Darkwing Duck Special pt. 2

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You're at home and you've gotten done doing dishes. You're on your laptop, scrolling through your newsfeed on facebook. You get a message yet again. From the same anonymous person. Well, a guy. Now you know it's a guy because he told you.

It reads, "Hey, princess. I hope you're doing well. I didn't get a response. Are you scared of me?" You type, "You just startled me with the whole you won't let my parents get away with taking you in type of thing." You send it.

You get this, "Awe. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. What I meant my dear is that I have an ability that would make them unable to turn me in. It's not just them, it's any citizen of St. Canard. I don't want you to think I'm about to hurt you. Because I'm not going to."

You hear this, "(Y/N)!" You look over and you yell, "Yeah Ruth?!" She yells, "You okay in there?!" You yell, "Yeah!" You hear her walking towards your door and knocking. You say, "Come in." The door opens and you see Ruth. You say, "Come see this."

She walks over and she says, "Who's that?" You say, "No idea, but he's been messaging me a lot since yesterday. Yes. It's a he because he told me. I have no idea what he is or who he is." She says, "Holy shit. You have a facebook stalker? Well, a lot of people are facebook stalkers... but this is an actual stalker. Facebook or not."

She looks at the message and she says, "Oh god. Is this guy desperate?" You say, "I guess so. I don't know." She says, "Wanna get out of the apartment for a little bit and go out to eat?" You say, "Yeah. Let's." You get up and you get a message saying this, "Awe. You're not running from me, are you?"

Ruth says, "Dude. What the actual fuck?" You and Ruth both look out the window. Nobody's there. Nothing but the tree about twelve feet from your apartment. You say, "I don't see anyone."

Ruth says, "Me neither." She looks at the laptop and says, "I think we might have a cyber ghost or something." You say, "Hey. It's possible." Ruth sings, "Casper the creepy ghost. The creepiest ghost you know."

You say, "You think?" You both head out. The screen starts to flicker. The anonymous person types, "Just don't let me see you pairing up with anyone... or they'll meet with their demise." It erases itself.

(Time skip.)

Moments later, you and Ruth are out at a diner. You're eating a burger and fries and having a milkshake. She's having the same thing. You say, "I gotta find out who this guy is." Ruth says, "Which one? The mysterious one messaging you lately?"

You say, "Yeah. I don't know if he's a duck or a rooster or a rodent or a dog guy. I don't know. This could be a phantom. Or a demon for all I know." You take a bite of your fries. She says, "Figure it out as soon as you can. I know your family has your back with attorneys and all to stop whoever this asshole is."

You say, "I don't get it though. Why pick ME of all people? My money?" She says, "That might be it." You say, "That's why I stayed single. Because I know most people date a rich person just for their money."

You get another message and you say, "Another one already?" You pick your phone up and it reads, "You think it's your money I'm after? Oh, you are way off my dear. It's not your money." You show Ruth.

She sees this and she says, "This is getting really fucking creepy. It's like he's listening in on everything you're saying." You sigh and you say, "I'm just gonna eat my food." You get a message saying, "You do that, dear. Eat all you can." You raise a brow and you put your phone in your purse. You continue eating.

You're unaware of someone in a black hoodie. Hood up. They're sitting a distance away. They've got a phone in their hand. Turns out they're the one sending you the messages. They chuckle quietly and they grin.

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