Private Lifes 1 (Bokuto And Akaashi)

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-Bokuto and Akaashi Private chat-

Bokuto- akaashi

Akaashi- what...

Bokuto- please don't be mad

Akaashi- I'm not...

Bokuto- then talk to me...

Akaashi- ...those were meant for your eyes only...

Bokuto- I know akaashi im sorry..

Akaashi- it's not fair
I was scared to take them in the first place

Bokuto- I know baby

Akaashi- and evening though it was just Kuroo... it doesn't change the fact that it was someone other than you looking at me like that

Bokuto- at least you look hot

Akaashi- ......

I know
I know
I'm sorry

Akaashi- ..

Bokuto- can I come cuddle in bed with you now...


Bokuto- are you crying

Akaashi- you know how insecure I am and how scared I was to send them in the first place...

Bokuto- akaashi...
Ik baby
I'm really really sorry okay?
Just lest me come make it up to you?

Akaashi- idk...

Bokuto- I have to leave for college this weekend and this is how your gonna treat me? :(

Akaashi- oh...
Come here

Bokuto- smile

Akaashi- just hurry up...

Bokuto- :(

-Bokuto POV-

I basically ran up the stairs. Kuroo bumped into me on his way down. "Ouch dude chill." He laughed grabbing my shoulders to steady me. I looked up the stairs past him biting my lip. "Gotta hot date or something? Kenmas in there." He said nodding up the stairs.

I frowned. "Well I wanna see my boyfriend." I moved from his grip and ran to my room. When I opened the door, Akaashi and Kenma were on my bed cuddling. I pouted and climbed in behind Akaashi and pulled him to my chest. "Cuddle me.." I pouted into his shoulder.

Akaashi only moved to hug Kenma tighter. I was tempted to kick Kenma out for stealing my baby attention but Kuroo came in seconds later leaning on the door frame.

"Hey babe. The baths ready."

Kenma basically hoped out of bed. "Love you Akaashi.." he kissed Akaashis forehead. Before running over and jumping into Kuroos arms. Kuroo caught him with a chuckle. "Let's go!" He said excitedly. Kuroo kicked the door shut behind him as he left.

Kenmas been much more lovey dovey lately. I think it's because Kuroo and I have to leave. Kuroo absolutely loves it. He doesn't wanna leave because of it. I've never seen Kuroo so happy. Akaashi's been clingy as well. Except, besides now of course cause I hurt his feelings like the idiot I am.

I pulled Akaashi closer to me. He grunted and turned around burying his face in my chest. "If you weren't leaving Friday, you'd be sleeping on the coach right now." He mumbled.

I rubbed his back with one hand. "You love me." I whispered a bit hopeful. I never doubted his loved me, but I know how pissed he is right now.

"I do.." he looked up at me. His eyes were puffy and red. I pressed my lips against his softly, luckily he kissed me back. "Promise me you won't show anyone when your away.."

"You don't want me to delete them?" I brought my hand to his cheek stroking it softly. He lightly shook his head, a deep red setting in on his face.

"You really like them..."

I grinned kissing him once more. "I do really like them." He shifted his leg in between mine. "You look really sexy in them." I whispered moving my kisses to his neck. He clung to my shirt as my hands made their way to his pants.

"Bokuto-San.." he whimpered softly as I bit his collarbone. "Y-you can take off my shirt." He said noticing my struggle as I tried to kiss his skin. I removed my hands from his pants and instead lifted his shirt off his body.

Akaashi's skin was pure and very fair. He's so damn beautiful. He was lightly tanned due to being outside so much and when I'd press my hand against his skin, it'd lighten.

"H-hey stop staring..." he pouted a little rubbing his knee against my growing member. I shook my head and cleared my throat before continuing my journey of kissing down his chest.

He arched his back slightly allowing me to slip his pants off. I moved my lips all the way down to his thighs. He shivered when my tongue came out and glided across his skin. "Hey..." he whimpered sitting up and pulling my head toward his own. "I'm going to miss you."

Akaashi looked into my eyes with the most sad and serious expression I've ever seen. "I'm going to miss you too." I said back not breaking our stare.

"Promise me you'll come back to me."


"Promise me."

I stared at him for a moment longer. I was confused as to why he was making me promise when he already knew the answer. Akaashi means everything to me.

"I'll always come back to you." I moved my hand to his waist. "I promise."

He nodded kissing me harshly. "I love you Kou." He wrapped his arm around my neck. I sat up pulling Akaashi with me our lips never separating.

"I love you too Keiji."

He pulled at my shirt our lips moving just for a moment so I could throw it to the floor. "Show me just how much..." He begged rubbing his body against my own. "Please..."



I decided that in between each of these types of chapters I'm gonna do some chat chapters because I get sick of writing irl things and sometimes just wanna go back to the chat.

Which means this book will be longer than normally intended but who cares.

But it also means the Yaku and lev chapter will be delayed.


Also also.


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