Kenma and Kuroo IRL

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When Kuroo asked me on a date. I thought he was playing. Then he showed up to my place in real nice clothes and a pair for me as well.

It took him a little time to convince me to go but once he did, I told him I wanted to take a shower. He sat on my bed and waited for me. Once I was done, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way to my room. I had forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom because normally I don't.

Sighing, I opened my door with a blush on my face. Kuroo glanced at me before looking back at his phone. It took him a minute but then he looked again sitting up quickly. "Wow Kenma.." he scratched the back of his head.

I crossed my arms. "Please shush. I forgot my clothes!"

Kuroo nodded watching me walk into my closet and grabbing a pair of boxers. I looked at them then up at him. "Can you turn around please?!"

"Oh!" Kuroo coughed softly. "Yeah.." he turned around. I watched him for a minute before dropping my towel and quickly putting on boxers.

"Okay. My boxers are on..."

Kuroo immediately turned to look at me. I crossed my arms over my chest feeling to exposed. I looked down my hair falling in front of my face.

"Hey... why you getting all embarrassed..."

I shook my head. My body shivered from the water dripping from my hair to my skin. Kuroo placed a hand on my cheek. I looked up at him.

"Hurry up and get dressed."

I pushed his chest. He dramatically fell back collapsing on my floor with his hand over his heart. I snorted. "Stay there and die." I rolled my eyes.

Kuroo smiled up at me. "I'd die for you."

I turned around to grab the outfit he bought for me. I slipped on the pants. "Would you?"

Kuroo sighed. "Of course. Though you probably don't believe me..."

I turned to look at him. He was still on the floor he eyes closed. I can't believe Tsukishima did that to him. Like why? Kuroo is so sweet once you get to know him.

"Kenma... are you crying?.."

"What?" I rubbed my eyes. Tears were falling down my cheek. I shook my head. "I don't know why..."

He stood up quickly pulling me against his chest. "What were you thinking about?"

I wrapped my arms around his waist. He smelt like a shit ton of cologne but I didn't mind. I wanted him closer to me. Why does it feel like no matter what, he'll be closer with Tsukishima because of what he did...

"You... and Tsukishima.."

Kuroo cleated his throat. "Hey.. lets uhhh.. lets uh not think about that please. Why don't you get your shirt so we can go?"

I nodded but hugged him tighter. He leaned down kiss my head. Gosh I like him so much. 

Eventually, I stopped crying and got ready. We got a taxi to a really nice restaurant. It must have cost a fortune.

At dinner, Kuroo kept asking me about random little things. I could tell he was trying to make sure I was having a good time. To be honest though, we could've cuddle and I woulda been happy.

"What about your new game? Beat it yet?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not a monster Kuroo.. it's 40 hours. And you have to read."

Kuroo raises an eyebrow at me. 40 hours for you is like what? 15?"

I crossed my arms. "Shut up..."

He laughed softly taking a bite of his stake. I sipped my coke watching him.

It wasn't till we left the restaurant that I realized how cold it was. "Dammit. We missed the taxi hours.." Kuroo sighed leaned against the wall. I came closer to him and started to unzip his jacket. He froze.

I pushed myself into his chest wrapping my around around him. His jacket was so fuzzy and warm on the inside.

He sighed patting my head. "I'm sorry it's super cold." He wrapped his arms around me. "We're probably gonna have to walk. Wanna wear my coat?"

I looked up at him. "Yeah."

I wore Kuroo jacket as we walked to my house. I was nice and warm but Kuroo was not. Even though I could tell he was trying to hide it, I saw how much he was shivering

Attempting to warm him up, I held his hand and walked shoulder to shoulder with him. Even though it was more shoulder to elbow cause I'm short but we don't talk about it.

Once we reached my house he walked me too the door only then did he let go of my hand. I looked up at him. "You want your jacket back?"

He shook his head. "You can keep it." I bit my lip. He punched my shoulder lightly. "Don't make that face. You make me wanna kiss you.."

Blushing, I turned my head slightly away. "You mean you weren't planning to?"

I could feel the relieve bouncing off him. When I looked back up, cold yet soft lips were pressed against mine. I made it my missions to warm them up. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't want him to pull away just yet. His hands moved to my waist picking me up. He pushed me against my front door. Thank god my parents were out of town.

When his tongue touched my own, I pulled away. Not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't want to get to excited.

Kuroo slowly put me down and cleared his throat. "Um.. well.. see you tomorrow.."

I nodded wiping my mouth. As he started to walk away I opened my door. But something was stopping me from going in. My heart, my head, my body? They all wanted Kuroo.

I turned around quickly. "Hey Kuroo!"

Kuroo stopped in his tracks to look at me. His hands were in his pocket as he shivered lightly. "Hmm?"

"Do um..." just say it. Just say it. Why can't I say it?!


I took in a deep breath extending my hand out to him. "Do you wanna stay over?"

(This couple starting to grow on me but it's still not the best but it reminds me of one of my oc relationships so oof) (oh yeah, hahaha here's your kuroken chapter Kuroosbitch- ). This one is like the longest IRL chapter i have so far. So your welcome. Now you owe me.

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