Priv chats 🍕

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-Tanaka and noya-

Tanaka- what do you want for dinner

Noya- hello to you too :(

Tanaka- Sorry :( good afternoon baby I love you

Noya- I love you too ❤️❤️

Tanaka- nowwww

Noya- idk why you ask?

Tanaka- oh Saeko texted me and said she really wasn't feeling good so she didn't want to make dinner
And I can't cook
So what do ya want I'll pick it up for you.
Saeko is getting Tacos because she's craving them ig
Idk some weird girl thing ig

Noya- weird girl thing 😂 Tanaka she started her period stupid

Tanaka- OH
I'm so stupid

Noya- omg I love you

Tanaka- ha ha I didn't even think about that

Noya- yeah she told me earlier because she started getting really dizzy I had to help her upstairs. Then I had to make her some lunch

Tanaka- she better not be turning my boyfriend into her slave

Noya- nuuu I'm just nice and she was dizzy because she hadn't eaten anything yet TANAKA

Tanaka- okay NOYA don't get smart with me

Noya- I'm not getting smart with anyone ASSHOLE

Tanaka- really? asshole?

Noya- I Sorry :(

Tanaka- no your not. I know you

Noya- :( okay your right I'm not 😌

Tanaka- 😒

Noya- babe

Tanaka- Hmm

Noya- wait wait do you prefer baby or babe?

Tanaka- uhhh idk never gave it much thought tbh why hun?

Noya- idk lol just wanted to know

Tanaka- your so weird

Noya- Ik:(

Tanaka- I like it tho. I like everything about you

Noya- really?

Tanaka- yes sir

Noya- my hair

Tanaka- mhmm

Noya- my voice

Tanaka- hell yeah

Noya- my body

Tanaka- ha ha yes even tho technically I haven't got to touch all of it yet

Noya- I'm sorry

Tanaka- no no no no don't be okay?

Noya- okay..

Tanaka- noyaaaa that's not what I meant.. okay?

Noya- Ik Ik :(

Tanaka- I'm sorry baby

Noya- :( you don't care do you?

Tanaka- about what

Noya- ....that I'm not a virgin no more?....

Tanaka- noya, why would you even think that

Noya- ...idkkkk

Tanaka- of course I don't care... It wasn't something you could control plus we weren't together then

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