The Fearsome Four x Reader pt. 3

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Later on at night, Terri is home from work. You're all getting ready to head out to go to the Old Haunt to have a few drinks. Terri is wearing a red top with dark blue jeans. Lanette has on a black short sleeve shirt where it's cut at the shoulders and blue jeans.

Jennifer is wearing a green and white striped spaghetti strapped shirt, pink pants, etc. You're still wearing your white shirt where it's busty and the short black shorts. Terri says, "You guys ready to go?" You say, "I am." Jennifer says, "Let's bounce." You all head out.

You're all unaware that four super villains are lurking close by. They listen in and Terri says, "Alright. Once we get to the Old Haunt, the drinks are on me. I'm driving all of us back home afterwards." You all get in the car and you take off.

Liquidator says, "That's our next stop guys. The Old Haunt. Ten out of ten will agree that's the perfect spot to get to the girls." Megavolt says, "I like that duck chick in the green shirt." Bushroot sighs. Quackerjack says, "Let's go. Bushroot's 'patiently' waiting for his girl." They take off.

(Time skip.)

You and your sisters are all at the Old Haunt now. You're having a few drinks and there's music playing on the background. Guys are checking all of you out. You especially. You say, "I'm getting another one after this." Jennifer says, "Shit. Me too. What sucks is so far, we ain't seen any motherfucker we want up in this place." She drinks her drink.

Lanette says, "Chill guys. We'll find someone interesting." Terri says, "They better not lay a fucking hand on (Y/N) unless they have her consent." The Fearsome Four make it to the Old Haunt and they head inside. They look around. Then Bushroot spots you and he gasps.

Quackerjack says, "Did you find them?" Bushroot points over and they all look up at the bar counter to see you and your sisters. Liquidator smirks and says, "Be ready, gentlemen. We'll grab them as soon as they get up and walk over here." Bushroot smiles and signs, (And I'll have (Y/N) to myself.)

You get up and you say, "I gotta use the ladies room." They get up and Terri says, "We're coming with." They follow you and you all go into the womens bathroom. Quackerjack says, "Guess we'll wait until they come out." Megavolt says, "I got it. We'll go by the door and we'll wait for them to come out. Then... we snatch them." They grin.

Right in the bathroom, you're washing your hands and you're all talking a bit. You say, "Is there anything off with me?" Jennifer says, "The fuck you mean is somethin' off? It should be once you get with some motherfucker who wants your ass. You know, your clothes and shit."

Lanette says, "Hey. If he's funny as well, I'm down." Terri says, "Yeah. That or someone who's a bit on the arrogant side. But has once owned a company until something went wrong and he became some dangerous villain."

You say, "As long as one can bring you flowers or chocolate or tell you that you're beautiful, that's good enough for me. Give them good sex. You know? Let them know you're thankful.~" Jennifer says, "See? I'm tellin' you. Get a damn man. You'd be good at that shit."

You say, "Let's go back out there and get some more drinks." You all walk to the door, but as soon as you step out, you suddenly feel yourselves being snatched up and you yelp. You look to see a green man that looks to be a mutant plant duck. He's the one who picked you up and threw you over is shoulder. You just can't really see his face. You were grabbed too quickly unlike the other three.

Liquidator grabs Terri. Quackerjack grabs Lanette and Megavolt grabs Jennifer. She yells, "Ah uh! Y'all motherfuckers better be puttin' us down! I know you ain't plannin' on snatchin' us up like we a bunch of hoes!" Megavolt grins and says, "Ooh. I knew there was a reason I liked this one."

Liquidator says, "Alright fellas. Let's head out and get back to our headquarters. Operators are standing by. We must act now." They head out, taking you and your sisters. You're all kind of panicking a bit. They get in their vehicle and they bring you all in with them. Megavolt gets behind the wheel.

Jennifer is next to him and she says, "I know damn well you ain't even thinkin' about doing shit to us!" Megavolt grins and says, "Relax, doll. Only if you want me to.~" Bushroot grins and holds you close. You gasp. Terri says, "Get your hands off of her, plant man!" Liquidator holds her back and says, "Nah uh uh. That's my friend you're talking to." She says, "Yeah? Well that's my little fucking sister he's got."

You look over and you notice something about the plant man who snatched you up. You look at his face and you fear him less. Something about him kind of interested you. His pure white eyes. The vain going across his forehead, his purple foliage hair, etc. He looks at you.

You say, "What's your name?" Liquidator says, "That would be Bushroot. Reginald Bushroot. He doesn't speak. Just comes out with screeches." Megavolt says, "Be lucky if you know sign language."

Bushroot looks at you. You say, "I do." He smiles. Lanette says, "Let's be honest here. These are the most interesting guys we've all seen all fucking night." Quackerjack grins and says, "Hey. Nice." Megavolt starts the car and he drives off, taking all of you.

(Time skip.)

Moments later, you're all in an old warehouse near the bay. You and your sisters are all sitting in chairs in a circle. The Fearsome Four are standing behind you all to make sure you don't get away. Besides, at least two or three of them have powers. You found out. Bushroot has the power to control all plant life and Liquidator does with water. Megavolt has electric powers.

Megavolt says, "How long do you supposed we should keep the girls, huh?" Liquidator says, "As long as we want, Megavolt." Quackerjack says, "Yeah. That was our biggest plan, recently. Also for Bushroot here to get the girl he's been wanting."

You gasp and you blush. You look back at Bushroot. He looks away and he rubs the back of his head. Jennifer says, "Your ass be kidnappin' us. Now you wanna act like a shy boy? The hell, man? Come over and talk to her... or sign and shit. I know your ass be unable to speak, but just do somethin'."

Bushroot looks at you and he walks over. He walks around your chair and Terri says, "Don't try anything stupid, Bushroot. I nearly killed two men for trying to fucking touch her. She was lucky I was there." Bushroot ducks and he looks up at you.

He signs, (Just know this. I don't intend on hurting you. At all.) You say, "Go on." The others look at you and Bushroot. He signs, (I couldn't help it. I just had to have you near and meet you. Even if it was doing a little... abducting. But trust me, (Y/N)... I don't plan on harming you a bit.) You smile and you put your hand over your heart. He grins.

Jennifer smirks and says, "Mhm. Get it, girl." She chuckles and says, "Get that plant co..." Terri says, "Shut it, Jen." The others laugh a bit. You say, "You would kidnap me just to get to know me... Reginald?" He nods. He sighs and signs, (Please understand, (Y/N)? I'm a lonely man. Hardly any girls want me with me being a mutant plant monster.)

You look at him and you say, "I don't see a monster." He looks at you. You say, "Some people just can't see pass that... can they? I'm aware you're a plant... Doesn't matter to me, Reginald. We could go in another room and talk this over. Up to you.~" He perks up and he smirks. You smile. Jennifer, Lanette, Megavolt and Quackerjack smirk and they say, "Oooooh."

Jennifer smirks and says, "They gonna fuck up in this bitch.~" Quackerjack says, "Bow chicka wow wow." They laugh. You and Bushroot both blush. Liquidator and Terri both say, "Lay off them, would you?" They look at each other. You stand up and so does Bushroot. You hold your hand out and you say, "Come on." He smiles and he takes your hand. You lead him off elsewhere.

(Still not over.)

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