Zombie AU

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-Makki POV-

The gun in my belt was rubbing against my side in the wrong way. I stopped to fix it. Ahead of me, Oikawa and Iwaizumi continued walking. Mattsun right behind them.

It only took Mattsun a couple of seconds to realize I wasn't behind him. He quickly came over to me. "Hey don't stray to far." He grabbed my arm. I looked up at him.

"Hey!" Iwaizumi called from ahead. "We got walkers up ahead."

I looked toward them. Mattsun grabbed out his knife. "How many?"

Oikawa backed up toward us. "A lot. Iwachan. Come on please?" He begged. Iwaizumi cursed under his breath, turning around and running towards us. From behind him I saw a whole group of walkers.

Quickly, we all ran into the nearest building. Iwaizumi stood against the door. "Grab shit quickly!"

Oikawa stood next to him trying his best to hold it shut as well. Mattsun pushed me out of the way and started grabbing furniture. I looked around. A large dresser was on the wall near the door. I caught Oikawa's eye and nodded at the dresser. Iwaizumi pushed him over. Both him and I were able to push it over in front of the door.

As soon as it was in front of the door, Iwaizumi collapsed against Oikawa. Oikawa held him. "Hey it's alright are you hurt?"

I looked around. "Mattsun?" I walked further into the house my gun in hand. He literally just disappeared earlier.

The owner of the house must have been an artist. There were paintings and canvases everywhere. I kicked one out of my way as I walked into the kitchen.

"Makki?" I jumped and turned to my side. Mattsun was standing with his knife ready to strike. "Sorry.." he put it down. "I checked the rest of the house. There's no more walkers. Including upstairs."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed me on the head. Behind us Oikawa came in with Iwaizumi limping on his shoulder. "Mattsun help me.."

Mattsun put his knife away before moving away from me and helping Oikawa lift Iwaizumi onto the counter. Iwaizumi groaned and sat with his back against the cabinets. "Oikawa I'm fine.. really."

"No you're not." Oikawa started tearing up and leaned his head on Iwaizumi's chest. Iwaizumi wrapped his arm around him holding him tightly.

Iwaizumi was the guns of our group. He knew the city like the back of his hand as well as the woods. He's gotten us out of so many tough situations. We'd be dead without him.

"What's wrong?" Mattsun finally asked.

Iwaizumi side. "I just hurt my ankle that's all. Oikawa is over reacting."

"I am not!" He cried against his chest. I sighed and patted Oikawa's back.

"I'll see if I can find some candles and Mattsun will look for bandages. You studied the body right? You were going to be a doctor for athletes. You should be able to help him?"

Oikawa didn't answer. Iwaizumi nodded at us to go look for supplies. Mattsun and I looked at each other. He put his hand on my cheek. I smiled softly. He kissed me once before we split up.

Mattsun ran upstairs to find a bathroom, I looked around for a closet. Eventually I found one in hallway. I used my flashlight to find candles and luckily a lighter with fluid in it. I celebrated silently in my head.

I grabbed as many candles as I could along with the lighter. Once I was back in the kitchen I started lighting the candles and placing them on the table. Mattsun arms wrapped around my waist after I was done with the last one. I turned slightly. "Did you find some?"

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