The wedding pt 2 IRL

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So anyone play the Last Of Us 2?

I'm watching Jacksepticeyes play through and I've already cried 3 times ✌️😭

-Iwaizumi POV-

"Dude imagine he walked out in a dress." Mattsun joked from besides me. Mad dog laughed punching my shoulder. I glared at the two.

"It's not funny..." I took a deep breath. From the crowd I saw my mom engaged in a conversation with Tooru's mother. I'm glad my mom is accepting of everything now. I couldn't do this without her. She's my emotional support since I couldn't see Tooru all day.

Mattsun stood really close behind me to whisper in my ear. "Would you be really mad though? Or would you be happy?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around punching him in the stomach. He bent over holding his stomach in pain. Mad dog laughed so I punched him as well. I turned back around with a smile catching Kuroo's eye. He was holding, Kito. At least, I'm pretty sure that's the kids name. I nodded for him to come over.

There was still some time before the ceremony started. Kuroo turned to Kenma and pointed at me before coming over. I stared at Kito and he stared at me. "He likes you." Kuroo said so sure of himself.

I snorted. "What makes you think that?" I reached a hand out to touch his cheek. Kirk leaned forward with both hands and fell into my chest. "Oh shit kid." I chuckled holding him right.

"So are kids the next step?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Oh don't even get that into Tooru's head. I do not need a kid right now. I already have to deal with him."

Kuroo laughed looking over my shoulder. "What's up with you two."

Both Mattsun and Mad Dog shook there and heads and turned away. I rolled my eyes. Wimps. I should've convinced Oikawa to give me Makki and Terushima. But then again, I'd rather not deal with anyone, let alone two style crazy dorks. At least Mad Dog and Mattsun were chill and quiet. Most of the time.

"Daddy..." Kito rubbed his eyes and started pouting a little. Kuroo offered his arms to him but he hit him. "Daddy!" I put him on the ground. Instead of walking away, like I thought he would, he just sat on his butt and cried. What is wrong with this kid?

"Come here I'll take you to daddy..." Kuroo said squatting next to him. Kito hit Kuroo's arms again and moved away from him. I sighed and looked around. From the side, I saw Akaashi marching towards us. He grabbed Kuroo by the ear.

"What'd you do to my son?" He glared at Kuroo. And even though Akaashi is usually hard to read I know he meant well. After all, they are like best friends.

Akaashi bent down and picked Kito up. Kito snuggled into Akaashis arms closing his eyes softly. I admired that. Akaashi looked fucking adorable holding his kid protectively. I wouldn't mind seeing Oikawa like that...

"Can I have everyone's attention please." Terushima said entering the room loudly as can be. "Our beautiful bride is ready and we're about to start. So I need everyone to take their seats." He looked at me and gave a wink. I shook my head. What a dumbass.

Kuroo and Akaashi returned to their seats. When the pastor entered the room every got quiet. He came to stand to the side of me. "What?" The old man said looking out in the crowd. "I'm not the bride I don't need silence." A couple people laughed lightening the tension in the room.

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