Makki/Mattsun IRL

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-Makki POV-

"M-matsukawa..." I said watching him tie my hands together. "Do we have to do this?" He bluntly ignored me pulling the rope tight. If I wasn't so scared and the rope wasn't as tight as it was, I probably would've thought that was hot. Because don't get me wrong, it was, but he's scaring me right now.

"Lift you're arms up." He demanded avoiding eye contact with me. My heart was pounding but I did as he said, hating how exposed I was. He tied my arms to the bed within seconds. I brushed his hip with my leg finally causing him to look at me.

He ran a finger up and down my leg as he started at me. "Have you ever done this before?" I asked pulling on my wrist slightly and immediately regretted it because the rope was too tight.

When Mattsun didn't answer I didn't know how to take it. I know he's been with girls before me, but I never knew he was capable of this. I mean we've always joked about doing this but never once had either of us actually wanted to try it. Or so I thought.

"No. But you need punished."

My heart jumped a bit, my cheeks heating up. His thumb rubbed against my cheek. I turned my head to the side of the bed we weren't on. Over there he had all kinds of things. I don't even know where the hell he got those. I wasn't really interested in doing any of this to be honest. I was terrified especially since Mattsun is pissed at me.

I brought my eyes back to him and touched my foot to his bare chest. "Do we have to do this?... can't you just li-."

Mattsun spread my legs apart and cut me off by pressing into me with a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth swallowing every sound coming from me. When he pulled away there was a string of saliva connecting us.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you kissed him." He glared at me. I turned my head embarrassed. In my defense, my coworker kissed me. I pulled away. Not my fault I'm so attractive and like-able.

Mattsun happened to walk in as I was pushing him away. Which looked really bad. Luckily I was able to explain to him that it was nothing but that still didn't calm him down. So, I told him he could punish me. He immediately excepted the offer and shoved me in the shower while he 'set up.' I didn't think he was going to go this far.

"I-I didn't kiss him..." I whispered. Mattsun turned my head and put a blindfold over my eyes. I shook my head. "Please take it off. I don't wanna wear a blindfold."

"No." Is all Mattsun said before he leaned down and his lips attached to my neck. My heart was racing and burning. I didn't like not knowing what he was going to do. I hated it.

Scared, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I squeezed him close leaning my head back to allow him better access to my neck. His lips attached there like I had predicted. Mattsun was all for leaving sloppy neck kisses and marking me. 

I whimpered when his hand came down hard on the side of my thigh just barely grazing the part of my butt could be reached. Instead of rubbing the sore spot, he slapped it again, the crack of his skin meeting mine echoing through the room. I couldn't figure out if I should enjoy this or not. Maybe if my hands weren't tied and I could see I would be fine. But as of right now, I can't get my heart to calm down.

"You knew how flirty he was. Yet you continued to lead him on and flirt back huh?" He asked smacking my other side now. I opened my mouth but he shushed me with his lips, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth.

I shook my head for a response instead. But I don't even know if he was paying attention. He ran his hands down my legs until he reached under my knees. "Let go." He demanded pulling on my knees to match his words.

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