Nice kill

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-Cupid's Playground chat-

Tanaka- hey

Noya- hi

Tanaka- noya you don't have to respond if we're already ready texting in another chat

Noya- maybe I wanted too?

Tanaka- .....

Noya- what? Gonna fight me now

Tanaka- I just might. I'll kick your ass

Noya- what did you say

Terushima- I'm gonna roast that damn nerd today

Tanaka- what?

Kuroo- get back here Deku

Noya- I'm soooo confused

Bokuto- say goodbyeeee

Kenma- oh no..

Akaashi- outta my way now before I set you on fire

Tanaka- ?????

Noya- Is this a song?

Kuroo- lets continue

Bokuto- now I'm mad

Akaashi- my old man is a scumbag

Noya- it's def a song... IM LOOKING IT UP


Kenma- no more song

Kuroo- okay kenma~


Akaashi- you betrayed our friendship... you didn't finish

Kenma- since when did you care so much

Akaashi- since Kuroo didn't finish the song

Bokuto- I'm with akaashi

Kuroo- you'll always take akaashi side lets be honest


Akaashi- cause I'm his best friend

Kuroo- WRONG

Akaashi- no I am

Kuroo- your his best fuck I'm his best friend

Akaashi- I'm his only fuck

Bokuto- ^

Kuroo- ....y'all fuck?

Akaashi- no

Hinata- I'm so confused

Kageyama- me too lolll

Suga- ha virgins

Akaashi- SHUT UP SUGA!

Bokuto- ^

Kuroo- I'm not a virgin

Kenma- ....

Terushima- well that's not your fault

Kuroo- .......I-I-       I WASNT TALKING ABOUT THAT

Tanaka- ???

Kuroo- 🖕

Terushima- sorry I love you

Kuroo- love you too...    ig

Terushima- :(

Oikawa- :( don't be sad terushima

Iwaizumi- :(

Oikawa- you can be sad all you want

Iwaizumi- 😤😡🥺

Kageyama- oh?

Haikyuu text حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن