Double The Trouble pt 2

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Not me skipping the vows-


Anyway. :)

Also. Yes I'm naming Oikawas son after Hawks. IDC FIGHT ME I LOVE HIM.

-Kenma POV-

Kuroo placed his hand on my own glancing over at Akaashi and Bokuto who had their own cake. They are lucky that Oikawa knows people in high places. Earlier today, Oikawa and a couple other arrived early. Bokuto and Kuroo had been moving the cake and laughing. Resulting in them dropping it.

I honestly wish I would've saw everyone's faces, it must've been so funny. Especially since the two thought we would have to share one cake. Which I wouldn't be mad about. I love all four of them.

Anyway, Oikawa immediately left after that going to pick up another cake. It look almost exactly the same, and if Kuroo wouldn't have opened his big mouth, Akaashi wouldn't even have noticed.

"Alright yall ready?" Lev said standing in front of us with a camera. All four of us nodded. "One, two three.." Everyone cheered as we cut the cake together. I bent my head back and looked up at Kuroo. He kissed my forehead before licking his fingers.

I moved from his grip and walked out in the crowd taking Keoni from Hinata. He clapped and looked to my side where Kuroo was standing holding our daughter in his arms. He began to sway softly following along with the music. I did the same singing to Keoni.

I hate singing out loud, but Keoni loved my voice for some reason. It started to develop when he was just 3 months old. He got extremely sick out of nowhere. He had to be left in the hospital built himself for sometime. I'd visit him each day, Kuroo would tag along when he could but he had to work extra to balance the hospital bills.

I started holding his little hand and singing to him each time I went over. Kuroo was surprised when he first heard it. He's not use to me singing.

Akaashi's giggled forced my gaze off of my son and over to the right. He was holding his daughter watching as Bokuto danced with Kito, Hitoka and Keigo. Keigo was still so small compared to the other two. Oikawa promises he's gonna be short like his father. Each time he says that, Iwaizumi just tells him to fuck off.

I placed Keoni down letting him waddle over and join the party. Kuroo did the same with Kiyoshi. "Koutaro do not step on my son." Iwaizumi yelled somewhere from the crowd.

I giggled and turned to Kuroo. He held out his hand. He's been surprisingly silent for most of the day. I wrapped my arms around his neck having to stand on my tiptoes to do so. "Wanna dance with me?" I whispered.

He laughed pulling my arms down till my hands rested on his chest. "Of course Kenma." He placed his hands on my hips. "I'd love to dance with my husband."

My cheeks heated up at that statement. Fuck, we've been engaged for so long because Bokuto was too much of a pussy to purpose. But I really liked the idea of a double wedding so I waited. Plus Akaashi seemed so excited about it, even before the two were engaged. Barely anything in this world compares to akaashi smiling.

I laid my head on Kuroos chest watching everyone else. Tendou and Matsukawa where over by the punch probably debating on rather or not to spike it. It we didn't have kids here, I'd say go on ahead. But Kito drinks just about anything without asking.

I remember one time when Bokuto left out alcohol and Kito got the tiniest sip. Akaashi was so pissed, he lectured Bokuto for a good hour. Kito hid away in my room playing with the twins. 'Mommy scary,' he use to tell me. In the end, Akaashi was just scared he'd get sick or something from it, luckily he was perfectly fine.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Hinatas bright orange hair. He was standing in front of Kyoutani makin grabby hands at Lexi. Kyoutani shook his causing Hinata to pout. Teru only laughed kissing his fiancé's cheek before taking the little girl into his own hands carefully handing her to Hinata. Kyo pouted, getting a pat on the head from Teru. Those two will most likely be the next wedding we all attend.

"Hey..." Kuroo whispered. I looked up at him. "You look beautiful Puddin."

I smiled brightly. "And you look very handsome Tetsurou!" I giggled.

He sighed softly, a smile spreading across his face. "I love seeing you happy like this Kenma. I'm gonna make you this happy everyday."

"You already do." I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

He kissed my forehead. "So cute." He whispered lowly. After another minute of dancing with Kuroo, he left to join Bokuto. Eventually Iwaizumi jumped in and started dancing too when Keigo fell and cried.

I stood back with Akaashi, Kyoutani, Oikawa and Hinata. "So hina~." Oikawa snickered poking my best friends cheek. I glared at him a bit yet got. completely ignored.

Akaashi turned to me asking if I could hold his daughter while he went to the bathroom. She was asleep surprisingly. All this noise, I'd be pissed. Kuroo tries to be really quiet when he gets up for work because of how much of a light sleeper I am.

"Gosh Tooru leave him alone." Kyoutani groaned from beside me. I looked up at him but he was staring down at his baby girl. She was barely 5 months old now. Kyoutani lightly kissed the side of her head but she never once glanced at him. She was to focused watching her father playing with the other kids.

Oikawa crossed his arms and pouted, laying his head on Kyoutani shoulder. "I just wanted to know if he was gonna get married or something. Meanychan.."

-Tanaka POV-

Kito, Kiri and Tendous son who I have yet to learn the name of, jumped me simultaneously. Noya stood above me laughing so hard he almost fell over. I groaned and accepted my defeat.

As I laid there, all the kids started climbing on me. Keoni patted my head staring down at me with eyes I know damn well he got from his father. I reached out and poked his nose. He panicked, tears falling from his eyes as he looked around. Kenma caught my eye from where he was standing with the others before coming over and scooping up his son. "It's okay baby." He told him.

Kito sat right on my chest. "Uncle naka!" He pouted. I groaned and scooted him down a bit so I could breath. The rest of the kids followed his lead. Kiyoshi sat in front of Kito. He wrapped his arms around her yelling at anyone who tried to push her. That's just adorable.

Keigo waddle near my head so I reached out and grabbed him, placing him on my chest. At least he was light.

"Naka don't scare them." Noya said taking a seat next to me, Kiri immediately sitting in his lap. She's starting to look more and more like mad dog every time I see her.

I played with the hair on top of Keigo's head, and man did that boy have a lot of it. It was so soft as well. He didn't seem to mind. He just played with the button on my shirt, occasionally trying to lean down and bit it off.

I looked up at Noya. "Gimme kiss." I pouted. Noya leaned down kissing me softly, just once. "I love you Noya."

He giggled happily. "And I love my naka."




Omfg I finally actually finished a book.



So since I'm allowed to have a maximum of 200 chapters,

Go ahead and leave request for the 8 chapters I have left.

First come first serve~

They can be anything! A scene that was talked about but I didn't actually write, a future scene, a certain couple, anything! ❤️❤️

I love y'all~

If you like My writing and wanna continue to read about these couples plus more, look at my other haikyuu texting book on my account! ❤️🥳

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