Ex Bushroot x Resentful Reader pt. 2

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A moment later, Liquidator is over at Bushroot's house with him. Bushroot has another beer in his hand. Liquidator is sitting next to him. He says, "Reginald. You need to get over this. You've let yourself go. Don't make it a lifetime guarantee, my friend. You'll fall so deep that you'll end up in an institute." 

Bushroot says, "Buddy. There's just... no point, anymore. I can't make it without her. Not without the woman I love. And she hates me now. She'll never take me back. Even if you of all people convince her to." Liquidator says, "Reginald. Come on. You've got Quackerjack and Megavolt worried about you, too. Hey. Come with me." 

Bushroot says, "Where to?" Liquidator says, "I want you to come to the villain hideout. I'm not pushing you to do anything with us like commit a robbery or a heist. Just come see us. We miss you, pal. I do." 

Bushroot sighs and says, "Well... okay. As long as I'm away from HER. I-I don't mean anything bad. She has a restraining order against me, anyways. I just don't wanna deal with the new her right now. The new flower hating tyrant." Liquidator says, "Understandable. Come on." They both get up and they leave the house.

(Time skip.)

Moments later, Liquidator gets to the villain hideout. He's got Bushroot with him. They get out of the car and Bushroot follows his watery friend to the door. Liquidator opens it and says, "It's about time we had you here, Reginald. Like I said, the guys and I have worried about you." 

They head inside and they walk down the narrow corridor. They get to the door straight ahead and Liquidator opens the door. Two more guys look over. It's Megavolt and Quackerjack. Quackerjack grins and says, "Hey hey! Our pal Bushy is back! We..." His smile fades and he says, "Oh... wow." 

They see the plant man in his current state and Megavolt says, "Bushroot. You... you look like shit." Quackerjack says, "And you got a little fat, too." Megavolt says, "And... You have a beard, even for a plant. You're beginning to look like a neckbeard brony." Quackerjack says, "Yeah he is. 

Bushroot says, "Yeah. I know. I've put on some weight and stopped trimming my hair. Amazing how I can look in just four months, huh?" Liquidator says, "Let's not forget to mention that you've been drinking a lot, recently." Quackerjack says, "Bushroot? Drinking booze? No way!" 

Bushroot sighs and says, "Yes way, Quackerjack. And a lot of greasy fried foods explaining my fat gut. Amazing what a breakup can do, huh? Honestly though... I asked for it." Megavolt says, "Right. You set her up in the garden because you thought she was only going out with you for your plants. And you called her out for being a garden digger." 

Quackerjack says, "Oh, Bushroot. You fool. If you hadn't done that, you'd still be in better shape than you are now." Megavolt says, "And you'd still have a hot girlfriend. Now you're a hot mess." They laugh.

Liquidator says, "Lay off, you two. It's been rough for him these passed few months. Here's what I'm gonna do." They all look at the former water bottle salesman turned watery villain and he says, "I'm guaranteed to make my friend Reginald here a happy man again or his money back. We're gonna find (Y/N)." 

Bushroot says, "Wait, what? You're going to find her?" Megavolt says, "Actually, that's a good idea. Maybe she'll talk to us." Quackerjack says, "I don't know. Will she?" Megavolt says, "She'd probably rather talk to US than Bushroot. Uh... sorry, Bushroot." Bushroot says, "No no. You... You're right. She would. Anyone else, actually. She even got a restraining order against me." 

Megavolt and Quackerjack both says, "What?!" Bushroot sighs and nods. Quackerjack says, "She's that pissed off at you?" Bushroot says, "Yeah. She's acting like I physically assaulted her or something." He sighs and says, "Then again with the whole vines thing, I can see why she wanted me away."

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