Private chats 😩

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Um- idk what to do with this story. I'm probably gonna timeskip to when Yachi goes into labor-

-Mad Dog and Terushima Private chat-

Terushima- 🍑

Mad dog- ....I-

Terushima- 👉👈

Mad dog- omg stop

Terushima- 😔👉👈

Mad dog- Teru

Terushima- 😅😔🚪

Mad dog- I'm-

Terushima- :)

Mad dog- you okay?

Terushima- 😌

Mad dog- ....:(

Terushima- what's wrong?

Mad dog- you weren't talking to me :(

Terushima- Sorry I'm working :(

Mad dog- so am I stupid 😔

Terushima- Ik are you hot?

Mad dog- I mean ;)

Terushima- fiurbenehe
Are you flirting
Fuck kyo
You're adorable

Mad dog- well ik what you were getting at
And no I will not send you a picture

Terushima- one? :(

Mad dog- why?

Terushima- cause I love you

Mad dog- yeahhhhhhh

Terushima- 😩

Mad dog- you're dad gonna kill us if he watches the cameras and sees us on our phones

Terushima- his fault for putting us on different routes

Mad dog- I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose honey

Terushima- I know :( my dad is meannn

Mad dog- no 😂
He just knows his son

Terushima- what would I possibly do if we were on the same route

Mad dog- well we wouldn't have to sext I'll tell you that

Terushima- 👁👄👁
Did you mean text?

Mad dog- no babe

Terushima- jfidjejsis
You broke me

Mad dog- good since you break my back pretty often
I guess this is what you get in turn

Terushima- I'm blushing so hard rn
What's his name is looking at me like I'm an idiot

Mad dog- cause you are ✨

Terushima- 😩 babeeeee

Mad dog- my idiot tho❤️

Terushima- 😭😭😭 gosh you're amazing

-Semi And Tendou-

Semi- hey I got an urgent call this morning so you're breakfast is in the microwave
Make sure you take you're pills
I want a video

Tendou- semisemi good morning to you too
I'm sad
You didn't cuddle me this morning

Semi- I know
I'm sorry

Tendou- it's okay

Semi- okay :)
Take you're medicine honey

Tendou- okay okay
I'll send you a video on snap

Haikyuu text Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora