored, but he's thankful you got him out of jail. Only thing he's really gonna hate is that he can't leave his home to commit crimes. He has to just be home and go to work until his house arrest is up in four in a half months.

He's in his living room watching TV. He's got a bag of chips sitting by him as he sits there eating them and watching some weird ghost show because nothing good was on, anyways. He says, "This is as good as it gets. Never anything good on anymore. Not like it was when I was a kid. At least Duckalodeon had some good shows back then. Now it sucks." 

He suddenly hears a knock on his door and he looks over saying, "Who's that knocking on my door?" He gets up and says, "Better not be some bozo trying to sell me anything lame. Unless he's selling me an electronic device, then I'll be happy." He walks to the door and he opens it.

He's surprised to see YOU. You say, "Hey, Elmo." He says, "(Y-Y/N). Hey. How are you?" You say, "Good. I wanted to see how you're holding up. I got you something." He says, "Oh, you did huh?" You say, "Yeah. The judge told me you like Mexican food so I got some for you." You hold a bag up saying, "Right here." He smiles and says, "Awe. You shouldn't have." 

You say, "Welp. I did." He looks at you and he thinks to himself, "She's so cute.~" He says, "Come in." He lets you in and he shuts the door. You say, "Here you go." as you hand him the bag. He takes it and says, "Thanks." You say, "How are you? Besides you know... being on house arrest." 

He says, "Good. Thanks for having my back at court." You say, "No problem. There are a lot worst people out there. Just saying." He walks into the kitchen and you follow him. He says, "Hey, (Y/N). You can make yourself at home. I don't get company very much. Except three villains like myself." 

He sits at the table and so do you. You say, "You mean Liquidator, Quackerjack and Bushroot?" He says, "Yeah. Them. Mostly Quackerjack. Best friend." You say, "Hey, that's great dude. At least you have friends." 

He gets the food out of the bag and he opens the box. He grins and says, "Hey, alright. Enchaladas." You say, "Yeah man. I figured you might want that. Be lucky I didn't get any shrimp in your stuff." He says, "Thanks for not doing that. I'm allergic." You say, "Judge Andrews told me that, too. It's cool man. I am too. Very allergic to it." 

He says, "Um... sorry for bursting into your apartment the other day. But you know... I'm a super villain and was trying to get away from a superhero." You say, "Hey, it's cool. I thought I heard something that sounded like a portal." He says, "That was my electroportal gun that I used." 

You say, "Portal gun, huh? Like going through different dimensions and shit? Or pressing a button to a box to summon a blue guy for your favors? Or flying around in your ship and getting drunk?" He says, "Hey. That sounds a lot like Duck and Morty." You say, "Love it." He says, "Hey, alright. Good taste in TV shows. I love that show, too." 

He eats his food and you say, "I always thought you were pretty rad... Megavolt." He looks at you and he says, "You... have?" You say, "Yeah. I've seen you guys longer than you think. You know, with pulling heists or committing a crime." He says, "Are you a villain stalker?" You shrug and you say, "Maybe. It's interesting to see what goes down or not."

He eats his food and says, "Thanks for buying me food." You say, "Sure thing, Elmo. Did you happen to go through Ms. Haggy's apartment?" He says, "Who's Miss. Haggy?" You say, "Bigger chicken woman who was at the courthouse. My neighbor next door. Total bitch." He says, "You mean big old lady in the bathtub? Sight I wish I didn't have to see. Makes me wanna drink bleach." 

You smirk and you say, "Ooh. Savage." He says, "She sounds like one of those... what do you call them? Those entitled women." You say, "Karens." He says, "Yeah. She seems like one. I feel for you with her being your next door neighbor." You say, "She always complains about my music, but I could give a shit less. You don't like it, move three doors down from me bitch." 

Elmo grins and says, "Oh my god. You're amazing." You smirk and you say, "Yeah?" He says, "Yeah. Hey, I'm on house arrest and I can only be at home and at work, taking the same route from each place." You say, "What about it, Elmo?" He says, "Come by my place as much as possible. Please?" You say, "Okay. I'll do that." He sighs and smiles saying, "Awe, that's great." 

You say, "Wait. Hold on." He says, "What?" You say, "It just dawned on me. You have an ankle bracelet. The things run on electric and shock you. It wouldn't even effect you. You're Megavolt." He says, "Good thinking, but they've built water into this thing." You say, "Oh?" 

He says, "Yeah. This one's different. If I leave my route from home to work and work to home, a wire automatically wraps around my bottom leg. These little wirey feet will come out. You know like caterpillar feet." You nod. He says, "They'll cling to my bottom leg and water will come out and mess with my electric. Knock me out, briefly. It's like it shocks me with my own electricity. House arrest doesn't fuck around." 

You say, "I know. I've been on it, before." He looks at you. You say, "Yeah. I was one of those young and stupid teens. I shot a paintball gun from my bedroom window when I was living with my 'rents, still. It was on the second floor. I was sixteen. I ended up hitting a middle aged man and he called the cops. Asshole ordered the judge to put an ankle bracelet on me." 

He says, "What difference will it make if you're on house arrest? You did that shit in your home." You say, "My old man took the paintball gun away from me. It was my older brother's." He says, "Who's your brother?" You say, "Russel. He's two years older than me and owns a vape shop, now." 

You look around and you say, "So. You live alone too, huh?" He says, "Yeah... I have since I moved out on my own from my parents' house at eighteen. I'm thirty six." You say, "You look pretty good for your age." He blushes and he looks at you. 

You look at him and you say, "Too much?" He says, "N-no. I'm... I'm actually pretty fucking thrilled to hear that. From YOU." You smile. You and Elmo hang out a bit and you get to knowing each other more. You head home a couple hours later.

(Not over YEET!)

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