Clown Kink Reader x Quackerjack pt. 3**

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(Normally, I wasn't gonna put a lemon in this one shot, but it was suggested. So... first lemon for this one shot after nearly 100 pages will be in this chapter. So... fair warning in a moment.)

You wake up and you find yourself in a factory. It's a toy factory. It's a smaller room in the back. You see some toys and you say, "Awe. These are cute. But wait... Where are Aiko and Greg?" You look around. You hear this, "Don't worry. They're in another room." It was a deep voice. 

You look back to see four familiar super villains. The voice came from Liquidator. You say, "Oh, I remember now. YOU snatched me up from the mall." You point to Quackerjack. He grins and says, "Correct, my dear. I did." He laughs a bit. You blush. 

Megavolt says, "That woman in the other room with the kid reminds me of someone. I'll be back." Bushroot says, "You do that, Megavolt." Megavolt leaves the room. Liquidator says, "So, Bushroot. Who was that you were chatting with online?" You say, "Wait. Bushroot?"

Bushroot says, "Old friend of mine. Chloe Greenman." You gasp and you say, "Chloe?!" Bushroot looks at you saying, "Yeah. Wait... You look familiar." You realize it and you say, "Oh my god... Reggie!" He says, "(Y/N)?" You nod. He smiles and says, "Hey! I thought that was you." 

Quackerjack says, "You know her, Bushroot?" Bushroot says, "Yeah. We grew up together. Me, her, my date online Chloe Greenman, Aiko Fujioka and Jenny Chapman." You say, "Yeah. My cousin Desiree burned my room with me in it that one day at my fifth birthday party. Her boyfriend saved my life." Bushroot says, "Yeah. I remember that. I hated her." You say, "You weren't the only one, Reggie."

Quackerjack recalls that moment and he says, "Wait a second... fire? Cousin?" He looks at you. He looks at the others and says, "Guys. Leave me alone with her." The others walk out of there and into another room.

Quackerjack faces you and he says, "I'm convinced now. You're the same little girl at that party. I'm hearing the name Desiree and the fire." You say, "You know about that? How?" He says, "(Y/N)... I was the teenage boy who saved you." You gasp and you say, "Jacky Quackenberg." He says, "Yeah. It's me. Quackerjack, now. I became a villain due to being put out of the toy business and replaced by Whiffle Boy." 

You say, "My god. That's terrible." He says, "Yeah. How do you think I feel? Now I make dangerous toys and use them as weapons and I rob places along with Bushroot, Liquidator and my dear friend Megavolt." You say, "A lot of things can do that to you, huh? I'm surprised I didn't snap after the fire." 

He says, "Trust me, sweetheart... I may be a super villain now, but I was done with Desi after what she did. I knew you were up there. So I ran up there as fast as I could to get to you. You were lucky you didn't get burned on any part of your body. Just a few scratches." You say, "And passed out from the smoke." 

He says, "(Y/N). It's good seeing you again. I gotta say... You grew quite a bit. I love your getup." You say, "I love yours too, Jacky." He smiles at you and he says, "I've noticed you at the mall and had to snatch you. The others got your friend and her kid. I wanted to know more about you. But it looks like I knew you once before. I did save you from your burning room." You say, "I managed to save my favorite clown toy. I had it held close to me as I passed out." 

He says, "I've missed you, (Y/N)." You smile and you take his hand and he takes yours. He says, "In fact... I think you may have become the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life." You blush and you smile saying, "You think so?" 

He smiles and says, "Yeah. There's a good reason I kicked the others out of this room." You blush and you say, "Yeah?" He has half lidded eyes. You smirk and you say, "You're lucky I've been hiding a crush on you, Jacky.~" He grins and says, "Nice to hear.~"

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