Makki and Mattsun IRL

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-Mattsun POV-

"I can't believe you convinced me to let you come.." Makki took in a deep breath leaning his head on the drivers wheels and squeezing it tightly.

I glanced at his house. The lights where on and the car was here. In all honesty, I was hoping they left. I know it sounds wrong of me but I was just trying to save him.

"I wouldn't have let you go by yourself." I turned back to Makki. He still hadn't moved. I placed a hand on his knee. He flinched slightly before moving his hand to mine and squeezing it tightly. "I love you Hanamaki."

He nodded. "I know..Matsukawa.."

I leaned over pressing my lips to his cheek. He sighed appreciatively. I moved my lips to his ear, nibbling on his earlobe softly. "Hey... no more pouting..." I whispered kissing his neck. 

Makki moved away. "M-Mattsun.." he blushed covering his neck.

"What?" I grabbed his shirt, pulling him too me. His face was red as hell. My lips barely touched his. "You know you like it."

"B-but.. we..."

"Shhh..." I went in for the kiss but backed out last minute and sat back in my seat.

Makki stared at me confused. I purposely didn't look at him. "Matsukawa!"

I burst out laughing. He crossed his arms pouting again. I loved teasing him. It has become one of my favorite things ever.

"It's so easy to tease you Makki."

"Yeah well it's not funny. Especially in front of my parents house!"

I turned to him. "So you don't want a kiss?"

He opened his mouth, than closed it. "Of course I want a kiss..." he grunted looking away.

I chuckled and leaned back in my seat. "Then come get one." I opened my arms. He shook his head.

"N-not in front of my parents house..."

"Then when?"

He leaned over quickly kissing my cheek. "Later when I come home with you."

He didn't say anything else before getting out of the car. I sighed softly banging my head on the back of the seat.

I got out walking up to Makki and taking his hand. He looked at me and pulled away. "Not...I..."

I nodded understandingly. "It's okay Makki."

He knocked on the door. "Hey... it's not that I don't want them to know or anything but..."

"Makki...." I went to say something else but the door opened. It was his mom. She stared at us. It was the most confused look I've ever seen on a women. And I've seen some confused looking women.

"W-what are you doing here?!"

Makki scratched the back of his head stepping behind me slightly. "Mom... I wan-."

"Your not supposed to be here!"

Makki flinched. I stepped completely in front of him. "Ma'am, no disrespect but your son fought me to the death to come see you. He misses you."

She shook her head. "No. No! He's not allowed here until he's cured."

"Cured? What the hell? Being gay is not a disease!"

Makki hands curled around my arm. His mom gritted her teeth. "I can't believe you came back when I told you not to!"

I stared at her. She attempted to stare back but couldn't keep eye contact.

Eventually, his dad came to the door. "Honey. What is- Matsukawa?"

I nodded at him. "Hi sir." I smiled softly and moved to show Makki. Once Makki saw his dad, his pushed his way threw his mom and wrapped his arms around him.

His mom flipped out. "No! You are not supposed to be in this house! Get out! Get him out!"

Makki turned to his mom, his eyes filled with tears. "J-just let me collect my stuff... and..." he glanced at me sniffling. My heart hurt. I wanted to reach out and hold him. "Then you'll never have to see me again."

I shook my head. His mom sighed noticeably. "You have 30 minutes to get whatever the fuck is in that room of yours."  She pointed upstairs. Makki nodded running up the stairs.

I stepped in attempting to follow him. "Where do you think your going?" His mom grabbed my arm to stop me. I jerked it away.

"To help my boyfriend pack."

She gasps. "Fucking can't believe this!? Why my son?!"

She left the room.  I glanced at Makki's dad. He shook his head. "I'm gonna take her out... take all the time you need okay? And please, take care of him. And promise you'll come to see me at least."

I smiled nodding as I did. "I got him. He's safe with me sir."

His dad smiled lightly placing his hand over his heart before following his wife. I walked up the stairs to Makki's room. Immediately, when I opened the door, Makki hugged me crying into my chest.

"Hey..." I held him tightly. "Baby.. it's okay."

"You were right Matsukawa.."

I shook my head. "No Hanamaki.."

He nodded pulling my shirt and looking up at me. "You were!" He sniffled. "Everyone hates me.."

I brought my hands up to his cheeks wiping all his tears. "I don't hate Makki.." I kissed him softly. "No even a little."

Ofosgajaksjsjbs ummm I feel like this chapter is really bad but ye. I originally had planned for his mom to start supporting him and Mattsun relationship but decided last minute that I also wanted someone to have a parent who does like it. So boom.

Expect the next chapter later tn probably. No promises tho.

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