Megavolt x Weird Villain Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name. (L/N) Last Name. (V/N) Villain Name.

You're a young (favorite animal) woman named (Y/N) (L/N). You're actually a super villain. Your villain name... (V/N). You were accepted into villainy. But there's something off about you compared to other villains. You're awkward and weird.

You'll get some weird looks from other villains with how you are. You know you're far from perfect, but you're still a villain nonetheless. At least you're great at robbing places. It's just your personality that would put people off.

The villains you got accepted by are the Fearsome Four. You've become the female of the now Fearsome Five. They're kind of the only ones who would accept you. Mainly because Megavolt begged them to. They asked why and he responded with, "Um... We need a female. Yeah. That's it."

And you realize something. Of all the others, not once has Megavolt judged you or criticized you a bit. Bushroot mentioned that you could be more lady like. Quackerjack said you were weird and kept cats. Liquidator said you're a bit awkward, no offense. Not once had Megavolt said one thing off about you.

This didn't bother you a bit, though. The only thing you said to them was, "Hey... Don't you insult my kitties." Megavolt actually came to your defense and said, "Yeah. Let her be. She loves cats." 

Right now, you're having a meeting with the rest of the Fearsome Five like yourself. It's you, Megavolt, Bushroot, Quackerjack and Liquidator. Quackerjack says, "Alright. Fearsome Five. Listen up. This next scheme of ours will be great. This will be the big one."

You stifle a laugh and the others look at you. Then it clicks and Megavolt laughs. You do too. Bushroot says, "Come on, (V/N). Get your mind out of the gutter." You say, "S-sorry. It's just this day and age, a lot of things sound wrong."

Quackerjack says, "So. Any suggestions on what we should do? Anything to bring us good luck?" Megavolt says, "Not to get caught by Darkwing Duck." Liquidator says, "Ten out of ten people say that's one of the things we must absolutely do."

Bushroot says, "Take some karat gold with us." Quackerjack grins and says, "Yes. Nice one, Bushroot." Liquidator says, "Take all the civilians in that bank hostage." Quackerjack says, "Yes."

You say, "Find a cricket on the ground and pick it up. Give it a kiss and let it go." The others but Megavolt look at you weirdly. He still looks at you though. You say, "What? I heard those things are good luck if you do that. My sister actually ate worms as a kid because she thought it would make her immortal." Quackerjack says, "Jeez. Is your whole family just as weird as you are?" Bushroot says, "That's disgusting."

You look at Bushroot and you say, "Says the giant talking marijuana who eats fertilizer." This actually gets not only Megavolt to laugh, but Quackerjack as well. Megavolt says, "Ha! She called you giant talking marijuana!" You say, "Bluntroot. Or Kushroot." Megavolt laughs and you do too.

Liquidator says, "I'm not laughing at you, Bushroot my friend. But customers will agree that she does have a point about the fertilizer part." Bushroot says, "Hey. I'm a plant. I can eat that." Quackerjack goes on with your guys' plan.

He says, "Any questions?" You raise your hand and he says, "Yes, (V/N)?" You say, "Can we get some nachos while we're out?" Quackerjack says, "During our robbery?" You say, "It can be after... can't it?" Megavolt says, "I'll get you some nachos." You grin and you say, "Awe. Thanks, Megavolt." He looks at you and he smiles saying, "Anytime, (V/N)."

Bushroot says, "Come on, Megavolt. Stop defending her every time." You say, "You're just jealous because I'm the cute one." You grin. He looks away and says, "Not with your personality." You grin and you whisper, "I think you can't see me as attractive because you have a small..."

Liquidator covers your mouth and says, "A-and when do we start, huh Quackerjack?" Megavolt stifles a laugh and looks at Bushroot. Bushroot says, "Oh shut it, you electric filled buffoon." Megavolt grins and says, "Think about it, Bushy. A chick said you may be small... down there." He laughs. Bushroot gulps and says, "Ouch."

(Time skip.)

After your little heist, you're in the van. Megavolt snatched some nachos for you and you're eating some right now. You're sitting back as you enjoy them. You say, "Mm. Thanks, Megavolt. I was freaking craving these like a pregnant chick. But I'm not pregnant. Probably never will be." You eat some nachos and you say, "Much to your guys' luck, considering I'm not lady like and I'm fucking weird." You lick the cheese off one of the nachos.

Megavolt looks over and he gulps as he watches you lick the nacho. He thinks to himself, "Ooh, Edison. Why is she licking the nacho like that? Megavolt, you dirty rat. Keep it together. She's one of us. But ooh man. She has no idea how attractive she actually is.~"

Quackerjack says, "See something interesting, Megavolt?" Megavolt says, "Huh?" He looks over and he says, "Oh. J-just how good sh.... Um, the nachos look." You look at him and you say, "Want some?" He says, "No. Go ahead. You eat them." You shrug and you continue eating them. You say, "Mm. Love the guacamole. All of it, actually." Bushroot says, "Good to know." He rolls his eyes.

Megavolt gives Bushroot the stink eye and he walks over to you. He sits with you and says, "Sorry about plant man." You say, "It's okay. He's just being a big grubby poop man." Megavolt says, "Yeah. He sure is." Bushroot huffs. Quackerjack chuckles.

You guys make it back to the hideout and you get out. You've finished your nachos and you all get some bags of money. You head inside and you set the bags of money on the table. You grin and you say, "He he. We did good, huh?" Liquidator says, "Correct. This money is ours now, fellas. Lady."

Bushroot says, "Yeah. Though... (V/N) here did kind of slip." You say, "What do you mean? There was no ice or banana peel around." The others laugh. Bushroot says, "Ha ha, smart ass. No. I mean you could've done better." Megavolt says, "Hey. Who are you to preach to her, Bushroot? She didn't do anything to YOU." Bushroot says, "I'm just saying, Megavolt. She could act a little less awkward and more lady like." Megavolt says, "Oh, go fu..."

You stop him and you say, "No no. It's okay. It's okay, Megavolt. I can handle a little criticism every now and then. So what? I'm not perfect. Don't wanna be." You sit back. Megavolt looks at you and says, "You're tougher than anyone believes, (Y/N). You make an excellent villain."

You smile and you say, "Thanks." Quackerjack says, "Awkward and weird, but great." Liquidator says, "Fingers point to yes. She does in fact make quite a villain. Guaranteed to wreak havoc with us or your money back."

Bushroot says, "Money back." You stick your tongue out at him and you look away. Megavolt says, "Hey. (V/N)." You look at Megavolt. He says, "I'm going out to save some of my light bulb brothers and sisters. Wanna come?"

You say, "Sure. If it'll get me away from butt face here." You point to Bushroot. He sighs in annoyance. Megavolt grins and says, "Great. And yeah..." He leans in and mumbles, "It'll get you away from Bushroot constantly nagging you." You giggle. Bushroot says, "Heard that." You all admire the money for a bit until you leave the hideout with Megavolt.

(To be continued...)

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