Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 4

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You get to the greenhouse and you park close. You get out of Julie's car and you run up to the greenhouse doors. You open the door and you get in there. You yell, "Reggie! Let Julie go! She d-didn't do anything to you!"

You don't hear him. You yell, "I know you're here! I saw your note in the womens restroom at the mall!" You walk around. You hear this, "Ahh! Ahh!" You gasp and you say, "Julie?" You turn around and you gasp. There she is. Strapped to a metal table. Her hands are tied down.

You say, "Oh shit. No no no no." You look at her and you sign, (Don't worry. I'll get you out of here.) She smiles at you. You hear this, "Awe... isn't that sweet? Bonding with your friend who's about to be killed off."

You turn around and you see Bushroot. He has the sinister look on his face. You say, "Reggie! Let her go! Now!" He says, "No can do, sweetie. You see? Thing is, I get you. And by that... I mean that nobody else but me does. You understand? I love you so much... I'll murder everyone else to have you all to myself. I tied your friend's hands down so she won't snitch on me in case anyone else were to come in here and find her."

You say, "They could still untie her!" He says, "Not with all of my plants around to listen to me, they won't baby." He approaches you and you gasp. He says, "What's wrong? Don't like me, anymore?" You yell, "No! I don't! Julie was right! Y-you are a bad man! A monster! A-and not because you're a plant! But you're evil!"

He growls and he says, "I'm not evil, (Y/N)! I was pushed over the edge by all the assholes around me! Get that through your head! They made me into a villain!" You give him the same angry look he's giving you. Julie yells over at Bushroot. He turns around and he smirks. He approaches her. You yell, "Don't you lay a hand on her, Reginald Bushroot!"

Bushroot signs to her, (You wanna stop me? Tough, sweetheart. Your friend is mine... You'll be gone along with everyone else I'll kill for taking (Y/N) from me.) She growls and spits on his face.

He chuckles and you gasp saying, "R-Reggie. No." He wipes his face and he looks down at Julie signing, (You just made a mistake, Julie. A big fucking mistake.) Julie grits her teeth at him and she says, "Uck... ooo." As if saying fuck you to him. He signs, (It's time you die.) He grabs a knife and he aims it up above Julie.

You yell, "Reggie! No!" He turns around and he says, "Why not, (Y/N)?! I told you, my dear... Nobody else but me... ME gets you! Do you not understand that?!" You say, "I liked you, Reggie... I... I really liked you. You're the only guy to have... have shown me that. A-and now... I'm seeing you the way... I see all the others."

He's surprised to hear this. You say, "If you kill her... you'll never EVER... have me, Reggie. Do YOU understand? Never. I get it... I get that you too are alone and n-need someone." His angry expression turns into a neutral one.

You look at him and you say, "Y-you have two minutes to untie my friend... or you won't be even THAT of mine, anymore." He growls and says, "Fine. But I'll only let this slide, once." He turns around and he unties your friend. She grins and she gets up.

She runs over to you and signs, (Thank you, (Y/N).) You hug each other. You look at her and you sign, (Wait outside. I'm talking to Reggie.) She nods and signs, (Careful, dear.) You look at her for her to lipread as you say, "I'll be okay." She nods and she heads out.

You face Bushroot and you say, "Reggie. I know you've been through... s-so much. I've dealt with a lot of shit myself. My whole life. P-people mistreating me... because I'm autistic. It's no different with you, despite you not having what I have. I totally... get it. But killing others just to have me... won't solve a fucking thing, Reggie. Not at all. You'll be lonelier than you already were... if you continue that."

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