Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 3

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A week passes. You'll go to Megavolt aka Elmo's place everyday after work. You work at Duck Topic at the St. Canard Mall. Elmo's at work right now. Since work and his house are the only places he can go with him being on house arrest. 

His coworker and cubicle 'BUDDY' Drake Mallard noticed the ankle bracelet last week and smirked at the thought. He thought, "Mhm. That's what he gets. He's lucky that (Y/N) woman let him off with house arrest." 

He's typing something on his computer as he sits in his cubicle. He suddenly thinks about you and he imagines something kind of dirty. He's imagining you sitting on his bed in a black bra and underwear with pink skulls or something on them since you're a goth. 

He's picturing you saying, "Come here, you electric filled stud. Show me what you can do with that long thick... 'cord' of yours. Light up my night.~" He pictures you moving your hand down your body. He smirks at the thought and he whispers to himself, "I fucking wish.~" 

He suddenly hears this, "Guys!! Hey!!" Elmo raises a brow and looks out in the aisle. Drake does too. So does everyone else in their cubicle. One of the managers' assistant's who's a gander man says this, "Guys! Sorry to bother all of you, but I just received news that the Mayfield Apartments went up in flames." Elmo hears this and says, "Huh. That's nothing I... Wait... Mayfield?" Drake says, "Yep. That's what he said." 

Elmo's eyes widen and he says, "Crap! (Y/N) lives in those apartments!" Everyone looks at him but he doesn't care. He's just worried about YOU at the moment. A woman who's a coworker and a sparrow asks, "Hey Elmo. You okay?" He says, "Oh my god. I..." He gets up and he runs off. Drake raises a brow.

The gander guy yells, "Elmo! It's alright, man! Everyone made it out just fine! Ten people ended up with a few cuts and bruises, but they're alive!" Elmo runs to the manager's office and he knocks a bit out of panic. He hears this, "Come in." He opens the door and sees the manager. Miss. Ellen Greeves who's a sloth woman. He says, "Ellen. I need my phone." 

She says, "For? Look, Sputterspark. You're on house arrest and the court had us confiscate your phone while you're at work and on the clock." He says, "This is urgent. We were all informed..." She says, "That Mayfield Apartments burned down? I know. Is there someone you know?" He says, "Yes. A woman I'm in love with lives... lived there. Her name's (Y/N) (L/N). I need to see how she is. Please, Ellen?" 

She sighs and says, "Alright. Come in here and give her a call. She might even be at work. I know her and I know she works at Duck Topic. Try that, too." He comes in and he gets to a cubby. He gets to the one with his name on it. It's got the names of everyone with a criminal record like himself. 

He pulls it out and he gets his phone out. He dials your number and he puts it up to his ear (I'm aware you don't see ears on him.) saying, "Come on, (Y/N). Let me know you're okay." He waits and waits. He suddenly gets this, "Hello? Elmo?" He sighs and he smiles and says, "Oh, thank Edison." 

You say, "I guess you got the news, huh?" "Yeah. Where are you?" "Two blocks from my burning apartment building." "Holy shit. I was so scared." "We all made it out, dude. It's cool. I'm only bleeding a bit because a chunk of the ceiling in the hallway fell and landed on my right forearm. Might be a bruise later, too. I didn't break anything in my arm. But I'm fine. Don't worry. We all are." "Oh, good. Listen, (Y/N). You need a place to stay, you can stay with me. Up to you." "Would you really do that for me?" "Yes." "Awe. Thanks man. I was able to save one thing." "What's that?" "My family photo." "Ah, that's great. Drive to my place after 4pm. I'll be home then. I get off at 3:30." "Thanks, Elmo. You're awesome." "You seem to take this well after losing your apartment to a fire." "Hey. It's all good. We all got out. That's all that matters." 

After talking to you, Elmo gets off his phone and he puts it back in the cubby. He shuts it in and looks at the manager saying, "Thanks for letting me get to my phone, Ellen." Ellen says, "Is she alright?" He says, "Yeah. She is. She did however get a cut on her arm from a piece of a wall falling on it." She says, "That's good she made it. Seems like everyone did." 

He says, "I asked her to come live with me." She says, "And what did she say?" He says, "She accepted. She has nowhere else to stay and I offered to let her stay with me." She says, "Well good. You're doing something thoughtful. Get back to work, Sputterspark." He says, "Alright." He walks out and gets back to work. He's happy you're okay.

(Time skip.)

Later on, Elmo is home from work. He's sitting in his kitchen having a drink. You bought some for him yesterday after getting off work. He takes a drink of his beer when he suddenly hears a knock on the door. He says, "That's gotta be her." He gets up and walks to the door.

He opens it and sure enough, there you stand. You've got a big bandage on your arm where the wall chunk fell and hit you and you've got a frame in your arms with a photo in it. He smiles and says, "Hey, (Y/N). Come in." You walk in and he shuts the door.

You say, "Elmo. Thanks, dude. Thanks for letting me live with you. Sucks losing your apartment to a fire, but you know... everyone's okay at least and I managed to save my family photo. One of the only things I have left of my mom. Rest her soul." He says, "I hope you're okay sleeping on the couch or... maybe sharing a room. Up to you." You say, "Either way, thanks for this." 

He walks to the couch and he sits down. You follow him and you sit down as well. He looks down at your arm and he says, "Let me see your arm." You look at him and you lift your arm out to show him. There's a big bandage on it from the ceiling chunk falling on you.

You say, "There was a sharp part on that chunk of ceiling. At least ten of us got cut or bruised getting out. The wall chunk was almost as big as my head." He says, "Holy shit. I see the bruise, now." You say, "Starting to bruise, huh?" He nods. You say, "Not surprised. It didn't just cut me. it landed pretty hard on my arm." 

He says, "Can I... see what the cut looks like?" You say, "Knock yourself out." He carefully pulls the bandage up and he makes a 'tss' sound saying, "Doesn't that hurt you?" You say, "Meh. It did a little bit when I got the cut. My neighbor from upstairs stitched it up for me. I only needed three of them. Her sister's a doctor." He puts the bandage back on you and he looks at you. He says, "Stay with me as long as you need to, (Y/N)." You smile and you say, "Thanks, Elmo." 

(Tey revo ton.)... Hint: Read that backwards.

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