YEET sponsered by LAZARBEAM

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Please remember these chats are before the last day so technically in this Makki and Mattsun are not yet engaged.

I'm sorry

It's just easier that way 😌

Also, the title.... I CAN EXPLAIN.

Actually no I can't. Lazarbeam is my favorite YouTuber so yeye

-In Cupid's playground chat-

Oikawa- so if we were girls which one of us would be pregnant by now

Terushima- kyo

Mad dog- fuck you id be on birth control

Kuroo- kenma

Kenma- no

Akaashi- pfft

Bokuto- akaashiiiiii we could've had a baby

Akaashi- Ik :( we can still have a baby tho it's okay

Kuroo- hey lev

Lev- Hmm?

Kuroo - you and Yaku ever talk about the future? Like with kids and all that?

Lev- .....

Kenma- Kuroo dont

Kuroo- what I'm curious

Oikawa- oof

Lev- doesn't matter

Mad dog- welllll

Terushima- mad dog, wear a skirt for me

Mad dog- no omg

Kenma-'s not that bad

Oikawa- ^

Makki- I've done it

Mattsun- that was hot

Bokuto- akaashi looks the best in a skirt

Akaashi- thank you baby

Bokuto- np precious

Makki- ^ yes we stan

Mattsun- facts tho

Kuroo- wait oikawa lets be honest, if you were a girl, you'd be pregnant

Oikawa- yeah ik 😔
But iwachan and I baby would be so cute!

Iwaizumi- you know when we get married and we eventually have a kid, if you call me that and make them start calling me that imma be mad

Oikawa- it'll be my secret Name for you~

Iwaizumi- mhm

Oikawa- :( iwachan so mean...

Makki- lmao tuff I could neverrrrr

Mattsun- ^

Kuroo- whos cried this week?

Akaashi- me

Bokuto- me

Makki- same

Mattsun- pffft

Oikawa- not me lol

Terushima- ^ mood

Mad dog- I have

Terushima- what. Baby when??

Mad dog- I don't wanna talk about it...

Terushima- private chat?....

Mad dog- ...I guess...

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