Private chats 👁👄👁

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-yachi and lev Private chat-

Yachi- do you mind bringing home some Nutella? You ate it all and I'm craving it

Lev- I'm not coming home tn.

Yachi- what? Why...
come on lev

Lev- I don't want to

Yachi- why?

Lev- I'm calling off the engagement....

Yachi- ....
I figured you were gonna say that

Lev- you slept with Kiyoko?

Yachi- you're fucking Yaku

Lev- what

Yachi- wHaT?
Yeah I'm not stupid

Lev- oh

Yachi- oh it right

Lev- how did you know....

Yachi- I walked in on you pounding his ass at Oikawas wedding

Lev- um...

Yachi- so I went to Kiyoko for emotional support....
I found out I was pregnant that day

Lev- I'm sorry.

Yachi- it's fine...
you could've just told me

Lev- I did tell you...
when we first started dating

Yachi- yes but that was like years ago...

Lev- well... we made a promise

Yachi- so what about our baby

Lev- I don't plan to exit my child's life... we could co parent... and you can keep the house. I'll go live with Yaku.

Yachi- doesn't he live in an apartment...
I'd rather have him come live with us...
you know Incase something happens?

Lev- what about Kiyoko?

Yachi- oh..
We haven't talked since the wedding

Lev- what why not?

Yachi- idk...

Lev- wanna grade sex tapes?

Yachi- you're silly

Lev- 😌 just tryna cheer you up
Yaku has ours tho

Yachi- I have mine and Kiyokos

Lev- can I see

Yachi- can I see yours and Yaku?

Lev- I'll invite him over for dinner

Yachi- So is the baby going to call him dad #2?

Lev- pfft yakus a bottom.
He's a mommy

Yachi- I'm the mommy

Lev- okay so he can be daddy's mommy

Yachi- fair

Lev- yaku likes his steak cooked with mushrooms on top

Yachi- 😂 who says I'm cooking.
It's you're boyfriend

Lev- ughhh so mean!
I'll buy you ice cream

Yachi- fine.
But I want the expensive kind from the mall

Lev-  the- ! WHAT

Yachi- take Yaku he'll keep you company

Lev- ughhh you're lucky

Yachi- likewise✌️

-Bokuto and Akaashi chat-

Bokuto- I want another baby

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