Yandere Bushroot x Autistic Reader pt. 3

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You and Bushroot are walking back to the greenhouse, now. You're holding hands. He looks over at you and he sighs and smiles. He thinks to himself, "As long as you're mine, (Y/N)... I'm a happy man." You say, "Something on your mind, Reggie?" He says, "You." You smile and you say, "Awe.~" He grins.

You get to the greenhouse and you both head inside. You face the plant man and you say, "We're here now." You giggle and you lean in. He blushes and he smirks. He also leans in. You say, "Kiss me, Reggie.~" He says, "Gladly.~"

He presses his beak against your own (lips/beak) into a kiss. You kiss him back. He wraps his arms around you and he holds you close. You wrap yours around his shoulders. Spike can see this from behind a bush and he shivers. He runs into the shed.

You pull away and you sigh and smile. You say, "You're a good kisser." He says, "Really?" You nod and you say, "I'm saddened that nobody wanted to date you. But... that's okay on my end. At least it's me, now." You grin. He says, "I-I'm just happy you like me this much." You grin and you say, "More than you think. I..."

You both hear a crash and Bushroot looks towards the shed. He sighs and says, "Spike! Not again!" You say, "What did he do?" He says, "He probably knocked stuff off the table in the shed again. I'll be right back." You say, "Okay." He walks off.

You stand there and you wait. You do however, walk over to some flowers and you look at them. Bushroot gets in the shed an he sees his stuff knocked over. He sees Spike standing there.

He puts his hands on his hips and says, "Spike... What did you do?" Spike gulps. Bushroot says, "Clean it up or you'll sleep outside. I don't wanna have to do that to you, Spike. But you can't be knocking my stuff over." Spike sighs and nods.

Bushroot suddenly hears this, "Awe.~" He looks over to see you looking in the window. He says, "Oh... hey, (Y/N)." You say, "Hey, Reggie. What did he do?" Bushroot says, "Well, he certainly did knock things over. He admits it."

You say, "I can come in and help." He says, "I appreciate it, (Y/N)... but Spike's gotta do it. He made the mess." You say, "Well. Okay." He says, "I'm coming back out." You smile and you say, "Okay. Hi, Spike." Spike sees you and he smiles and waves. You step away.

Bushroot comes back out and he says, "Sorry about that." You giggle and you say, "It's okay. It happens. You have a pet... in a way." He says, "Yeah. He comes off as a dog. Only a flytrap." You say, "He's a big flytrap. What does he need to eat? Bats?" You giggle. He says, "Ha ha."

You look at him and you say, "I'm having a great time with you, Reggie." He looks at you and he says, "I'm having a great time with you too, (Y/N)." You say, "What really happened to that guy at the ice cream store?"

He gulps. You say, "Did you beat him up for me?" He says, "Uh. Y-yeah. That's what I did. I punched him in the gut a few times and he ran out like a wuss." You giggle and you say, "That's what he gets. I didn't see him, though."

He strokes your face and he says, "If you need to get home to feed your dog, you can. But I'll call you." You smile and you say, "Awe. At least you care about me enough to check up on me." He says, "Believe me. I like you so much. You have no idea." You give him a kiss on the beak and you say, "I'll see you in a little while, Reginald."

He says, "I'll see you, tonight." You head out of the greenhouse. His look changes into a more sinister one and he says, "I'll kill again. All for you, (Y/N). You're mine and only mine.~" He chuckles and Spike laughs along with his master.

(Time skip.)

The next day, you're out with your best friend Julie Quackson. She's a duck girl who's almost like you, but she's not autistic. She's deaf. You know sign language and she knows lipreading, so you'll either sign to her or talk as long as she looks at your (lips/beak).

You're both at the St. Canard mall, having Korean food from the food court. You look at Julie and she looks at you. You sign, (This is really good. What do you think?) She smiles and nods signing, (Very. I don't mind spicy food once in a while, either. Most don't like spicy.) You say, "Right?" She giggles a bit.

She signs, (Do you have a boyfriend, yet?) You nod and you say, "Yeah. I do." She signs, (What's his name?) You sign to her, (His name's Reginald Bushroot. He's a green plant duck.) Her eyes widen and she signs, (Bushroot?) You say, "Yeah. What's wrong?"

She signs, ((Y/N). Stop your date with him as soon as possible.) You say, "But why?" She signs, (He's a major super villain.) You say, "No... No, that's not true!" She nods and signs, (How has your date with him gone, so far?) You say, "Good."

She sighs and she signs, (Just be careful. Did he seem to hide anything, recently?) You sign, (He did say he'd be right back when he went in his shed in the greenhouse.) She nods and signs, (That's a sign, (Y/N). He's hiding something from you. Maybe some photos he doesn't want you to see. He wouldn't tell you I'll be right back if he wasn't hiding something. He'd let you in the shed.)

You look away. She gives you a sympathetic look. You look at her and she signs, (Just be careful, (Y/N). There's something about him that's dark. And it's not because he's a super villain... but he could be sick in the head. I'm just concerned for your safety.)

You're both unaware that Bushroot happened to have followed you both and he listened in on everything. He says, "Unfortunately for Julie there, I know sign language. She won't keep (Y/N) from me. I'll make sure of it." He hides.

You look at Julie and you say, "After this, wanna go to my house?" She smiles and nods. She stands up and signs, (I need to use the restroom, first.) You nod. She walks off. Bushroot is hiding behind a pillar and he watches as Julie walks into the hallway leading to the restrooms. He looks back at you and he whispers, "To hell with it all. (Y/N)'s gonna see my true side, eventually." He sneaks towards the restrooms.

You finish your food and you say, "Mm. That was good. Huh... I wonder what's taking Julie so long. I better check on her and see if she's alright." You get up and you walk towards the restrooms. You sigh and you say, "It's too bad I can't call out to her. She wouldn't hear me if I do."

You get in the womens restroom and you look around for her. You look in the stalls. She's nowhere to be seen. You say, "Where is she?" You look to see a note hanging on the wall and you walk over to it. You grab it and it reads, "My dearest (Y/N). It's me, Reginald. How are you? If you're looking for your friend, she left. Come to the greenhouse. I've got something to show you."

You say, "Huh? Julie left me here?... But how does Reggie know this?" You look up and you say, "Wait." You run out of there after realizing it. You leave the mall and you see Julie's car still out there. You get in it and you start it. You pull out of the parking space and you drive off.

(Not over yet.)

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