Missing the Fourth

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-in HEY HEY HEY chat-

Bokuto- hi guys

Kuroo- hey bud :(

Oikawa- omg hi

Kenma- I forgot you were in this chat

Oikawa- I'm sorry I can leave?

Kuroo- no

Bokuto- naw

Kenma- :(

Kuroo- loll baby~

Bokuto- kenma as always

Oikawa- hey bokuto, how are you?

Bokuto- um.. I'm okay?... I guess

Kuroo- hows akaashi

Bokuto- oh he woke up earlier but he went right back to sleep...

Kenma- really!

Kuroo- that's good

Bokuto- yeah... I feel really bad..

Kuroo- bokuto...

Kenma- ....

Bokuto- I haven't seen him in forever.. or got to talk to him... and the last thing I told him was that I wanted to have sex with a girl... wtf is wrong with me

Kenma- bokuto..

Oikawa- hey nothing is wrong with you

Bokuto- obviously there is... I was just joking but I mean he was really upset about it.. and I continued to ignore his feelings...

Kuroo- bokuto stop..

Bokuto- I'm such a bad boyfriend

Kenma- bokuto.. hey..

Oikawa- bokuto when was the last time you've slept

Bokuto- idk? Idc I'm tryna take care of akaashi

Kuroo- you have to sleep

Bokuto- no

Kenma- .....

Oikawa- you'll feel a lot better when you sleep. Trust me.

Bokuto- I can't sleep

Kuroo- I think you should come home

Bokuto- ....

Kenma- please bokuto.. akaashi will be fine

Oikawa- I'm sure the doctors are looking over him

Bokuto- I feel horrible

Oikawa- Ik but you need sleep and a shower.. do you think akaashi would want you to do this too yourself?

Bokuto- ...

Kuroo- he's right bokuto please

Kenma- we miss you

Kuroo- we do. Come on you can come cuddle with us

Kenma- ^

Bokuto- what about akaashi

Oikawa- well did the doctors say he should get up soon?

Bokuto- idk... I'm so tired I can't remember things correctly

Oikawa- see..

Kuroo- please bokuto.. I love you and miss you

Bokuto- ❤️

Kuroo- ❤️

Kenma- ❤️.     ❤️❤️.  < for akaashi :)

Kuroo- kenma~

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