Bushroot x Disgraced Weed Reader pt. 2

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You wake up the next morning and you sit up and yawn. You say, "Man, what a good sleep I had. Though... I had a strange dream like I was changing or something. Like... changing into a different being. I.."

You look at your hands and you gasp. They're kind of... leafy. You say, "What the fuck?" You pull the covers off yourself and you gasp. Your legs look more tree like and you say, "The fuck is going on?!" You get up and you run out of your room. You run down the hallway, to your bathroom.

You get in there and you look in the mirror. You're shocked at what you see. You're now a green color. Your hair had gone from (original hair color) to violet. You say, "Oh... oh my god." You look at yourself and you look at the mirror.

You suddenly let out a scream, "EEEEAAHHH!!" You back away and you cover your face. You say, "Oh god! It was from that tea, wasn't it?! That older lady warned me not to consume it and I did! Dammit, dammit, dammit!!"

You look at yourself and you say, "Am I... a plant? Like Bushroot?" You walk to the mirror and you sigh. You say, "I'm gonna have to call in sick. I can't be seen like this. I'll just tell them I threw up or something and I'm sick."

You suddenly hear a knock on your front door and you say, "Shit! I gotta hide myself. Just show my face. Yeah." You run out of your bathroom and you grab your coat from your room. You get it on and you put the hood over your head. You find gloves and you get those on your leafy hands. You walk into the living room.

You get to the front door and you open it. There stands your neighbor. She's a duck woman in her mid thirties. She says, "Is everything okay, (Y/N)? I heard you screaming." You say, "Y-yeah, Judy. I'm fine. Thanks. I'm just... sick. And my condition is pretty bad."

She says, "Oh my god. Yeah, I see that. You look rather green. Call your work and tell them you can't come in. Take a picture of your face and send them proof via facebook message." You say, "Good idea. I'll get a hold of Rhoda and tell her."

She says, "I hope you get better (Y/N). Get some rest." You say, "Yeah. I'll do that." She says, "Do you have a cold, too?" You say, "Um... y-yeah. I do. That's why I'm wearing a coat." She says, "But it's September and it's seventy five degrees outside." You say, "I know." She says, "Well. You enjoy your day off. Hope you get better." You say, "Thanks, Judy."

You go inside and she heads back next door to her house. You sigh and you get your coat off. You look at yourself and you say, "I'm gonna call the university. Get Rhoda on there." You walk into your room and you grab your phone from the charger.

You dial the number to the university. You wait for it and you get Dean Tightbill's voice saying, "Hello? Dr. (L/N)?" "Yes. Sir. It's me. (Y/N). Listen. I... How do I put this. I'm sick. And I mean really sick. I... I threw up this morning and my complexion looks pretty bad. I think I'm getting some sort of flu. I can send a picture of my face for proof. I..."

You get this, "Let me stop you right there, Dr. (L/N). Here's what I would suggest. Take a couple of days off. I know you hardly lie to anyone." "Thanks, sir. Let Dr. Dendron know I won't be in." "I will. Get well and get plenty of nutrients." "Thank you, sir. I will." "It's a shame. You're one of our best scientists here, Dr. (L/N). It's a shame you got sick." "Thanks sir. I'll leave you to it." "Get some rest, Dr. (L/N)." "I sure will, Mr. Tightbill."

You hang up and you sigh. You say, "I should maybe... go to that Bushroot guy. He's a plant and so am I. Though I look kind of raggedy. Yet the purple pedal like hair seems like I'd be a good plant. Oh well. He has to accept me. Now I'm no different from him." You grab your coat and you head out of your house.

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