✨MastuHana Is On Crack ✨

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-in Cupid's playground chat-

Oikawa- can we talk about pet names?

Iwaizumi- omg baby I'm sorry

Oikawa- no

Makki- lmao what-

Mattsun- so confused
What's up?

Noya- wdym pet names?

Oikawa- Haijime is trying to make me call him master...

Iwaizumi- I WAS JOKING


Iwaizumi- I'm gonna fuck you

Kuroo- you mean fight?

Kenma- ^ 😅

Iwaizumi- no.

Terushima- okay but master is cute 🥵

Mad dog- only cause you're a kinky fuck

Terushima- what's my name baby

Mad dog- daddy

Tendou- I- let me just pull a noya real quick *screenshots*

Semi- why-

Noya- same I already screenshotted it

Tanaka- so weird

Noya- you love me

Tanaka- sometimes

Noya- 🥺

Tendou- cause semisemi

Semi- .....

Tendou- ✨blackmail✨

Terushima- 😂 blackmail for what?

Mad dog- literally he's my fiancé I-

Tendou- for when you guys have a kid

Mad dog- I-

Terushima- show that to my daughter and I'll cut you up in pieces

Makki- Aww how sweet

Mattsun- makki you have such weird taste
I call Makki pretty much anything I don't have a set name for him

Bokuto- I call Akaashi princess

Akaashi- he does ❤️

Kuroo- awwwwwww❤️ to cuteeeeeee

Kenma- agreed ❤️

Bokuto- princess❤️❤️🥺

Akaashi- yeah my prince? 🥺

Bokuto- kriskwiowkdjee

Makki- fuck he died

Mattsun- Damn. I liked him

Tanaka- ^omg guys no

Lev- bokuto you cant die-

Tendou- why not
It's a way of live

Semi- no one asked Tendou

Tendou- :(((( BE NICE TO ME

Semi- nO

Makki- what do you have??

Mattsun- a KnIfE

Makki- nO

Oikawa- I think we need help

Iwaizumi- no just those two honey

Oikawa- :)

Kuroo- okay okay guys!

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