Quackerjack x Former Fan Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

It starts off with you in the year 2002. You're a five year old (favorite animal) girl named (Y/N) (L/N). You live with your stepmom Tracy and your dad Huck. Your biological mother Meredith is a horrible mother. She didn't love you enough to wanna stay.

In fact, she left with a rich man. Your dad was angry. But he met a better woman. A lot nicer. Tracy. She loves you very much and wishes you were her own. She's even thinking about adopting you, soon.

Right now, you're watching TV. You're watching Spongebob. You liked that show. What you were really waiting for was a commercial for Quackerjack Toys. Quackerjack was your favorite toy company owner of all time. You own a majority of toys made by him. Dolls, a doll house with it, some sock monkeys, a little piano, silly putty, teddy bears, etc.

Sure enough, it cuts to commercial break and you see Quackerjack. He says, "Hey kids!" You say, "Hi, Quackerjack!" along with the kids on TV. He says, "I've got a new toy in line. Would you all like to know what it is?" You gasp and you sit close to the TV.

Quackerjack says, "That's right. I've made the all new Bobo the Bunny." You gasp and you smile as he shows it. Your stepmom comes walking in and she sees this. She smiles, knowing you're a huge fan of Quackerjack Toys and Quackerjack, himself.

You say, "Oh, how I'd like that bunny." You hear this from Tracy, "You shall get it, kid." You look over and you see Tracy. You smile and you say, "Hi, Tracy." She says, "Hi, sweetheart. I see you're interested in that new stuffed bunny." You smile and you nod saying, "Uh huh."

You look at the TV. Quackerjack says, "Come to Quackerjack Toys and get your Bobo the Bunny, today..." and so on. You stand up and you jump up and down saying, "Bobo! Bobo!" Tracy says, "Let me grab your dad and we'll head for the toy store, okay honey?" You say, "Yaaay!" She walks off. She comes back with your dad.

He looks like he had just woken up from a nap. He yawns and says, "A-alright. We'll go to Quackerjack Toys and get (Y/N) that new Boko the Bunny." You say, "Bobo, daddy. Bobo." He says, "Right right. Alright, honey. Get your shoes on. We're going." You say, "Yaaay!" You get your shoes on. You all head out.

(Time skip.)

Two days later, you're at home. Tracy is with you. You're watching Quackerjack on TV. You've got your Bobo the Bunny in your arms as you watch your favorite clown duck man on TV. Quackerjack says, "Guess what, kids? I've got something to share with all of you..." You listen.

He says, "I am now available for children's parties! Have your own party clown at your house for your birthday! He he he!" You gasp and you say, "At parties?" You look at Tracy and you say, "Quackerjack's gonna be at children's parties, Tracy." Tracy thinks of something and she thinks, "Hmm... (Y/N)'s sixth birthday is coming up." She smirks as she hatches an idea.

(Time skip.)

A few days go by. Today is your birthday and you're having a party in your backyard. You've just turned six years old today. You've got your little friends at your house. You've got cake, some presents, there are decorations everywhere, etc. Your dad and Tracy have a big surprise for you. One they know you'll never forget.

As the party goes on and you're talking to your friend Lulu Beaksman, your dad says, "Everyone. Everyone, eyes up here please." You all quiet down and you look at your dad. He says, "Now, Tracy and I have planned something very special for our little (Y/N)." Tracy says, "That's right. I guess you could say that this will be the greatest present our daughter has ever received."

Everyone including you, claps. A boy named Eric Chancelor says, "What is it?! What is it?!" Tracy says, "We'll just have to find out now, won't we Eric?" She and your dad walk over to a curtain and you all look over. Your dad says, "Boys and girls. Especially my little (Y/N). Here it is! Or HE is!"

They pull the curtains apart and you all gasp. You gasp and you smile. There was your idol. Your favorite toy maker, Quackerjack. In the flesh. You yell, "Quackerjack!" You run over. The kids all say, "Yaaay!"

Quackerjack grins and says, "Hey hey, kids! It is I. Quackerjack!" You all cheer. He says, "I hear there's a special little girl who's birthday is today. Who is the lucky kid, huh?" You raise your hand and you say, "Me! I am." He smiles and says, "Ahh... So you're little (Y/N) (L/N), huh?" You say, "Yes I am. I'm a really big fan of yours, Quackerjack. I have a lot of your toys including Bobo the Bunny."

He says, "Ah, now splendid. Well, (Y/N). Would you like to see a trick? Would all of you like to see?" You all cheer. Quackerjack shows you guys some tricks and you all cheer. Your dad and stepmom smile at you enjoying your party.

After all of this, you walk up to Quackerjack and he looks down at you. He smiles and says, "I hope you're having a marvelous time, (Y/N)." You say, "I am. I am more now that you're here." He grins and says, "Hey. That's great. It's great to have kids look up to me like I'm their role model. Like I'm the greatest thing."

You say, "But you are, Quackerjack. I love you. You're my favorite toymaker." He ducks down and he says, "Can I count on you to be the next to entertain kids at parties, one day?" You smile and you say, "I sure can." He says, "Great! There's a special toy waiting just for you. Right in the pile of gifts."

You hug him and you say, "You're the greatest gift here. That's what I like the most." He sighs and smiles, hugging you back saying, "Ah, that's great kid. Happy birthday to you." Tracy says, "Awe, dear. Look at that. That's so cute. She meets her idol." Your dad says, "I know. What could possibly go wrong?" 

(Time skip.)

Five years go by. It's 2007 now. You're eleven years old and you're watching TV. You still loved Quackerjack. Part of you had even started to have a little crush on him. He would even come to your house often to visit you.

You'd watch TV. Play some games. He'd make little balloon animals for you and you'd both laugh together. You're about to watch a movie on TV when suddenly, the news comes on. You say, "Ugh. Hey, come on."

The anchor says, "This just in. We've received news that St. Canard's famous toymaker Quackerjack is out of the toy business." You gasp and you say, "What? No!" The second anchor says, "But that's not all. The toymaker had gone mad and lashed out on those who shut down his business. He has been replaced by the video game character known as Whiffle Boy."

You say, "No no no! This can't be! Not Quackerjack!" Your stepmother, now adoptive mom Tracy walks in and says, "Honey. Is something wrong?" You say, "Mom. Quackerjack's toy company went out of business. They said it!" She says, "Beg pardon?" You both look at the TV.

It suddenly shows footage of people on the floor being held hostage. The perpetrator.... your so called idol, Quackerjack. You gasp and you say, "Q-Quackerjack... No." Tracy puts her hands on your shoulders and sighs. She says, "I can't believe it. And he was such a good friend to you, too." You look to see Quackerjack laughing while holding a weapon.

He's got a bag full of money and he says, "Playtime's over, friends! No more will Quackerjack be the good old clown kids have seen!" Your (lip/beak) quivers and you suddenly snap. You pick up one of your dad's shoes and you throw it at the TV.

Tracy gasps and she watches as you storm off and head upstairs. She has her hands up to her mouth. You have never been this angry and upset in your life. Your idol. Your favorite toymaker had turned into a villain. And you've witnessed it on TV.

You get in your room and you slam the door behind you. You growl and you yell, "Quackerjack! You're no longer my favorite! I hate you! I hate you so much! Why? Just... why?" Your (lip/beak) quivers and tears come down your face. You sit on the floor and you sob.

(To be continued...)

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