Private Lifes 2 (Matsuhana)

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This chapter gave me to many problems for how simple it is I-

Literally took me forever

-Makki and Mattsun private chat-

Mattsun- babe
Did you really have to leave the groupchat

Makki- please just leave me tf alone

Mattsun- makki

Makki- I am not dealing with you right now
I don't see why you fucking care if she comes to the wedding

Shouldn't I have a fucking say in all this?!
I mean if you didn't want someone at the wedding I'd respect you're wishes!

Makki- sure

Mattsun- makki

Makki- no I'm done.
Wedding off anyway

Mattsun- don't say that

Makki- whatever

Mattsun- babe

Makki- I just really don't understand why you had to be so rude
Okay so say I don't invite her
Say we don't try to make amends now
Then when??
She's my mom Matsukawa

Mattsun- makki...

Makki- seriously I just... ugh

Mattsun- wanna talk when I get home

Makki- no fuck you
I'm going to sleep.

-Mattsun POV-

I woke up this morning alone in bed. I had attempted to turn over to hold Makki and tell him I was deeply sorry. I don't understand why he's so upset with me? Everything I've said about his mom has just been straight facts. I mean, who the hell sends their son to a conversion camp?

Groaning, I rolled onto my stomach. "Babe?" I called out hoping he'd answer. When he hadn't, I groaned once again yelling for him once more with a pouting tint in my voice. "Baby?"

Makki appeared in the doorway, towel around his waist. He looked at me. I smiled softly but it wasn't returned. He walked over to the dresser and dropped his towel to get dressed.

I sighed and sat up. "You're seriously not going to talk to me Makki?"

He was silent. I stretched and moved to the edge of the bed. When Makki turned around, I looked up at him. He blinked away tears. "I'm going to see my mom."

I groaned and reached for his hand. He was surprisingly still wearing his ring. Even though he called off the wedding, deep down I know he never actually meant it. At least I hope it didn't.

I leaned my head onto his stomach pouting soflty. His small hand came up to run through my hair. I hummed softly with appreciation. "You can come, but you're staying in the car."

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked looking up at him. He rolled his eyes and pushed my head away before turning around to finish getting dressed. I groaned.

We haven't seen his mother since that time in highschool. We've been in touch with his dad often. Sometimes when we would meet up during college, we'd have lunch with his father and his father's boyfriend. I loved Makki's father as if he was my own. But his mom can die in a ditch for all I care.

I'm having a really hard time understanding why he wants to see her. After all the pain she has caused him.

Sighing, I rolled out of bed and began changing. From the corner of my eye, I saw Makki staring at me. I know he wanted me to apologize but he already missed his shot for me to do that this morning.

Once I had my pants on, I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen making myself a bowl of oatmeal. I sat against the counter eating it slowly and waiting for Makki. When he came out, dressed beautifully I almost chocked. Why does he have to be mad at me?! I just wanna kiss him and tell him how pretty he is.

He's prettier then Oikawa. (Not lol. You thought Mattsun)

"What? And are you gonna put on a shirt?"

I nodded, swallowing the blueberry flavor and sighing. "You look great Makki."

"Okay." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I have to meet her by 10 so if you could hurry up."

I groaned and quickly ate the rest of my bowl. Makki was on his phone the whole time. I wonder how long he plans to be pissed at me. Most of the time, it's never long, he just ignores me for a little until he wants something or is cold. Yeah, I love the winter because he can never be mad at me since me and my hoodies are the only things that keep him warm.

After I got dressed, Makki rushed me to the car. As we drove, his leg was bouncing and he was biting the shit out of his lip. He was nervous.


He jerked his head toward me, his teeth moving from his bottom lip to reveal blood. I sighed, glancing at the road before I reached over and wiped the blood from the side of his mouth.

"Shit sorry." He licked his lips. I looked back the road. He leaned over, laying his head against my shoulder. "I'm scared."

He pulled on my arm so I released it from the wheel and drove with only my left arm. He held my right hand tightly. I squeezed his hand. "Don't be."

"You're gonna stay out here right?"

"In the car? Yeah. But I'll come in if I need to." He shook his head slightly.

He didn't waste no time when we arrived. He went in almost immediately. I knew it was because if he hadn't, he'd end up bringing me with. Makki's like that.

I sat in the car for what seemed like 10 minutes before I saw the restaurant door open. A women who I was sure was Makki's mother walked out, a child held loosely in her arms. I quickly got out of the car. "Hey!" I yelled toward her. She glanced in my direction and scooted.

"Who are you?"

"Don't play games Ms. Hanamaki. Where's Takahiro?"

"My disappointment of a fucking son? I don't know." She pushed my shoulder and walked on. I cursed and quickly went into the restaurant. I looked around but didn't see Makki. Around by the window, was a waitress cleaning up water from the floor. I crouched near her.

"Have you seen a man in here with that women that just left? He's short, pinkish hair, he-."

The waitress pointed toward the bathroom with a sigh. "That lady threw her cup at him. I think he was crying. Baby mama gone wild I guess?"

I cringed and shook my head. "Thanks." I whispered and stood up. I knocked on the bathroom door before I entered. "Takahiro..."

He was standing at the sink, his shirt off. He was frantically twisting it too get the water out of it. I sighed and grabbed his shoulder. "Babe."

He flinched away from me. "Don't...."

His shirt wasn't leaking any water from it anymore. I tried to pull him away from the sink but he wouldn't budge. I grabbed both his shoulders and turned him to face me. He had tears in both his eyes. His gaze avoiding my own as he spoke. "You were right. Is that what you wanna here?.."

"What? Makki n-."

"My mother hates me. She's never gonna change and you where right all along."

"That doesn't matter baby." I pulled him against me. He dropped his shirt to our feet and hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder. "I got you." I stroked the back of his head.

He hugged me tighter. "I.. I know."

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