Liquidator x Gosalyn's Dirty Friend Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name.

(Note: Gosalyn's older in this, so I can assure you her friend or in this case you are, too. I'm aware I make a lot of one shots that involve the Fearsome Five... or Four. But they're my favorite DD villains. Anywho...)

You're an eighteen year old girl named (Y/N) (L/N). You're a (favorite animal) girl who lives in the suburbs of St. Canard with your single mother Lenore. She's divorced, but you'll see your dad every so often. Your best friend is a duck girl your age named Gosalyn Mallard. She lives with her adoptive dad, Drake Mallard and his wife of two years, Morgana Macawber, now Mallard.

They've got a biological daughter of their own now too, so Gosalyn has a seven year old sister named Charlotte. Morgana had adopted Gosalyn a few years back too, so now she's her mother like Drake is her father.

Right now, you and Gosalyn are walking down the sidewalk after school. You're both seniors in high school and you've only got a month in a half to go for graduation. She says, "What do you wanna do, (Y/N)? Want to get some pizza?"

You say, "Yeah. Let's do that. I could go for cheese sticks, too. Yum." Gosalyn says, "Cool. Let's go. I'll call my dad to let him know we went to Charley's." You say, "Okay." You continue walking and you get to Charley's Pizza Palace.

You get inside and around are kids playing arcade games, eating pizza, etc. You're both greeted by the waiter. He's a goose guy. He smiles and says, "Hi. Welcome to Charley's. Follow me and I'll lead you to your seats, ladies."

You and Gosalyn smile. You say, "Thank you." He turns around and you smirk and whisper, "He has a nice ass.~" Gosalyn's eyes widen and she looks at you whispering, "Really, (Y/N)? You're gonna go there?"

You grin and you mumble, "Just saying." You follow the guy to your seat and he sits you in a booth. He says, "Anything to drink for you two?" You and Gosalyn tell him and he says, "Very cool. I'll be back." He walks off.

Gosalyn is texting her dad Drake and she types, "(Y/N) and I are at Charley's getting pizza." She sends it. She gets this, "Alright. Don't be out too late, okay?" "I won't. How's Charlotte?" "She's fine. Your mom went to get her from school." "Alright. See you later, dad." "Alright. As a matter of fact, I think I'm coming there. Morgana and Charlotte both want pizza, now. Charlotte's looking at my text." "Ha ha. Okay. See you guys then."

You look over at the arcade games and you say, "The only thing that pisses my dad off is that I love playing video games." Gosalyn says, "Jeez. What century is he in?" You say, "Apparently, a decade where they didn't have video games, yet. Street Fighter is awesome. Also, when I'm staying over at my dad's place, he's usually out doing something, but he returns later on. Like around two in the morning. Sometimes sooner than that. I don't get it."

Gosalyn says, "Maybe a night job?" You shrug and you say, "Maybe. Hope it's not a strip club. Not him doing any of THAT. I mean as in working there as someone who runs the place. Or one of the janitors there." Gosalyn says, "I couldn't even imagine anyone having their own parents work in a strip club. As the stripper." You stifle a laugh and you say, "Right?"

You see the waiter and he says, "Here you are, ladies." You get your drinks and you thank him. He says, "What will it be?" You and Gosalyn tell him what pizza you want and some cheese sticks.

He smiles and says, "Alright. Awesome. I'll be back when the pizza's hot and ready." He walks off. You smirk and you say, "I could go for someone who's hot and ready.~" Gosalyn rolls her eyes and says, "Only you among my friends, (Y/N)." You grin.

A few minutes go by and Drake, Morgana and Charlotte show up. They're seated right across from you guys. They get their sodas and stuff and they face you guys. Charlotte says, "Hey sis. Guess what?" Gosalyn says, "What, Char?" Charlotte grins and says, "I just finished watching all the episodes of Duck and Morty." Gosalyn says, "I knew you would." You say, "I love that show."

Drake says, "She's not lying. She was binge watching that. She has plush dolls of all the characters, including those blue ones. What are they again?" Charlotte says, "Mr. Meesqueaks!" She grins. Morgana says, "Alright. I admit. I bought her half of those."

You hear this, "Everyone run!" You look over and you say, "Huh?" Gosalyn looks over and so do Drake, Morgana and Charlotte. Gosalyn gasps and says, "It's them!" You say, "Who?" Drake gasps and whispers, "The Fearsome Four." He says, "Will you all excuse me for a moment?" He gets up and walks off.

You see four major super villains. One of them looked almost familiar to you, though. The clown duck. Too familiar. Almost reminds you of your dad. The one in the yellow jumpsuit and battery on his back yells, "Don't anyone move! We're taking over!"

You hear the clown yelling, "It's playtime!" You whisper, "That one sounds a lot like my dad." It dawns on Gosalyn and she gasps. Now she realizes something about Quackerjack after you said that. Little are you aware.

The Fearsome Four suddenly hear this, "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" They look around. They hear this, "I am the splinter you have difficulty removing!" Smoke appears and it fades. There stands a purple clad duck and he says, "I am Darkwing Duck!" Bushroot screeches as if he'd be saying 'Oh no.'

As you watch Darkwing Duck face the Fearsome Four, something about the one made entirely out of water gets your attention. The Liquidator. You say, "Ooh... I never noticed that about the one made entirely out of water. Damn.~" Gosalyn looks at you and says, "What are you talking about?" You bite your bottom (lip/beak) and you smirk and say, "He's so... buff.~" She says, "Oh brother."

You watch and you hear Liquidator saying, "Are you stressed? Tired of dealing with pesky superheroes? Why not wash them away, Liquidator style?... Or your money back." He punches down Darkwing. You sigh and you smirk whispering, "Holy shit. I'm not like against super heroes or anything, but that is hot. HE'S hot.~" You grin. Morgana's holding Charlotte close.

By the end of the fight, Darkwing Duck wins and the police come and take the Fearsome Four. You say, "Mm. Too bad. I was enjoying that. The watery dog guy, especially.~" Gosalyn looks at you and says, "What is your deal, woman? That's Liquidator. He's a super villain." You smirk and you say, "I know. Doesn't matter to me." You grin and you whisper, "I'm starting to lust over him.~"

(To be continued...)

Darkwing Duck One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें