Youre Dork IRL

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I was reading Blood Link- and got this amazing idea-

And like- imma try it.

-Tanaka POV-

"Perimeter surrounded come out with you're arms up." I smirked talking into my hand as if I had a speaker phone. My nephew below me giggled holding his nerf gun up higher. I squatted down pushing down his elbows attempting to show him how to hold it. He was actually a super good listener.

From the next room, more or less around the corner, came Noyas voice. "You'll never take me alive!" He rounded the corner, a nerf pistol in each hand. We made eye contact. He winked before he started shouting. I grabbed Aiko and ducked behind the couch. For the moment, the bullets stopped.

I looked at Aiko and grabbed his shoulders. "Did you get shot?" I asked in all seriousness. He shook his head. "Good." I smiled before loading my gun up. "Did you hear that Yuu? You missed every shot."

"Doesn't matter!" Noya yelled back. "Cause I gotta secret weapon."

I snorted. Secret weapon? Last time he told me that was when I had to go to a job conference in Tokyo and leave him for a week. His secret weapon then had been a vibrating dildo. Yes classy I know. Not like that thing could get him off like I could anyway. And no! I wasn't jealous of a toy. I wasn't. I swear!

I peeked my head up and saw nothing. I nodded at Aiko to follow me. Crawling, I made my way through the kitchen door and planted my back against the cabinets. Aiko right next to me following my every move. I checked our surroundings. Still no sound from Noya. Or his 'secret weapon.'

I stood up confused. Where did that little bitch go? I'm tryna kick his ass here. Aiko stood up as well grabbing onto my leg. He always gets anxious when cornered. He definitely didn't get that from my sister. So probably his other mom then.

Suddenly, a small prick tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw Akari holding a gun pointed in my direction, Noya standing victoriously behind her. Aiko immediately pouted. "No fair!"

"Really?" I slanted my eyes at Noya. He stuck his tongue out picking up Akari and tossing her in the air. When she fell back into his arms she giggled softly.

"Told you I had a secret weapon."

I placed my gun on the counter and patted Aiko head. "Go get the bullets okay?"

He smiled up at me before moving to the living room. Where most of the damage and fighting had happened. I shuffled over to Noya kissing Akari cheek. "She wasn't even playing." I poked his side.

Noya shrugged with a smile plastered across his face as he looked at Akari. He always lights up when we watch Saeko kids. She's pregnant with her third. I feel sorry for her wife. Saeko is annoying enough, I doubt she's any better when pregnant. She loves Saeko so much so I doubt she really cares.

Speaking of Saeko, a knock came to the door. Noya pouted and quickly ran away. Probably to hide and keep the children. He acts like we aren't going to have dinner with them. He'll be able to see them for at least a few more hours.

Noya loves children. Once while I was getting ready for work he asked me if we could have a baby. Maybe it was the look on my face but he immediately fake laughed afterward and said never mind. I never brought it up again. I mean, not that I would mind a baby, but I we really haven't discussed it much.

"Please tell me you're cooking something good." My sister said right as I opened the door. Her wife waving at me from behind her. She was small and beautiful just like their son and daughter. This pregnancy is the first one my sister had to carry since Yua, Saeko wife, had major issues with Akari when giving birth.

Noya suddenly popped up behind me, jumping on my back and wrapping his legs around my waist. "Guess who lost nerf war this time?"

Both Saeko and Yua walked in. "Aww did little Aiko lose?" Yua frowned softly picking up her son and holding him gently. I shut the door and reached behind me poking both of Noyas sides. He yelped falling off of me and onto the floor.

I laughed and turned around to help him up. "You okay baby?" I asked squatting down to become face to face with him. He pouted cutely.

"That hurts my butt."

"You're butt has felt worse pain." I winked and helped him up. He just shook his head lightly, his stupid little smile causing my heart to ache. After all these years I'm still madly in love with him.

Once dinner was ready, we all sat at the table. Yua and Noya engaged in a conversation about nerf guns. Yes nerf guns. Granted, it was like Noyas favorite game to play and he's not afraid to admit it. Him and I play when it's just me and him. Except, we have much different rules and a lot more kinkier play style.

For example, whatever clothing the bullet touches, you must take off, first to be naked loses and must do whatever the other asked or wants. I purposely lose all the time not even gonna lie. Noya gets a big ego when he wins and it's the most sexiest thing ever.

"Ryunosuke." Saeko whispered. I looked over at her to see she hadn't even been looking at me. She was putting more corn on Aiko plate. He looked up at me and smiled shyly. I patted his head. He's only brave when he wants to be that's for sure.

Finally, Saeko looked up at me. "I'm already on my third child you know." I took a bite of my food and nodded. She continued to speak. "When are you going to purpose?"

The question should've thrown me off. But, it really didn't, because I do want to purpose to Noya. It's just, I know he doesn't want anything big or romantic. Noya is very private when it comes to things like purposing or honeymoons or even dates. He'd much rather be at home with me then us go to a public restaurant. I don't mind it, but it's conflicting.

"I don't know." I said honestly looking up at her.

"You have the ring?" I shook my head. If I had the ring I would've already purposed. Duh. "Well you better hurry. That boys gonna start to get impatient."

I debated on rather or not to say that he wasn't Oikawa but my sisters only met him once or twice so i doubt she'd get the reference.

Once dinner was over and Saeko, Yua and the kids left, Noya and I laid on the couch. He was poking me with a nerf bullet. I chuckled and tickled his side.

"What are you doing?" I asked holding him closer since he had tried to get away because of my tickles.

Noya looked up at me. "Pew pew." He said before kissing me just once.

"What a dork." I whispered moving my hand down and pulling his thigh so it was over my own. This position is a lot more comfortable. I mean we could move upstairs but I liked being squeezed tight with him.

Noya rubbed his nose against my own. "But I'm you're dork."

When I tell you I wrote those within 20 mins. I'm being legit serious. This is like the easiest chapter I've ever wrote and i think it's cute 😌

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