Punished Megavolt x Reader pt. 4

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A day passes. You're at work at the moment. You're the assistant manager at Duck Topic. The manager is a friend of yours you've known for many years. Evelyn Rose. She's a duck woman and a goth like yourself.

She's standing by you right now as you hang some clothes in the places they go. You're setting plushies down, too. Evelyn says, "Sorry you lost your place, woman." You say, "It's all good. I managed to save the last remaining thing of my mom. My family photo." 

She says, "Who are you staying with?" You say, "Elmo Sputterspark. He's a thirty six year old man who lives alone. Well, he doesn't anymore. I'm staying with him right now. He offered me to." She says, "Well that was nice of him." You say, "Yeah. And to be fair... I think I'm starting to fall for him." She says, "Oh yeah?" 

You say, "Yeah. Something about the guys interests me. Despite the fact that he's got a major criminal record. I don't judge though. I've been in his recent position. You know, house arrest." She says, "You were a stupid teenager. I would know. We were both stupid. I got caught smoking weed on school property... five times. Freshman and Junior year." 

You say, "Yeah. I remember. And you made out with the science teacher when we were eighteen and in 12th grade." She says, "Fucking worth it. He looked good and liked outcast chicks. He liked ME. We had to break it off or he'd lose his job, though." 

You say, "Yeah. That's a bummer." You see a customer and you say, "I'll talk to you later, Evelyn. I'm getting the counter." She says, "Alright. I'll see you later." You walk to the counter and you get behind it to check people out as they pay for their stuff.

(Time skip.)

You're back at Elmo's place later. He's home as well. It's 7pm and you're in the bathroom about to shower. You did a bit of clothes shopping. Some at Duck Topic after clocking out of work and some at Wally World. Elmo is in the living room watching TV. He looks over and realizes that you don't have the bathroom door shut all the way. 

He lets curiosity get to him and he leans up a bit to peek in. He sees you in there. Back turned so he only sees the back of you. He sees you getting your pants down and his eyes widen as he sees how little your black underwear is. It's almost more like a thong. He's got a good view of your cheeks. He blushes and he licks his lips and whispers, "Ooh, Edison.~" 

You pull your shirt up and off and he gulps. He whispers, "S-so hot.~" He watches you get the rest off and he gets a glimpse of one of your bare breasts and your bare bottom. He's about to lose it. He watches as you walk to the tub and you turn the shower on. You step inside. He sits back on the couch and he smiles saying, "Now that's a sight I'd love to see, everyday. Her.~" He continues watching TV.

Right in the bathroom, you're washing up. You get shampoo, conditioner, etc. in your hair. You rinse a bit and you continue your shower for another ten minutes or so. You get done and you turn the faucets off. 

You step out and you grab a towel. You dry yourself off and you look over at the door, realizing you forgot to shut it. You say, "Well shit. The door's opened. Oh well." You wrap the towel around yourself.

You yell, "Hey, Elmo!" You hear this, "Yeah?!" You say, "What do you want me to order?! Pizza?! Chinese food?!" He yells, "Pizza's fine!" You say, "Okay, cool!" You walk to the mirror and you get the towel off your body. 

You throw it in the hamper and you grab your clothes off the sink. You get a new pair of underwear, a long shirt with a punk Care Bear on it and soft pink and black plaid pants. More pajama like.

You walk out and you say, "Hey." He says, "Good shower?" You say, "Yeah." You sit down next to him on the couch. He thinks to himself, "I know I sure enjoyed it before you stepped into the tub, honey.~" He smirks to himself.

You grab your phone off the small table next to the couch and you say, "Alright. I'm ordering pizza." He says, "Cool." You dial the number to the pizza place and you order the pizza, telling them what you guys want. 

After that, you hang up and you say, "They'll be here in thirty minutes." He says, "Awesome." You smile and you sit back to watch TV with him. As he watches TV he suddenly hears you say this, "You were looking in at me, weren't you?" 

He gulps and he blushes. He looks at you saying, "W-what? N-no I..." You say, "How did I look? Do I need to lose weight?" He says, "What? Fuck no!" You smirk and you look at him saying, "So you admit it, huh?" 

He looks away. You say, "It's cool." He's surprised to hear this and he looks over at you. You look at him and you say, "I'm living in the same place as you. You were bound to see something sooner or later." He says, "Yeah? What, you leave that door opened on purpose?~" He smirks. You say, "Sure. If that's what you wanna think." You both watch TV until the pizza gets here.

(Time skip.)

It's 2am now. Elmo is laying back on his bed. Beer in his hand and small lamp on. He's in just a white tank top and his boxers since he's just laying in his own bed. Ankle bracelet around his foot. He's looking at his phone. He suddenly hears a knock on his bedroom door and he says, "Come in." 

The door opens and there you stand. He sits up and says, "Hey." You say, "Hey, Elmo." He says, "Yeah, (Y/N)?" You look at him and you say, "Can I... sleep in here with you tonight? You don't have to let me. I was just..." He says, "Yes." You look at him. He says, "You can sleep in here. Come in here." 

You smile and you walk in. You shut the door on your way in and you walk over to him. You get upon the bed and you say, "Hey." He finishes his beer and he sets the empty can down saying, "I'll get that tomorrow." You say, "It's cool, dude. Don't worry about it." 

He says, "Not too comfortable on the couch, huh?" You say, "Well, not just that. But... something's been on my mind, lately. About YOU." He says, "Y-yeah?" You look at him and you say, "Yeah. I wanna thank you for letting me stay with you man. If it wasn't for you... I'd probably be homeless unless my friend and boss at work Evelyn let me stay with her. But you offered first." 

He sighs and says, "Fuck, I can't take it." You say, "What's up?" He suddenly moves over to you and he presses his lips against your (lips/beak) into a kiss. You blush. But to his joy, you put your hands on his shoulders and you kiss him back.

He pulls you upon his lap and you wrap your arms around him. His are around your back. He moves a hand down and he moves it onto your butt. You moan a little bit into the kiss. You pull away and he says, "I've been in love with you the night I got into your apartment before it caught fire.~" 

You smirk and you say, "Yeah?~" You scoot off of his lap and he looks at you. You look at him. He says, "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, (Y/N).~" You smile and you say, "Glad someone thinks so." 

He says, "Whoever didn't think so, fuck them." You smirk and you say, "Fuck?" He blushes and he gets the lamp off. It seems that he got the realization of what you were just now getting to. He pulls you close and he kisses you again. You do the same to him. This time it's more intense and you both end up going further that night.

What happens is by the time Elmo's house arrest is up, you remain with him. When he goes back to being Megavolt, he and his fellow Fearsome Four commit crimes again. And what also happens is after a third night alone together, you end up pregnant with a daughter. Creedence Crystal Sputterspark. Your friend Evelyn ends up with Quackerjack.


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