Private Lifes 3 (Kagehina)

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-Kageyama and Hinata Private chat-

Kageyama- you're so silent today

Hinata- huhh?
Oh I'm sorry❤️

Kageyama- it's okay
It's just usually you text me like all throughout the day
So it was weird to look at my phone and not see a text from you

Hinata- practice was a bit rough today that's why
Sorry kags👉👈

Kageyama- it's okay sunshine

Hinata- :)

Kageyama- hey you're good right?

Hinata- yes why
Do I seem not good?

Kageyama- you just seem a bit off

Hinata- I sowwyyyyy
I'm just really tired
I wanna take a bath when I get home

Kageyama- I'll join you

Hinata- oki ❤️

Kageyama- I'll buy candles

Hinata- reallyyyy

Kageyama- yeah
I gotta stop to get some milk anyway

Hinata- of course you do

Kageyama- SHUT UP

-Kageyama POV-

Hinata sat in the tub, his knees to his chest, watching me light the candles silently. He's been pretty quiet since I got home. I asked him a bunch if he was alright and he answered me every time with a smile and a simple 'I'm okay'.

"Are you comfortable?" I looked over at him as I lit the last candle. He nodded, laying his head on his knees. His eyes drifted closed. See, there was definitely something off about him. And I'm going to find out what. My baby is not allowed to be sad.

I sighed quietly. "Sunshine~" I whispered. He smiled softly without looking at me. I sat down beside the tub and reached forward rubbing his cheek with a few fingers. He leaned ever so slightly into my touch.

His cheeks were warm but I didn't know if that was from the water or if he was running a fever. "You're warm." He whispered. I chuckled.

"Yeah says you.." I moved my hand to his forehead. "You're burning up." I said. He shook his head, groaning lightly at me. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I searched through the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water before returning to the bathroom.

He hadn't even looked up at me when I walked in. I sighed and set the water bottle on the edge of the tub before going into the medicine cabinet and grabbing out some Tylenol. I poured him the correct amount and handed it to him.

He drank it down then chugged half of the water bottle. I stroked his hair back, wetting my hand in the water as I did so it would stay out of his face. "You're not going to work tomorrow." I said.

He pouted but didn't fight. "Okay..." he opened his eyes. "Are you gonna get in?"

I nodded and undressed. When I got in behind him, he pressed his back to my chest. I kissed the side of his head as he laid on my shoulder. His eyes closed once more.

"You been like this all day?" I asked running my fingers up and down his arm. He hummed softly. "What does hmm mean?" I drew a line along his collarbones.

"I'm not sure." Hinata whispered. "I was fine until lunch."  He turned his head to look up at me. Being this close why he has a cold is probably going to make me sick as well, but I didn't mind. It's only a cold.

I rubbed my nose against his softly. His whole body was warm, and now being pressed against him I can tell that it wasn't just from the warm water. "What happened at lunch baby?"

Hinata shrugged and pulled away from me. I sat up straight and lifted his chin up. He had small tears forming in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. I pushed his lose hair behind his ear. He really needed a hair cut. "I.. I got a job offer. For.." he rubbed his eyes. "For the professional American volleyball league."

My eyes widen. So that's why he was so upset. Hinata starts to feel sick when he's nervous about something. I've grown quite use to it actually. Because, I know just how to help him.

"Yeah? That's a really tough spot to get. Not even I was offered that." I whispered placing my hand on his cheek.

He looked up at me. "Y-your not mad?"

I shook my head. "No. Why would I be?"

He moved into my lap wrapping his small legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. "Because I want to take the offer." He buried his face into my shoulder.

I sighed lightly and rubbed his back. I'm not enthusiastic about just up and moving to another country. I mean, we have a pretty good thing going here in Japan. I have a steady position and job. I mean what if I go to America and no team wants me?

"Okay." I said softly not wanting to make him feel bad. I kissed his shoulder. "Then take the offer."

He shook his head quickly and pulled away just enough to look at me. "No.. I don't.." he started tearing up again. "I don't wanna leave you."

I leaned my head forward to press against his. He sniffled. "I wanna stay with you." He said, his fingers running across my cheek.

"I know Hinata. But this is a once in a lifetime offer. And i like my place on the Japan team."

"I do too, but I-."

I kissed him, just once, not caring if I were to get sick. "Take it Hinata. Go explore America okay? Try it for one season. If you don't like it, then you can come back."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I love you to much to be away from you for that long..." I chuckled, kissing both of his cheeks. He pouted and pressed closer against me. "It's not funny.."

I shook my head. "We'll figure it out, okay?" He nodded. "But right now, we need to get you're fever down."

He nodded again,  laying his head on my chest. His hands where curled up between us, his fingers tracing over my stomach. I was really hoping he'd say fuck the offer all together. But I'm not gonna ask him to stay for me. If he wants to try it out, I think he should. I feel like it'd be really fun experience for him. Maybe one he could tell our future kids about.

But, I'm not ready to be separated from him for that long. I can't do it.

La la la la la. They are so cute like- i-

I know I don't do them much, and it's because I feel like kagehina is over done a lot. But ig the same could be said for a couple other couples.

But, overdone or not, that was super adorable 😌🥺

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