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-Akaashi POV-

"Wait... I want that!" Bokuto whined when Kuroo took the last muffin. I rolled my eyes sighing softly.

"Koutaro.." I wrapped my arms around his waist looking up at him. He pouted and crossed his arms. It's way to early to deal with his pouty side but someone.. *cough* Kuroo *cough* decided to take his last muffin.

I glared at Kuroo, who had already taken an enormous bite out of the muffin. His eyes widened at my glare, slowly he raised his hands into the air.

"Wah- nom m maum."

I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous he sounded with a full mouth. Bokuto pouted more and picked me up. I grabbed ahold of his biceps and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Kuroo laughed from where he was standing. "See," he said having finally swallowed the muffin. "You don't need a muffin just have Akaashi.." Kenma snickered from where he was sitting at the table and I would've thrown something at him if Bokuto wasn't holding me.

I covered my mouth and looked away, exposing my neck for Bokuto to explore. Which, he did. His lips immediately found my neck. I bit my lip until it bled. "Ah.. bokuto.." I pushed on his shoulders.

Although I was embarrassed, I had no reason to be. Kuroo and kenma are all but use to how flirty and touchy Bokuto is. If anything Kuroo is the same way. But, we just did it last night I don't understand how this beast has so much damn energy.

Bokuto turned around and placed me on the counter. I looked up at him with a blush on my face. I shook my head softly as he squeezed my thighs. He pouted again and laid his head in my shoulder. Sighing in relief, I brought my hand up to his back to rub it.

Peeking over Bokuto shoulder, I could see Kuroo watching us with a pen in his mouth. He caught me looking at him and raised and eyebrow. I stopped rubbing Bokutos back for two seconds to flick Kuroo off. He chuckled looking back down at his paperwork.

Kenma, on the other hand wasn't paying attention at all. He had his hoodie on his head as he stared intently at his phone, his tiny little fingers tapping away at his game.

Sometimes I wonder how those two even work as a couple, but then again, Bokuto and I are almost complete opposites as well. I guess it's true what they say then, opposites attract.


I giggled at the way Bokuto pouted my name and turned my head. I kissed his cheek before biting his earlobe softly. From the corner of my eye, I could see a bite mark on his shoulder just under his lose shirt. I felt my cheeks heat up as I pulled his shirt up.

"What is it?" Bokuto asked noticed my movements. I bit my lip when he looked at me. He put his hands on my cheek and kissed the tip of my nose. "I want you.." he pouted kissing my forehead.

How the hell am I supposed to deny that? Ughhhhh.

"Bokuto." I gripped his shirt tightly. "We ju- mmm."
I moaned softly into the deep kiss. His tongue darted across my teeth. I opened my mouth letting him in. His tongue danced with mine. I melted into him basically slumping against his body.

His hand reached down running up my shorts and boxers. I quickly reached for his wrist but didn't pull away from the kiss. He grunted softly moving his other hand to my waist and pulling my hips against this own.

Behind us, Kuroo laughed and I didn't know if it was from us or from something Kenma showed him. Either way, I'm sure he noticed us by now. I didn't care really. Bokuto body was covering mine like a protective shield for my anxiety.

"H-hey.." I whispered in the kiss when he hand started to move again and squeeze my thigh. I looked down and looked at his hand. My heart was beating so fast and I was getting really excited and I know he could tell.

I blushed and pushed my head into his shoulder. He laughed and removed his hand. I bit the inside of my cheek as he rubbed his finger down my spine. I shivered arching my back slightly. His finger continued moving up and down and back again.

"Akaashi." Kuroo groaned loudly. I looked up from Bokuto shoulder and looked at him. He was holding a pencil to his head as he stared angrily at his paperwork. "Help me out will ya? Youre smart right?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Seriously..." I sighed.
I went to get down then remembered the not so soft member in between my legs. I looked up at Bokuto. He smirked, knowing about my not so little problem. "D-do it yourself.." I said basically jumping when Bokuto touched my thigh. He laughed.

Kuroo scoffed. "Bitch if y- ohhhh I see!" He said smirking and biting the easer end of his pencil.

I shook my head and laid my head on Bokuto shoulder. "S-shut up! It's not that!"

"Then come over here." He laughed.

I turned my head to Bokuto already sick of Kuroos teasing. "Hey..." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck. "You can take upstairs now."

Bokuto wasted no time picking me up. As we were walking out of the kitchen, Kuroo waved. "Have fun." He teased as if he wasn't gonna beg Kenma for sex right when we left.

I flick him off and stuck out my tongue at him before tightening my grip around Bokuto. Gosh my body is going to be so exhausted later. But it's so worth it.

Why'd I write this chapter- idk? I really don't. I just-. Your welcome.

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