Home screens

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-Cupid's playground chat-

Akaashi- I have the cutest home screen ❤️

Bokuto- lol what is it???

Akaashi- you~

Bokuto- awwww akaashi!!! ❤️❤️

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Bokuto- awwww akaashi!!! ❤️❤️

Kuroo- that's cute but like hahaha mines is cuter

Kuroo- that's cute but like hahaha mines is cuter

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Kenma- no. Change that.

Kuroo- naw I'm good I love it

Kenma- no

Kuroo- :(


Akaashi- why is that your home screen?

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Akaashi- why is that your home screen?

Bokuto- because you look so cute and happy!!!

Kuroo a you really do

Terushima- lmao honestly

Tanaka- I think I've seen akaashi smile like ONCE

Oikawa- he smiled at our practice match but only because Bokuto kissed his cheek

Akaashi- you saw that?!

Bokuto- don't worry I saw him and iwa making out behind the bleachers

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