Double The Trouble pt1

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Heyo~ ~

So this will be part one of the wedding!

Hope you like the title~ 

Also- ya this is a year in the future~

-Bokuto POV-

"You aren't going to do anything with your hair?" Kuroo side glanced me as he buttoned up his white shirt.

I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. "I know, you of all people, are not giving me hair advice." Kuroo gasped acting as if he was offended. I shook my head to the right so my hair would move out of my eyes. "Akaashi likes when my hair is down."

Lev stepped in front of me running his hands over my shirt and my hair a bit. I stood there unamused. Models, I swear to god. Daishou stepped in front of Kuroo doing the same thing to him. I didn't know those two were still friends, but Daishou basically begged to be Kuroos best man. Kuroo hadn't really had anyone else lined up anyway, so he let him. I chose Lev as mine.

He was excited about it. Yaku said he jumped with joy the moment we told him about it. Wish I would've been there to see that.

"Special delivery." Came Konoha voice as the door opened. I turned around to see him holding Kito. His eyes were puffy and red. He reached for me without a word.

I took him into my arms holding him tightly. He sniffled into my chest. He really was a daddy's boy. He got that from akaashi. That's for sure.

Konoha stepped over to Daishou kissing his cheek before addressing me. "He was screaming his head off for you. Akaashi wanted to bring him himself."

I nodded. I don't really believe in that bad luck good luck thing. I just need to sneak away and see him, after all, I haven't seen him since early this morning. This is my first time seeing Kito all day as well. I kissed his head, rubbing his back. "Wheres your sister baby?"

Kito looked up at me and shrugged holding his hands out in a questioning manner. I smiled.

"Oh, Hinata has her. He ran off to beg Kageyama for one. Taking her with. I think the twins are with him as well."

Kuroo snorted. "That kid is dealing with my demon children? Oh god I feel sorry for him."

Lev patted my back. "Hitoka is looking for me. I'll be back later." He smiled before leaving.

I looked around at the rest. Kuroo was focusing on his hair, switching the style ever five seconds. Konoha and Daishou were holding each other and whispering sweet nothings. I smirked and snuck out the room. "Let's go sweet mommy." I told Kito. He nodded pointing down the hallway where Akaashi's room was.

On the way, I ran into Tendou who had a little girl in his arms, and a boy hanging on his back. "Go faster dad!" The boy pouted. Tendou shook his head.

"If I drop her kyotani will murder me."

"What's murder?"

Tendou shook his head. I laughed as I passed by. Semi and him adopted a little boy a few months back. He's been an orphan since he was a baby, and when Tendou saw him, he couldn't look away. He begged semi for weeks. Until semi finally have in. Now semi can't post one picture on insta without the boy in it.

I opened Akaashi's dressing room quietly. Of course, Kenma was on his phone tapping away. Gosh he's such a mood.

I placed Kito on the ground. He ran over to Kenma and stood on his tiptoes to try and see his phone. Kenma lifted the boy onto his lap. "Akaashi's in the bathroom." He said pointing. I nodded.

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