Private life pt 4 (Bokuto and Akaashi)

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I hit 20k! Y'all I- okay okay. I love you guys. Also I hope you are enjoying the private life chapters. I'm doing it for all the couples. Well- maybe besides one.
*cough* Yaku and lev *cough cough*

Idk though I might think of something.

Correction- I literally started writing this this morning and by now- I'm already at 22k so- okay- you guys scare me. It's really not even that good!! But thank you ❤️❤️

-Bokuto and Akaashi private chat-

Bokuto- you asleep yet?

Akaashi- no they just got finished giving me my dose of medicine tonight and dinner

Bokuto- ooo what you eating?

Akaashi- chicken and waffles

Bokuto- seriously

Akaashi- nuuu silly

Bokuto- oh😂

Akaashi- I'm eating chicken with a side of corn

Bokuto- oh! Kenma cooked corn for dinner earlier

Akaashi- kenma cooked? I'm gonna have to text him congratulations

Bokuto- nuuu don't text him focus on me

Akaashi- lol okay fine

Bokuto- Keiji...

Akaashi- yeah what is it?...

Bokuto- I love you

Akaashi- I love you too

Bokuto- and I'm so sorry for everything

Akaashi- bokuto.. this wasn't your fault

Bokuto- no Keiji I meant before tsukki..

Akaashi- oh.

Bokuto- the thing about the girl.. I really was joking you know? I honestly just wanted to see if you would get jealous and then when you did I didn't know how to handle it...

Akaashi- you did that on purpose?...

Bokuto- I'm really sorry..

Akaashi- that really hurt me..

Bokuto- Ik... and I don't deserve for you to forgive me..

Akaashi- don't say that..

Bokuto- I'm seriously... I was so stupid about it.. like I am with everything

Akaashi- bokuto stop your not stupid

Bokuto- I wish I could hold you rn..

Akaashi- tmr night.. you can hold me tmr..

Bokuto- promise

Akaashi- oh yeah I swear

Bokuto- okay baby 😔

Akaashi- are you going to sleep?..

Bokuto- ahh no.. why do you want me too

Akaashi- no actually I prefer that you stay up and talk to me

Bokuto- then I will

Akaashi- :)

Bokuto- how many kisses do I get tmr

Akaashi- depends

Bokuto- ??

Akaashi- are you gonna cry when you see me?

Bokuto- oh yeah definitely

Akaashi- why?

Bokuto- cause

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