Requestyyyy (Iwaoi)

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Since I have kinda gotten to the point where I have to timeskip to the future-

I have decided to do some request.

The first request I got was Iwaoi

-Please note-

These request will take place before anyone has gone to college.


-Oikawa POV-

I couldn't sleep. Not when Iwaizumi's mom was awake walking around downstairs. Occasionally, I could hear her sing along to the song that was playing. She had a very pretty voice which was weird because normally, her voice wasn't soft as all. But I guess that explains why Iwachan can sing as well. Even though he wants to believe he can't sing, he totally can.

I ran my fingers along Iwaizumi's back. He was halfway on top of me, his right leg in between mine and his head laying on my shoulder. I loved when he laid on my like this. It's his sweet side.

Sometimes, when we lay like this, he'll leave tiny kiss on my neck which make me giggle softly. It's nothing sexual, it's just something that tells me he's there. He'll also, on rare occasions, whisper the words. 'I love you.' Iwaizumi barely says I love you. But I know better than to think otherwise.

"Tooru.." he whispered his breath traveling down my skin causing me to shiver. Iwaizumi reached and pulled the blanket from our waist to his shoulders so it would cover more of me. I smiled thankfully. See, he's so caring and sweet sometimes. "Go to sleep."

I frowned, kissing his forehead. "But my wittle iwachan is being so cute." I said in a babyish voice. "All cuddled on top of me, mostly naked. You're so adorable." I grinned.

Iwaizumi sighed softly, his hand finding my waist under the blanket. He ran his fingers over the place where my tattoo was. My tattoo of his name. I was really happy when he got my name as well. It showed me that I wasn't the only one who believed in us. Now sure, tattoos are a risky commitment, even the tattoo artist said so, but I'd never give up my iwachan. Not in a hundred million years.

"Yeah well you're really warm. It's cold in here." He said, his nose rubbing against my cheek. I turned my head. He looked up at me. With the moonlight shining in from the window, I could just barely see the outline of his body. I placed my hand on his cheek. "Plus, it's been a minute since we've laid in bed together."

I smiled sadly as he moved up and pressed a small kiss against my lips. He's right. Because of his mom, we've barely been able to sleep in the same bed together. Which sucks because I loved being pressed against him while I sleep.

"I'm still scared though." I admitted as he stared at me. "I want you're mom to like me."

Iwaizumi sighed and rolled off of me to lay next to me. His hand ran down my arm until it reached my own hand. He squeezed my hand. I turned my head to look at him. "You don't need my mom to like you Tooru." He said turning his head to face me as well.

I bit my lip to hold in a dramatic sigh. I understand why he doesn't like his mom, but at the same time, I really don't. So what she banned me from coming over? Not like that stopped us from meeting up or being together. I mean hell, were in his bed right now. Yeah sure, im scared she'll catch us but it's worth it for Iwachan.

"But.." I pouted and turned on my side, he did the same, placing his hand on my waist and squeezing lightly. "What about when we get married? You're moms not gonna come?" I moved closer, my finger running along under his chin.

He inched forward rubbing his nose against mine. "We'll have you're mom. And she's gonna get us the best marriage gift."

"Why do you think that?" I snorted rolling my eyes. My mom actually sucks at gifts. Except Iwaizumi wouldn't know that, because I'm the one that tells my mom what he wants for his birthday.

He poked my forehead. "Because she's fucking loaded."

I shook my head and leaned forward to kiss him. "So what does that make me?" He pushed his hand through my hair. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. Fuck that feels so good for no damn reason. "Haijime..."

"Guess it makes you my sugar daddy huh?"

I opened my eyes and stared at him. He smirked grabbing my cheek and kissing me passionately. I can't believe he just fucking called me that. I've dreamed about this day for so long!

"Iwachan~" I giggled wrapping my leg around his waist. He held me close letting me bury my head into his neck. To others this positions may look uncomfortable but not to us. We're use to being close and cuddly like this.

"You gonna go to sleep now?" He whispered kissing right below my ear. I nodded. "Okay goodnight Tooru."

"Goodnight Iwachan."


"Haijime. Tooru. Get up right now."

I ignored the voice and snuggled my back into Iwaizumi bare chest. He squeezed me closer.

"Dammit Haijime. Now."

"Ow mom wh- Mom?!" Iwaizumi sat up quickly. I slowly sat up as well rubbing my eyes. When my vision was clear, I realized the situation. We had slept through the alarm and his mom caught us. Well isn't this just fucking great.

I pulled the blanket up to hide my chest. His mom stared at us arms crossed. "I don't like liars Haijime."

Iwaizumi turned his head away from her. "And I don't like homophobic mothers."

"I can't believe you. So you'd choose him over you're own mother." She gasps.

Iwaizumi looked at me then back up at her. "If it came down to it, yes. Without much thought."

His mother shook her head. "Well.." she looked at me. I looked down at the blanket. Under the covers, Iwaizumi hand found mine. "If you're gonna be with my son, might as well make you breakfast."

We both looked up at her confused. She sighed and exited the room. "Hurry up you're eggs will get cold."

When she exited the room, I laid my head on Iwaizumi shoulder with a soft chuckle. He turned to me and lifted my chin to meet his lips.

We kissed for a moment then decided to get up and get dressed. Iwaizumi watched me stretch in only my boxers. "What?" I giggled playfully hiding my nipples. He laughed and came over to me pushing my back roughly against the wall. "Oh Haijime, when'd you get so kinky?"

His lips teased mine just barely touching. "We're gonna tell my mom about the house."

"Don't ruin the moment by talking about you're mom." I smirked pulling his hips closer. "We already have to go awkwardly eat breakfast with her."

"Shh we'll worry about that in a moment."

Ha ha you're welcome.

I have 2 more chapters I wanna do before I timeskip.

I might add a chat chapter in between so that way there isn't so many IRL Chapters in a row but pfft whateverrrrr

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