Private Lifes 5 (IwaOi)

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Hey- hi!


Before you read this chapter!

I'm making a poster with inside jokes, memes, etc

If you want something you said to be on this poster comment it right here!

For explain, it can be something funny, something that happened in this book that you liked, a quote, etc!

You guys have become apart of my life and I wanna include y'all things!

When the poster is done I'll put the picture of it in the next chapter! ❤️

Love y'all-


-Oikawa and Iwaizumi Private chat-

Iwaizumi- baby

Oikawa- hm..

Iwaizumi- you okay...

Oikawa- no.

Iwaizumi- what happened?

Oikawa- my jaw hurts

Iwaizumi- why?

Oikawa- idk
Just teeth pain ig

Iwaizumi- you guess?

Oikawa- yeah

Iwaizumi- Tooru

Oikawa- I'm fine iwachan
I'll just take some pain medicine
I do work at a hospital

Iwaizumi- Tooru

Oikawa- what

Iwaizumi- you have perfect teeth
How do you all of a sudden have teeth pain

Oikawa- Idk
And idc
If you don't wanna believe me then whatever

Iwaizumi- I didn't say that
Tooru I'm trying really hard not to get pissed at you rn
So I advice you tell me what happened

Oikawa- nothing omg
I gotta work so

Iwaizumi- okay.

Oikawa- I'll see you at home... <3

Iwaizumi- stop
Idk why you're pissed off but if it's something I did tell me so I can fucking fix it
Tooru you leave me on open again and istg

Oikawa- can we just not talk about it

Iwaizumi- no because you're obviously upset about something

Oikawa- doesn't matter iwachan

Iwaizumi- ......

Oikawa- I really gotta get to work this time so...

Iwaizumi- right.

Oikawa- I'm serious Haijime

Iwaizumi- okay.

Oikawa- please don't be mad at me Haijime

Iwaizumi- okay

Oikawa- ...iwachan

Iwaizumi- I gotta work Tooru
I'll see you at home
Then we'll talk

Oikawa- I'm really sorry for pissing you off... 🥺

Iwaizumi- ❤️

(Ngl I wrote their text while crying. Ha. )

-Iwaizumi POV-

Haikyuu text Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora