"I doubt you have assignments on Saturday, arent you one of the top students on the dean's list? Someone with that academic title usually has all their work done before the weekend, or am I wrong?" Taehyung mentioned and the flustered expression on Yoongi's face morphed into a softer appearance. Yoongi removed his eyes from the empty table to glance up at Taehyung who thankfully wasn't smirking anymore.

"You noticed?" Yoogni questioned, he found it hard to believe that some wild football player like the Kim Taehyung would even know what the dean list was.

"Yeah, I need tutoring and my academic counselor gave me a list of the students on the list and I saw your name. I wanted to ask you but since you're a cheerleader I figured you had a lot on your plate already, so I asked that Jennie chick that helps in the library instead." Taehyung confessed.

"I was your first option?" Yoongi questioned softly, he was shocked and flattered at the same time.

"Of course, why not? You're intelligent, confident and really fucking sexy, the whole damn package, but honestly you scare me more that Jimin does." Taehyung admitted smiling directly at Yoongi who couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was sure that he was imagining it all but before he could question it the waitress came back.

Yoongi quietly watched the female place their plates on the table, "If there's anything else you needed don't hesitate to call me." The female said with a giant flirtatious grin directed at Taehyung. The football player nodded his head and smiled back out of courtesy but Yoongi saw it as flirting back and he couldn't help but roll his eyes so damn hard they almost got stuck in the back of his head. 

The two began eating their food in silence, an uncomfortable silence because Yoongi was fucking hungry, he wanted to tear through his food like some savage animal but with Taehyung sitting right across from him he feared embarrassing himself. So Yoongi took small bites, making sure to chew the piece that filled up his mouth about 50 hundred times before swallowing and avoiding the amazing orbs that he could feel on him. 

Taehyung contemplated on how to make things less weird between them, he came on strong nearly all the time but with other people it usually worked and out him what he wanted but Yoongi was reserved, there were tons of walls up and he knew that it would require a miracle to tear them down. Taking it slow was something Taehyung needed to do here but it was such a foreign concept to him that he had no idea where to fucking start. 

"TAEHYUNG!" A voluminous voice called out in the middle of the diner, it belonged to a familiar male that both Taehyung and Yoongi recognized instantly.

Yoongi glanced his eyes up from his plate to see Hoseok walking towards their table, the beautiful cheerleader was flaunting his long sculpted thighs with his tight fitted skirt and strong abdomen with the new tube top shirt he bought. 

Yoongi's never had a problem with cross dressing, it wasn't for him though but at times he wished he got into because the look all the males gave the cheerleaders who dressed like so made him envious.

Taehyung had this enormous grin on his face when he saw Hoseok standing inches away from him with his pretty hand on his curvy hip while his free hand twirled with his brown highlighted locks. 

"Haven't seen you in forever, where have you been hiding?" Hoseok questioned placing his full attention on the handsome football player and batting his long lashes at him.

"Nowhere, you've been the one ignoring me for the past two weeks." Taehyung retorted back, he wasn't usually concerned with his hooks up sex life unless it involved him but Hoseok had become distant before spring break and Taehyung couldn't help but get a little upset that he wasn't the only person fucking the pretty cheerleader.

Hoseok frowned and crossed his arms over his chest with the very true accusations, the DJ h was hooking up with didn't even measure up to Taehyung's animalistic moves in bed so here he was, wanting to rekindle his sexual romance with the handsome male that he's been missing for some time now.

"Oh shit, don't tell me, you got bored with your last toy boy already didn't you Hobi?" Taehyung questioned with a smirk.

"No, you're wrong. Plus, you know you're the only one for me, I've just been busy with school work." Hoseok huffed out extending his arm to massage Taehyung's strong shoulder. Hosoek had taken a small step closer towards Taehyung's personal space and Yoongi could see the longing in Taehyung's eyes for him which made his chest hurt a little.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Yoongi spat pushing his plate away from him and towards the middle of the table. He was cursing himself for feeling jealous over their relationship, he knew Hoseok and Taehyung had history together since forever now but instead of being upset at Hoseok for shamelessly flirting with him like this he was made at himself for letting it get under his skin. 

Hoseok had teared his eyes away from Taehyung to see his teammate sitting across from his former lover. "Oh Yoongi, I didn't notice you." Hoseok claimed, his scrutinizing eyes glancing from Yoongi's flushed cheeks to Taehyung's soft expression when he stared at him with this look of pity in his eyes. 

"Yeah, because all you see is dick, nothing fucking new." Yoongi snapped before standing up to rummage through his jean pocket, he had pulled out his wallet, counting the money he had and calculating in his head the cost of the meal and tip for the waitress, ignoring the look of concerned on Taehyung's face.

"Wait, where are you going, I'll go with you..." Taehyung said but Yoongi was quick to cut him off. 

"No, stay the hell away from me, here's my portion of the bill." Yoongi remarked slamming down cash along the table before storming away leaving Taehyung puzzled, he wanted to stand up but Hosoek wouldn't move out of his way and insisted on them rekindling their sexual thrills from the past. 

"What do you say Taetae, come to my room tonight, I'll kick Jimin out, he can hang out with Yoongi or whatever I don't care I just want you pressed up against my naked skin again." Hoseok breathed out seductively in the handsome football players ear making an arousal coarse through his body and without really thinking he nodded.

"Okay, see you tonight."

jikook chapter next <3

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