Tendou and Semi IRL

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I wanna take this time to let everyone know that I own the Kyoteru ship 😌❤️

daddy-channn is co owner of course ✌️


-Semi POV-

A nice walk around the mall is just what I needed after being under so much stress. Feeling the nice air, seeing the expensive clothes and eating the mall food, it's perfect. Except, I look like an idiot going alone. But not that I really kind, I didn't have anyone to take with me anyway.

A women who had been walking next to me since I entered the building stopped and held her hand out to meet my chest. I backed away grimacing. It's not that I didn't like other people, or hated germs, but like, why are you just suddenly touching me? Show some respect for people's space.

"Are you following me!?" She flared up at me. I stared down at her dumbfounded. She seemed to be 16. Probably a paranoid teenager attempting to find her friends in this never ending big ass mall. I sighed lightly and tried to walked past her but she stopped me again. "I asked you a question."

"And I ignored you." I smiled. "I have food to eat so goodbye." I finally walked past her this time without her stopping me again.

I got to the food court within the next couple minutes. I ordered my food without anymore trouble when I went to sit down, my eyes caught Tendous as I was scanning the area. Out of all the places in town, of course he would eat here.

I quickly tried to look away before he nodded me over. But it was no use he had already saw me. And if I didn't go sit next to him, he was going to come get me. Giving up, I walked over setting my tray down sitting opposite of him. He stared at me.

"I'm only sitting here because for one, I'll look like an idiot sitting alone. And two, you'd pester me if I hadn't."

Tendou just smiled softly then looked down at his phone. I huffed and sat down. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything.  It's not normal of him. Maybe he's...

"Tendou," I said placing my hand on the table. He looked at my hand then up at me. I didn't even have to say anything. He knows.

He placed the back of his hand on mine and began to roll up his sleeves. The only mark we're marks from the past. I nodded at the other arm. He repeated his process with his left arm this time.

"Why?" He asked when I was finished looking at his arms. I shrugged watching him pull his sleeves back down. "Oh.. okay then... what are you doing here?"

Again, I shrugged. "Just... came to eat some of the food. What about you?"

Tendou placed his phone face down. He had a clear case like most bisexuals did. In the back of the phone case was a picture of him and I. It was a picture Terushima took for us during Christmas a few years back. We were laying in the snow holding each other. Tendou was attempting to kiss me but I couldn't stop laughing. I had a lot of fun that day.

"Im meeting Teru and Kyo." He said his finger tracing over the phone case. I want his long fingers on my skin again. Granted, I was in no fucking mood to bottom for this bastard, but that doesn't mean I don't want him to touch me.

I also just want for him to hold me. Like in that picture. I miss all of our nights together holding each other and gossiping. Tendou gossiped about everyone. It was amazing how back in high school he knew everyone's business. He even knew drama from other schools.

I took a long sip of my coke. "Kyo okay? I haven't got the chance to really talk to him."

Tendou shook his head eyes glancing behind me. "He looks fine." I followed his gaze. Walking towards us was Terushima and Kyotani. They were holding hands, Kyotani blushing about it softly when he caught us staring. He turned his head.

Kyotani does that often. Us four have gone on a lot of  double dates. Kyo always gets embarrassed. Terushima said he's been like that since they started dating but it's gotten better.

I turned back to Tendou to see him taking a bite of my cheeseburger. I gasped and slapped his head. He chuckled mid chew and started choking. I snorted. "That's what you get asshole!"

Terushima sat next to Tendou patting his back. Kyotani took a seat next to me. "I didn't know you were coming." He said offering me a small smile. He seemed happy, but the dark circles under his eyes told me otherwise. I glanced at Terushima. He shook his head slightly.

"I was eating and found Tendou. What are you guys doing?"

"Shopping for my little sister. Turns out my parents never bought her anything and just expected her to wear all of Katsumi clothes. But she's 5. Katsumi is a whole 12 years older then her."

"So she's okay?" I asked hugging his side.

He shook his head and patted my hair. "Kiri yes. Katsumi is still in a coma."

I rubbed his back. As we spoke, Tendou and terushima basically ate my food. I told both of them that they owe me but they laughed it off. We moved to a section of the mall that had clothing stores. Of course Terushima and Tendou dragged us into every single fucking store.

In one of the stores, we found ourselves distracted by the adult clothes. Terushima pulled out a maid costume. "Kentaro~" He sung moving over to us. Kyotani backed up and rolled his eyes. "Come on. Try this on for me!"

I glanced at Kyotani. He covered his cheeks with his arms but nodded toward the clothing rooms. Terushima rushed over to him grabbing his waist and dragging him off. I snorted and looked back at Tendou. He was holding up a blank skirt. I shook my head.

"Fuck no."

"Come on!"

"No..." I turned away. Tendou pouted placing the skirt back on the rack. I sighed closing my eyes as Tendous arms wrapped around me from behind. "Satori.."

Tendou groaned softly near my ear. "Come on. Please semisemi."

I looked around. Barely anyone was in this store. It's almost vacant of any people. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. I jumped up locking my legs around his waist. "I wanna kiss you..." I admitted into his ear grazing it with my teeth.

Almost immediately, Tendou grabbed the skirt from the rack and carried me to the changing room. From across the way I heard Terushima giggle about something but I was to focused on the feeling of Tendous hand running over my butt and lower back.

As soon as we got into the room and locked the door, Tendou slammed me against the wall pressing his lips against my own. I moaned softly into the kiss pulling on his hair. He grinned against me eagerly.

I leaned my head back, my mouth open but no sound coming out. Tendou moved his lips to my neck devouring the skin their and marking it. I should've been mad and angry. We aren't dating. But for some reason, I wanted him to mark me.

Tendou hands started to moved to my pants using the wall and his knee to ensure I didn't fall. I panicked slightly grabbing both of his wrist. He looked at me confused. I blushed softly attempting to avoid his gaze.

"I..." I wrapped my arms around his neck burying my face into his shoulder. "Buy the skirt. I'll wear it for you at home."

Tendou rubbed my back. "We don't live together anymore."

I squeezed him tightly. "I'll move back in." I said softly. "I really miss you." I admitted. Tendou chuckled softly into my ear, his lips dragging down to kiss my neck.

"I missed you too Semisemi."

If you couldn't tell. I have a thing for making people do it in public.

Maybe that's one of my kinks.

Hope my girl is into that😅

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