Private Lifes 3 (Makki and Mattsun)

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All of the comments were either Oikawa and Iwaizumi or makki and mattsun.

So I'm doing makki and Mattsun first cause if I don't my sister will get mad at me
-Makki POV-

Mattsun hand squeezed my thigh under the table. I looked over at him. Before I could say anything he buried his head in my shoulder. I brought my hand up and ran my hands through his hair.

By this time tonight, we'll have to go our separate ways. I already cried this morning when I woke up. Mattsun held me for what seemed like forever before my phone rang. I didn't answer it at first because I wanted to savor every last minute I had to be close to him.

When it rang again, I finally answered it. It was my dad. He had called and said he wanted to meet up before I go off to college. He basically begged me to bring Mattsun as if I wasn't going to. There's no way I'm letting go of him until I have too.

"Why's your dad taking so long?" Mattsun whispered his hands finding my waist. I shrugged poking his cheek. He looked up at me with a pout.

"Don't pout." I rolled my eyes and smacked his cheek. He laid back down and kissed my neck. I giggled and pushed him away.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a man sit down and scoot close to the window before my dad took a seat next to him. Both Mattsun and I turned to face him.
He smiled softly.

My dad looked younger and happier believe it or not. He cut his hair and bread. It suits him, short hair. He didn't have bags under his eyes like normally. And the thing I mostly noticed, his ring was missing from his finger.

I cleared my throat. Dad spoke up first. "Hey son. Mattsun." He nodded at the both of us. Mattsun reached forward to shake his hand like the respect boyfriend he is. I rolled my eyes and giggled softly.

"Hi." I smiled. My dad smiled back. I glanced at the man next to him. He look about my dads age. He seemed like the quiet and laid back type. But his hair and clothes told me that he surfed in his free time. My dad loved the ocean.

The man, who's name I still didn't know yet, gave Mattsun and I a sheepish smile. "Hey.. I'm Ken."

Mattsun immediately gasp. "Kaneki."

I facepalmed. My boyfriends a freaking idiot. He's so embarrassing. He's lucky I love him.

"No unfortunately not." Ken laughed. "Although that is my favorite anime."

Mattsun gasp again. "Me too!"

I placed my hand on Mattsun thigh under the table. My dad cleared his throat drawing our attention to him. "Um Ken, this is my son Takahiro and his boyfriend Mattsun. Kids... this is my boyfriend Ken."

My dad looked nervous. I stared at him. I know he told me he use to have a fling with his old best friend but I didn't actually think he was still interested in guys. I wonder how mom reacted?

Nonetheless, I smiled and nodded at Ken. "I'm so happy to meet you."

Ken smiles softly. "You too." He glanced at Mattsun before looking out the window. My dad sighed and leaned his arms on the table.

"Sorry he's shy."

Mattsun laughed. I shook my head. "Don't worry. How are you?"

"Me? Son how are you?! Getting into your dream college look at you go."

I turned my head embarrassed. Why it is true I got into my dream college, I think I would've rather failed the exams and went to community college with Mattsun.


A waitress came to the table a bit while after and asked for our orders. My dad ended up getting us all lunch and paying for it. Ken became more talkative as time went on. I liked him. I'm glad my dad found someone.

Mattsun constantly was checking the time. When it hit 1:30, he looked at me and whispered. "Baby. Can we go?"

I glanced at my dad quickly but he was giggling over something with Ken. "Why?"

Mattsun begged me with his eyes. I bit my lip and sighed. "Hey dad," I turned to him. "Mattsun and I have plans before we have to leave is it okay if we go?"

My dad coughed a bit and nodded with a smile. "Sure thing son. Love you. Call me okay?"

"I will! Promise. Nice meeting you Ken."

Mattsun wished them both a happy goodbye before basically dragging out of that cafe. We walked hand in hand down the street. Our bus to leave town came at 6. I didn't want to part ways with him.

Without thinking about it much, I started crying. Mattsun noticed but didn't say anything. Instead, he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and wrapped his arms around me.

He let me cry into his shoulder as I clung to him. "I don't wanna go."

"I know baby. But it'll be okay. If you don't go you'll regret it forever." I attempted shaking my head at his words but he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me harshly. "Don't shake your head at me."

He tried to smile but he too had tears in his eyes. I kissed him again. He pulled away after a minute. "Come on. If you wanna have sex one last time we don't have time to waste."

I laughed but followed him anyway. We arrived at a hotel. Mattsun ordered us a room with a beautiful window view of the city. I'm gonna miss it here.

Mattsun wrapped his arms around me from behind. "You're gonna hate me in a minute."

I snorted and turned in his arms. "Why?" Mattsun smirked and stepped away from me. As soon as he got down on one knee I lost it. "No stop are you fucking serious."

"Yeah I am." He laughed. "Hanamaki Takahiro, will you marry me?"

"Will I marry you?! Of fucking course!" I fell into his arms squeezing him tightly. He kissed my cheek over and over again before finally putting the ring on my finger. I stared at the diamond.

"Gonna brag to Oikawa?" He asked stroking my cheek.

"Hell yeah." I smiled at him sitting in his lap. He leaned forward pressing the softest kiss against my shoulder.

"I know we can't financially get married till after we finish college but... I still wanted to call you my fiancé."

I rubbed my nose against his with a giggle. He was right, we don't have enough money to throw a wedding but it didn't matter, I loved him all the same. "So is my fiancé gonna make love to me now?"

He snorted and stood up, taking me with him. "Of fucking course." he smiled copying what I had said earlier.


The part no one was expecting

Don't worry I wasn't expecting it either

But I got bored


Seeeee magical things happen when I'm bored😋

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