Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard x Babysitter Reader pt. 2

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Moments later, you and Gosalyn are watching TV and eating pizza. You say, "So, are the Muddlefoots your neighbors or what?" She says, "Yeah. Next door neighbors. Honker's my best friend." You say, "That's good. Sometimes a boy best friend is better than a girl best friend. Less drama."

She says, "Why did you move to St. Canard? I'm just wondering." You say, "Well sweetie. Long story short... I had to get away. Another supermodel. One I couldn't stand was stealing the manager's stuff and blamed me for it. And he believed her. So I was kicked out of modeling. But that's not all. My boyfriend cheated on me... with that bitch."

She says, "Wow. So you moved that far away to get away, huh?" You say, "Yeah. I didn't wanna put up with them, anymore. My parents cut me off from their will, too." She says, "What? Over that?" You say, "Yeah. Apparently, they were on her side."

Gosalyn says, "Psh. Some parents." You say, "I got a call from my mom, recently and guess what I did?" She says, "Answer her?" You say, "No. I let it go and I blocked her and my dad from social media as well. I don't want anything to do with them, either. Or... ever. Fuck them. Pardon my French." 

Gosalyn suddenly says, "Don't tell my dad I said this." You say, "What's up? Did you steal something?" She says, "No. It's Morgana. So correction... I know it." You say, "Oh? What about her? I sense something is off about her."

She says, "Did you notice that she wasn't with me or dad at Hamburger Hippo, yesterday?" You say, "I noticed. I just thought she could've been tired." She says, "Psh. Yeah... If you wanna call seeing some other guy tired." Your eyes widen and you say, "Oh... oh my god. She's cheating on him?"

She nods and says, "Morgana doesn't suspect that I know. I've seen her talking on the phone with him just last night when I was home. Dad went out to fi... to do something. So earlier today, I went to see who it was she's been seeing. I was shocked to find out. And I do mean shocked."

You say, "Who was it she was cheating with?" She says, "Megavolt. He's an electric powered super villain rat man. If you see a guy wearing goggles, a plug in helmet, a battery on his back, an outlet on his chest, a yellow jumpsuit... that's him."

You say, "Holy shit. And Drake doesn't know? He told me Morgana seemed kind of distant." She says, "Unfortunately not." You say, "He has to notice the red flag if she doesn't wanna go out with him much except for this date."

She says, "She'll leave that restaurant in a sec and find Megavolt. I know she will. So pardon MY French... but she's turned into a whore. She's not the mother figure I once looked up to, anymore. She's more like a demon lady sucking the life out of him."

You say, "Question. I won't tell anyone. But is your dad... Darkwing Duck?" She looks at you. You say, "I feel like he is. I've heard about him all the way back in California." She says, "Um... yeah."

You say, "I thought so. He mentioned Launchpad. Where is HE?" She says, "He moved out and went to live with his girlfriend. Her name's Rachel Wortman. She's cool. Launchpad will still go and help fight crime with Darkwing. Rachel supports him. Megavolt's one of his worst enemies."

You say, "Wow. And Morgana is cheating on Darkwing Duck with Megavolt, huh?" She says, "Yeah. I've suspected something was off, recently." You say, "You remind me of myself a little bit. You catch on to stuff pretty quickly."

She says, "Meh. My friend Honker's a lot smarter. School wise, too. Tank is different. He actually bullies Honker quite a bit. What's funny is Tank's afraid of me sometimes. I'll defend my friend." You say, "That's good. I had a lot of friends back in California. I was popular, even. But you know... that bitch ruined me, so I left and I'm never going back. So far, St. Canard's better."

She says, "Then stay in St. Canard. You might be better off, anyways." You say, "And luckily, my ex and I have no kids. So, thank god for that. N-not that I don't want kids. I do want some... but not from him." She says, "I gotcha. Let's watch TV. Oh, how about a horror movie? See what's on Netflix." You grin and you say, "Sure." You and Gosalyn eat pizza and you watch scary movies.


Meanwhile, Drake who is now Darkwing Duck and Morgana are on their little date at a sushi restaurant. She sighs and says, "I love dates like this, Dark. I wanna thank you for this." He smiles and says, "Anything for you, my nocturnal beauty." She says, "Awe, Dark. You say the nicest things."

He says, "I wonder how the babysitter's doing with Gosalyn." She says, "I'm sure they're fine, Dark darling. As long as that (Y/N)'s out of the house in less than five minutes after we get home and pay her, I'm happy."

He says, "Why do you suddenly hate her so much, Morgana? She didn't do anything to you." She says, "I just don't like to associate with girls like her. You did mention that she was a supermodel. She may steal you from me."

He says, "Awe. You don't have to worry about that Morgana. She's just watching Gosalyn while we're out. She offered to babysit." She says, "Alright. I'll take your word for it." She hears her phone vibrating and she has it under the table. She peeks under to see a text from Megavolt saying, "Hey, cutie. Ditch that purple caped duck and come get some real action." She hides a smirk.

She says, "Darkwing. Would you excuse me for a moment? I have to use the ladies room." She stands up and he says, "Take your time, sweetheart." She says, "Thanks, Dark. You're the greatest." She walks off.

She gets away from the table Darkwing's at and she peeks back. She smirks and whispers, "Sucker." She heads out the back and she leaves from the exit. She hears this, "Right here." She smiles and looks over to see Megavolt.

He grins and says, "I followed you two here. You did text me earlier saying that Darkwing was gonna take you to a sushi restaurant, right?" She says, "Yes. That I did." He says, "Hey. Come on. Let's go in this alley and make out." She giggles and says, "Sure. Okay." He takes her hand and they run off into the alley.

Unbeknown to them, you and Gosalyn happened to have left the house. She says, "They were going to a sushi restaurant. I don't wanna interrupt dad's date... much. But it's Morgana we gotta find. I have my phone to expose her." You say, "Let's do it. Drake needs to know about Morgana's infidelity."

You near the sushi restaurant and you hear giggling in the back of an alley. You say, "You hear that?" She says, "Hear what?" You say, "Shh." You both listen and you hear a raspy male voice saying, "Ooh man. You're good with that beak.~"

You hear a voice too similar to Morgana's saying, "You're a better kisser than Darkwing is.~" Gosalyn whispers, "That's them. Come on." You nod and you and Gosalyn sneak over. You peek in the alley and you see Megavolt and Morgana kissing each other. He's lifting her dress up to show her legs. You quietly gasp and you whisper, "Slut."

Gosalyn gets her phone out and she presses record. She records as much footage and she gets at least a minute of it. She stops it and she whispers, "Got it." You whisper, "Come on. Let's get back to the house. We've got the proof."

You and Gosalyn leave, but you end up bumping into a trash can and making a sound. You gasp and you whisper, "Fuck." You and Gosalyn run. Megavolt and Morgana pull away and he says, "You hear that?" Morgana says, "Probably just a cat knocking over a garbage can." He says, "Yeah. Probably."

They look at each other. He says, "Better get back to Darkwing before he suspects." Morgana says, "Don't worry, baby. He's so oblivious to what's going on." They kiss one more time and she walks off and heads back into the sushi restaurant.

She gets in the hallways in the bathroom as to not be suspicious. She comes walks out and gets to Darkwing Duck saying, "Sorry about that. I think one of the rolls made me nauseous." He says, "Oh gosh. Are you alright?" She smiles and says, "Perfect. Now... how about we enjoy the rest of our date?" He smiles and says, "You're the greatest, Morgana."

(Not over yet.)

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